Make him fall for me?!!?!?

My Tutor Friend

Sorry for not updating!!! It's the summer and I have been a bit lazy. -.-

Heechul - Blue

Chohee - Purple

Kevin - Red

Other characters - Green 


[Chohee POV]

I waited for Heechul outside his classroom. He finally walked out after five minutes.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was just waiting for you."

"Oh, ok." We started walking to his house. When we got there we went up to his room. I got out my books and started on my homework.

"Yah! Aren't supposed to tutor me?"

"Well if I do, you won't listen to me."

"Trust me I will."

"Alright but you better listen!"


(10 minutes later.)

"So what does X equal?" I looked at Heechul to see him sleeping.

"Heechul?" I slightly shook him but he wouldn't wake up. I grabbed my stuff and silently left. I decided to go home. I started walking home when a paper airplane hit my head. I grabbed it and read the note inside it.

 'YAH! Where do you are going? It better be important! See you tomorrow! - Jung Heechul'

I looked up to see Heechul smiling at me. He is so annoying!!! I started walking to my house when I saw a big moving truck in front of my house. I walked up to the truck to see Kevin-sunbae.

"Hi Chohee!"

"Hi Kevin-sunbae!"

"Call me Kevin-oppa now."

"Arraso K-Kevin-oppa." I said slightly blushing.

"Did you come from your job?"


"Chohee! Come help me in the kitchen!!!"

"Arasso omma!" I went to my room and got changed. I went to the kitchen and started helping my mom cooking. When we were finished cooking and setting up the table, it looked like we cooked for ten people. We called everyone to the table and started eating.

"Wow! Your food is amazing omma-nim."

"Thank you." After we finished eating and washing the dishes, me and Kevin went to sleep.

"Good night Chohee!"

"Goodnight oppa!"

{The next day}

I got up and went through my regular routine. I went to breakfast and sat next to Kevin.

"Good morning Chohee!"

"Good morning Oppa!"

"Are you going to school now?"


"Can I walk you to school?"

"If you want." I got ready and Kevin walked me to school. The whole walk to school with Kevin was awkward. We finally got to school.

"So I'll see you later."

"Yeah, Bye!"

"Bye!" I was walking to Jisun when Heechul blocked me.

"Who was that?"

"Just someone, Jealous?"

"N-N-No." I walked up to Jisun.

"Hi Chohee!"

"Hi Jisun!"

"Guess what I found out?"


"Heechul made a bet on me!"


"I'll tell you everything at lunch." We went to class.

{At Lunch}

"Chohee!!!! Tell me about the bet!!!"

"Arasso, so I went to see Heechul after school yesterday and some Taehun guy came in. He told Heechul to hurry up and kiss me if wanted to win the bet."

"KISS YOU?!?!?!"

"Calm down Jisun."

"What will Heechul get if he wins?"

"I think he will get money to buy a motorcycle."

"But Heechul's rich right?"

"That's right."

"Why won't he buy his own motorcycle?"

"His parents won't let him."


"I need you to help me get back at him."


"That's what I'm asking you."

"Oh I think I know what you should do."


"Make him fall for you."



YAY!!! Can't wait for July 8!

ZE:A's Comeback date!!!!!

Plz comment! ^____^

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how can I wait that long for zea to comeback...anyways update soon
kyuyoung20 #2
i love your story!! yes! ZE:A T^T please update soon
kpop_luver10 #3
@ BabyCopGurl I like Taehun also but he was the only one from ZE:A that would fit in that scene so I had to use him. Sorry for making seem like the bad guy!
choichan #4
"Did you do it yet?" <br />
"What?" <br />
"Did you kiss her?" || heechul will kiss chohee?<br />
<br />
Update soon~
choichan #5
Come on cho hee..!!! Go kiss heechul xD<br />
I like this chapter.. <br />
Update soon :D
choichan #6
kevin baaaackkkkkk !!! XD<br />
Heechul said tutoring with chohee it's not bad *how cute xD*<br />
<br />
Update soon :D