The Mentors

"Bittersweet Memories"


I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Is that BoA unnie on stage? And.. OMG!!! Taeyeon!! Oh this was sooo good. 

I looked at Yoongbin and Yeonchan. They had their mouths open too. 

"Oh hello you three. Glad you could join us," said an SMent Manager from top of the stage. Everyone turned to look at us. I was blushing furiously. Meekly we went and took our seats at the second row.

I looked around us. 4 other groups like us were seated around. One was the group with three boys. They are supposed to debut in another two years or so. Then there were five girls. I would call them very snobby except for a few. They are called the "Angels". The next girl group which is about to debut is between them and us. So, it's very much like a competition to us. And then there were the six boys. Six very cute boys I should say. Their maknae is so cute with blond hair. His name is Yuhan and he's 17. Yeonchan and Yoongbin won't leave him alone. They flirt with him endlessly. And the flirt he is, he flirts back. 

I turn back my attention to the Manager on stage. 

"...So like I said, the group which wins this competition will have their debut shortened by six months." 

I looked at Yoongbin who was next to me, my mouth open. Yoongbin was shrieking.

"If we win this," said Yeonchan looking at me, "we get to debut earlier than those Angels." 

I smiled and listened to the Manager again. 

"You will have four weeks to train with your new mentors. As you can see the mentors are our first idol from SM, Miss BoA."

We all clapped as BoA took a bow on stage. 

The Manager continued, "Then TVXQ, Girls' Generation and the members of SHINee."

As the members of SHINee went on stage I was grinning so hard and I looked at Yoongbin. I was surprised to see her look down at her own hands and blush.


"Wae?" she asked.

"You blushing?"

She half-smiled. "Key's hot!" 

"I know," I said. The two of us have this mighty huge crush on Key. Her more than me. This was too good to be true.

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"The mentors will be selected randomly. There will be a red envelope under one of your chairs with a number inside it. Check the number on the envelope and walk over to the idols holding that number. The idols holding that number will be your mentor."

I was looking at the Manager. My brain was still processing what was going on. Seulchan and Yoongbin were looking under their seats. 

"Unnie!! Check under your seat!!!" 

I jumped up from my seat and felt inside the seat. I felt an old chewing gum stuck under the chair. I took my hand back in disgust. 

"Oh for heaven's sake..." Seulchan pushed me over as she reached under the seat to get the red envelope. 

Yoongbin and I peeped over her shoulder to check the number. 

There was a big fat printed on it. I looked at the stage to see the group who was holding it. It was SHINee!!

"Here," Seulchan said handing me the number. "You are the leader AND the one who found the number. You walk over to them. We'll follow you." 

"Nooo!" I shrieked pushing the envelope back to Seulchan's hands. I was honestly just scared to walk up to Minho. My heart was beating in my ears and I have never been THIS nervous to talk to a guy.

This went on for awhile when Yoongbin snatched the envelope from my hands.

"You guys! Stop it! We are making fools of ourselves. Let's just go up already!" 

She marched up the stage with us following her behind. 

I was surprised that Yoongbin wasn't nervous about walking up to SHINee. I mean, it's Key and people afterall.

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What in the world are you doing?? Turn back and RUN!!!!

I pushed the thoughts out of my head. Sure, I was nervous walking up to SHINee, but someone's gotta do it. 

Soon I was in front of them and I waved a hi at them awkwardly. I could see Jonghyun grinning and looking at me like I was some kind of a clown. 

Yeonchan nudged me from behind and spoke between her teeth, "They are our seniors. Bow!" 

So the three of us bowed ninety-degrees together. I personally hate the ninety-degree bow. So my bow was something like a seventy-five degree bow. 

I sneaked a peek at Key and I could see him glaring at me. 

Whoa! What's his problem? I thought. 

We walked down the stage. I was walking ahead with Jonghyun oppa and Onew oppa. They are really good. Unlike the man behind me who was STIL glaring at me.

"Let's check out our competition shall we?" Jonghyun asked smiling. 

"BoA unnie is a senior and she has six guys to mentor. So that will be a little hard for her. The TVXQ oppas have the three boys. That will be easy for them," Jonghyun was ranting on. "Then there's SNSD. They have mentored before and they've got the "Angels" now. So that will probably be easy for them too." 

"Then there's us," said Onew once we were circled around them. "We have no experience at all. But we've heard a good deal about you three. Your talents and the background you come from. It's nice to mentor you three." 

Awww, I thought. These two are sooo kind.

"Let's start our practice tomorrow shall we?" asked Taemin excitedly. 

"Anything to get our Taemin-ah to dance," said Jonghyun oppa winking at me. I giggled. I caught Key's glare again. I glared back at him.

"Let's find what we are gonna practice on then," said Onew. "We have nothing to do now as well." 

The three of us agreed. 

Excited we followed them to one of the practice rooms. 

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