Shopping with Zhou Mi


lol such an uncreative title sorry...


Your older brother Kangin disapproves of a dress you want to wear to prom so Zhou Mi takes you shopping. 


Because I've always wanted to write a fic about shopping with Zhou Mi haha. and I'm really excited for my prom even though I don't have a date as of now lol. Constructive criticism/comments are nice. Thank you ^^


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Chapter 1: aw, this was so cute!!! tho poor mc not being able to wear what she wants :( glad it worked out in the end tho, with a sweet kiss~
Chapter 1: nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww omg now I started to like Zhoumi even more!!!! <3 keep writing! please!
Chapter 1: Aww!! I bet Kangin would be glad with the dress and be happy with me and Zhou Mi gonna be a couple. XD
Another good story!! XD
I LOVE IT ♥♥♥♥