Turn up the love

"Bittersweet Memories"


I was so happy to have escaped from that place. Taemin was walking next to me, silent and in deep thought. We were walking up to the SM canteen to find some lunch.

I looked at him. 

"So what's your deal?" I asked.

He looked at me confused. "Huh?"

"Why did you suddenly want to go out for lunch?"

"One. I was hungry. Two. It was uncomfy inside that place." 

I laughed.

"Oh the mighty Taemin. Dancing-machine of SHINee, nervous around a few girls," I said winking at him.

He smiled. We came to the canteen. There was no one around so we sat down at the corner of the building which overlooked part of Seoul. 

The sound of my heels could be heard against the marble floor beneath me. 

"This is so awkward," I told him. He just laughed and went to get some lunch for the two of us. 

I sat and searched for my phone. Then I remembered that it was in Seulchan unnie's pocket. I groaned. 

"Is everything okay?" Taemin asked as he reached me with two trays of food. 

"Is everything okay?" I imitated him.

"I'm your sunbae. Respect," he said laughing.

Taemin spoke a little English and I spoke a little Korean. We found it hard to communicate, but we were having a good time. I could feel that we are gonna be best friends soon.

I looked at my plate. Sushi!

I crinkled my nose. I hate sushi. The idea of uncooked fish was enough to make me vomit. Thankfully, there was a bowl of noodles as well. So I started eating from that. 

Taemin and I spoke about our trainee days and life before training and all that. I couldn't believe it when he said that his elder brother is a trainee at SM too. 

We were speaking for some time when he grabbed my sushi from my plate and asked, "So Yeonchan and you are good friends, eh?" 

"Yeah. Why?" I asked my eyebrows raised.

"Just. She seems to be a good girl."

"Ooooh you like her don't you?" I asked him with a smile.

I could see him go red as he pecked the sushi with his chopstick. 

"Nothing like that," he muttered. 

I knew he didn't want to talk about it, so I let it go. 

"So what's Key's deal?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah... He's all silent today. Wonder what got into him," he said. 

We finished our lunch and started walking back to the training room. There was something puzzling me.

"So hold on," I said, pausing right out the practicing room door. "I thought you were going out with Krystal?"

"Krystal? We broke up long time back." 

I nodded.

"She doesn't suit you anyway," I said patting him on the back. 

"I'm insulted!" he said jokingly.

We laughed. 

"You should make a move on her buddy!" I said opening the door.

"Move on who?" his eyes wide open.

I nodded at Yeonchan's direction hoping he would get the message. 

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