And the First Point Goes to...

From Ex-Friends to Boyfriends

Chunji waved goodbye to Ricky over his shoulder and walked to his second period class, science. His most hated subject. Not because it was hard or anything- it was hilariously easy- it wasn’t the teacher either- Lee seonsaengnim was way too nice- but because of him. L.Joe. For whatever reason, Lee seonsaengnim had made them desk partners. Even worse, they never changed their seats so he was forever stuck with him! Chunji groaned inwardly as he trudged to the classroom. Let’s just get this over with… he thought.


Chunji opened the door to the classroom and greeted his fans  the other students. He made his way over to his seat and plopped down, ignoring the person next to him as usual. While getting his science textbook out of his bag, Chunji noticed a pink envelope that wasn’t there before. Curious, he picked it up and turned it over. The outside read “To Chunji-oppa” with no “from”. Immediately knowing what it was, Chunji opened it carefully and read the contents.



Dear Chunji-oppa,

You probably don’t know me, but I’ve liked you for a long time. I realize you probably won’t accept my feelings for you, but that’s okay. I just wanted you to know and get it off my chest. If you actually read this, thank you.


Choi Sulli



Chunji smiled slightly and put the letter away. Of course he knew Sulli; she was in almost all of his classes, including the one he was in right now. He took a notebook out of his bag and tore off an unused page.



Dear Sulli,


I’m sorry, but I can’t return these feelings to you. Don’t worry; I’m sure you’ll find someone who can share how you feel. If you don’t mind, I’d like to be friends. Don’t be sad over me, okay? Mr. Right will find you.






Folding his note into a paper airplane, he located Sulli’s desk and threw it right when the bell rang. She looked up, confused, as the projectile landed smoothly on her desk. Glancing around to make sure the teacher wasn’t nearby; she unfolded the note and read it. Chunji could see the hint of sadness on her face, but she looked up again and smiled at Chunji. “Sorry,” he mouthed.


“It’s okay,” she mouthed back.


Chunji smiled and flashed a peace sign, turning to the front of the room.

“Congrats…” L.Joe said lazily, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms over his head. Several girls who noticed swooned. “You get the first point.”


Chunji ignored him and opened his book to the page assigned. L.Joe remained in his laid-back position with his textbook lying on the desk unopened. Knowing he wouldn’t get any response from Chunji, L.Joe pulled out his phone to start texting as usual. Chunji always thought it was rather pointless since the person L.Joe was always texting was in the same room as them. A quiet beeping sound was heard from the other side of the classroom.


“Bang Minsoo, put that phone away,” Lee seonsaengnim reprimanded.


“Ssem, I’ve told you like a million times,” Minsoo said, stuffing his phone in his pocket, “I like to go by CAP.”


“Well your friends might call you CAP, but in here, you are Bang Minsoo. Understood?”


CAP let out an uncommitted grunt and lay on his desk. Lee seonsaengnim sighed, turning back to the board and continuing teaching. Once his back was turned,  L.Joe and CAP snickered, turning to each other and talking in loud “whispers”. Chunji just rolled his eyes and ignored it all, he was used to it after seeing them do this every day.


Finally, after sitting through that torturous class for what seemed like an eternity, the bell rang. L.Joe and CAP raced out the door, laughing obnoxiously about some stupid joke. Silently, Chunji thanked whatever higher being had ended his misery and requested that they do it faster next time. As he was putting his stuff away into his bag, Sulli came up and tapped his shoulder timidly.


“Um, hi Chunji-oppa…” she said quietly. Chunji looked up and smiled after seeing who it was.


“Annyoeong Sulli,” he greeted.


“Um, about my letter, you can just throw it away. I know you don’t feel the same way and-“


“Why would I throw it away?” Chunji interrupted.


“Eh?” Sulli questioned, slightly stunned.


“You put your feelings into that letter. It would be horrible of me to throw it away.” Sulli pinked.


“Well, yea… B-But…” she stammered. Chunji chuckled at her cuteness and out a hand on her shoulder.


“Don’t worry about it, okay? You will find the perfect guy. In the meantime, we can hang out!”


“O-okay…” Sulli nodded.


“I have to go to my next class now, but I’ll talk to you later! Bye chingu!” Chunji called and walked out the door, waving and smiling. Sulli grinned and waved back. She saw other jealous girls lingering in the classroom glaring at her, but she didn’t mind. She was now genuine friends with the nicest kingka in the world. Grinning happily, Sulli exited the classroom and headed to her next class.



Hello again~~ ^^ thank you all SO much for subscribing! x3 I'm kinda surprised at how well this story is doing! :O Thanks again for your support~ ^^ Hope you enjoy! Comments are always awesome~~

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Updated!! Yay!! -yena815


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Chapter 24: I say choco you say ice cream!!!
Chapter 20: "Lay, I'm not wearing shoes right now."
This chap is srsly funny. I was laughing so hard my stomach hurts. Oh my god!! Hahahaha
shiumin #3
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