
KARA Buster Squad

It is night.

A figure is seen climbing a wall, straight to the rooftop in a parkour style.

The person is about to jump onto the nearby rooftop, but a voice makes him stop, “Freeze!”

The person turns around, seeing a woman in black uniform of hat, a shirt and a skirt, that has been tear off manually, pointing her gun fiercely toward him, “Drop the object and puts your hand in the air.”

Another woman arrives into the scene, climbing a ladder as slowly walks near her, breathing heavily, “Sunghee, you are too fast…”

“You are too slow, Seungyeon.”

Seungyeon pulls out her gun, pointing toward him, “Do what she just says…please…”

“Please?” Sunghee seems angered, “Why would you beg for a criminal to drop their weapon?”

But the man did that anyway, “You’re kinda cute, though. Care for a date?”

Seungyeon startles, “Wh-what are you talking about? What date?”

The man suddenly takes out something from his pocket as a huge flash of white light blinding the scene. The light soon disappears, and so is the man.

Sunghee looks around, before turning toward her friend, “You are distracted again! Stop feeling shy toward such people!”

“At least he put back that picture…right?”

“Not sure yet…” Sunghee moves toward the roll, taking it and opens the roll of a paper.


“GOD, DAMN IT!” she shouts out loud, startling her partner.


The story goes back to the battle between KARA and theUec.

Nicole is shocked, looking at the one who had killed her captain during her last voyage. She even claimed herself with the same name as hers, even if the surname is different.

With that same face of hers, Jugun Nicole smiles cheerfully, “What’s the matter? You have been missing me that much?”

“You…!” Nicole shouts in anger, turning her dial on her gloves, “Buster Assign!”

Wearing her orange battle uniform, she takes out her gun, running forward as she shoots the enemy in front of her.

Electricity barriers appear before the Uec lady as Nicole finally reaches her and tries to hit her with a ball of energy in her right hand, but the other Nicole dodges the attack and punches both her fists onto her, tumbling backward, giving some spaces between them.

“You’ve quite improved since the last time we fought. Now this is getting interesting.”

Her right hand covers in electricity as she raises her hand upward above the sky. The cloud turns dark and chilly.

“Buster Assign.”

A huge thunder jumps out of the cloud, hitting the Uec Nicole with a force, covering her whole body with the electricity. The current soon turns into a black and white suit mirrors a wolf.

Nicole is startled by such ferocious appearance, “What…is…this…?”

She suddenly remembers the time back on the ship. It wasn’t clear, but Kyu transformed in front of her, and his appearance similar to this woman’s. Then…

“Are you…from a Buster Squad…?”

“Maybe? Maybe not? Who am I, I wonder?” the other Nicole teases her.

Seungyeon finally beaten up on Uec and turns toward the fight of the two. Her eyes are fixed at the Uec’s new appearance, “It…Isn’t that…?”


Seungyeon and Sunghee enter a busy police station, with the former speaks up in an angered manner, “We let that scum escaped, along with the stolen object!”

“What was that picture, anyway? Why is it so important?” Seungyeon asks timidly.

Sunghee looks at her, “Are you serious? You have been following me from the start of the chase and yet you have no idea what are we chasing after?”

She just shrugs.

“We are dealing with someone who just stole a historical picture called ‘The Great Disaster’. Ring any bell?”

“You mean, the picture that shows a re-telling of how the Uec’s threat starts on Earth? Why steal such thing?”

“Because it costs millions of dollars as its price. The government had to pay a large amount of money just to get that picture.”

“I don’t get it. Why would we waste tons of money to buy a single picture? Can’t we just use those money for research and development or something?”

“The picture acts as a memoir for the event that led us to this day, so that none shall forget how terrifying the Uec is.”

“But we are still dealing with the Uec till this day. Everybody knows about how terrifying it is already.”

“Not really. With the appearances of Buster Squads all around the place, and with so many military stationed outside of the districts, people feel safe from the threat of the Uec and the newer generations will overlook those creatures.”

“You mean, we are strong enough to defeat those monsters?”

Sunghee nods proudly, “Buster Squads are the pride of humanity. We are safe against those creatures, able to sleep without fear of them all.”

“If Buster Squads are strong enough to defeat those enemies, I won’t be demoted into a police officer for trying to defeat a single Uec…”

Seungyeon sighs, walking toward a table and sits on it, slowly succumbing herself into sleepiness.



She then wakes up, yawning as her eyes clear up.


Seungyeon quickly stands up, looking around the precinct.

Where is everybody?

There is no one around.

Seungyeon goes to search all over the place. No notice, no surprise meeting. And Sunghee did not wake her up at all. She always does that in every occasion.

Is there something up?

She decides to walk out of there, but then bumping onto a man.

As a response, she quickly bows at him, “I’m sorry!”

“Ah, it’s good to see you. You are Officer Seungyeon, no?”

She quickly raises her head, looking at him, “How did you know me?”

“Sorry about that. I am Colonel Jung Kyu, Seoul Division.”

She shakes his hand gladly as she mutters, “Colonel, what are you here for?”

“Well, I’m not here for an official mission or something, just wondering of something.”

“What is it, sir?”

“Where is everyone?”

Seungyeon looks around the place.

It’s like they are in a ghost town; no trace of people at all.

Kyu looks around before looking back at her, “So, I would like to investigate this strange incident, but I would need an assistant for this matter. Would you help me out for this?”


“Then let’s get into this precinct, shall we? I rather not having a small meeting outside here. It’s creepy. No offense.”

“None taken.”

The two enter the place, as he walks toward a vending machine, getting two chocolate bars out of it, eating one of them as he walks back toward her, “Sorry about that. I always got distracted by vending machines. Take this one.”

Seungyeon shakes her head, “It’s okay. I’m on a diet.”

“No wonder you can’t catch up to your partner every time there’s a chase.”

“How did you know that?” she wonders.

“It is weird that an ex-marine like you with some experience is not the best in a precinct. Normally that’s what people would have hoped for in you no matter the reason how you got demoted in the first place.”

“How did you know I was an ex-marine?”

“Because I’ve read a record of some of the best personnel in the military. Your name is part of the record, a bad inspiration they say.”

“It is bad. Nobody should ever do what I do before.”

“Is that why you are being passive currently? Because of guilt?”

Seungyeon looks away, not wanting to show her emotion as Kyu sighs, “Whatever it is, this case is far more important.”

“What’s of it, sir? Any idea?”

“Well, I have been secretly investigating on a Uec-like activity before in certain small places. There are cases of places disappear for no reason whatsoever. The news was kept secret for some reason. Don’t ask me; only higher-ups know about this.”

“But why did they pick you if they going to keep secret about this even from you, a Colonel?”

“Because they didn’t. They intended to let it go and announce it as caused by Uec’s attacks without further investigation.”

“It is Uec’s attack after all. You said it is Uec-like activity.”

“And let those people disappear in time? Sorry, but letting death record flies above the sky is not a good thing; especially not when they wanted to use this story to cover up about the memorial picture that got stolen a week ago.”

“Wait,” Seungyeon stops him, “A week ago? That picture was stolen possibly hours ago.”

Kyu’s eyes look around, startled, “Today is 6th September 50 of Survival Years. It has been seven days since the picture got stolen.”

“What? But today is 31st August 50 SY.”

“Is your calendar broken?”

Seungyeon checks her phone, wanting to prove her answer, “My calendar is perfectly…fine…”

The calendar on her phone shows 6th September on it, prompting her to shout in shock, “How is this even possible? I just woke up from a small nap after chasing the thief who took the picture!”

“Just woke up?”

“Yes! Hours ago, my partner and I chased after this thief but he escaped, so we came back into this precinct and I ended up sleeping. When I wake up, everyone has gone.”

Kyu gives a thought, “Locked out of the loop? But how? Why?”

“Whatever, for now, what I want is a map on this small town.”

The two reach her desk as Seungyeon sits in front of her computer, typing as a map on the screen, “Sorry I did not give you the whole map. I only use digital maps and I have no idea where they keep all the papers.”

“It’s okay, I only use digital maps too,” he sits beside her, looking at the screen, “It’s hard to understand the whole paper when you can just use ctrl+f to search for something.”

“I feel like that too!” Seungyeon speaks up cheerfully, finally knowing someone similar to her.

Kyu points toward the screen, “Okay, I’ve been walking around the town before and noticed that there are strange marking on these locations. I wonder what comes next?”

“Strange marking?”

He gives her a picture of a musical note as he keeps on looking at the screen, “It is the exact same shape all over the place, written in blood. In this one week, that marking appear a day before people disappear from there.”

“They did not disappear all at once?”

“My guess is that whatever makes them disappear could not do that in the larger scale, so they need to do that in certain radius. One last place that did not disappear is in this area,” pointing in one area, “But we have no time left. I need an exact location of where it could be.”

Seungyeon looks at the mark for awhile, before looking at the map, “Isn’t the location of the markings mirror the musical notes?”

Kyu looks at her, “Really?”

“Yeah,” she leans toward the screen, pointing her right index finger onto it, “Tell me the first place that starts first.”

Kyu nods, telling her the location as she moves her finger according to the chronology of the locations.

“-then the next location shall be in here,” she said, stopping at one spot.

Kyu looks at it, “You’re right. It does look like a musical note. How did you know that?”

“Just a hunch.”

They both stand up as he speaks, “Okay, I will move to that specified location, would you like to join me?”

“I will do anything you said, sir.”

“Then, would you wear this?”

He puts a pair of gloves onto her desk, as she is shocked, “But…I’m not authorized to use this at all. Not anymore.”

“Of course you are forbid on using this, but I can make an exception if…”


“If you join my team.”

“Your team?”

“My own Buster Squad. They are about to give me a section of my own if I am able to recruit few people under me into one Buster Squad.”

“But why me? I can no longer become part of the military. I am a police officer now.”

“Why not? You used to be part of the already defunct DSP Buster Squad. Why not do it again? You are clearly already experienced on being one.”

She looks sad, “Because of me, the rest of the members are dead. I am too reckless to be given the gloves.”

Kyu puts his hand onto her shoulder, “You are not the only one who has blood on your hands.”

As he is about to walk out of there, he looks at her one last time, “That thing is yours if you ever decide to do otherwise. If not, just leave it there. I’ll be picking that up after this.”

He then runs out of there, as Seungyeon sighs, sitting down.

Her eyes turn toward the gloves.


Back to the present, Seungyeon’s attention is diverted when two more Uec is attacking her.

Hara shouts at her, “I’m sorry, eonnie! I let those escaped!”

“It’s okay. Just don’t push yourself too hard.”


Nicole is running around, escaping an electrical shot by the other Nicole.

The Uec lady has been shooting thunder at her from her gun-shaped fingers.

The real Nicole finally slows down, nearly getting shot by the lightning as she spins her body midair clockwise, dodging the incoming attack and throws an energy ball toward her.

The ball rolls nearby, exploding when stops, pushing the other Nicole away from her.

That Nicole is already covering herself with her arms as she looks at her, grinning, “This is good~! It has been a long time since I’ve met such opponent before! Coming from you, I’ve never expected for you to become this strong! Now I’m fired up!”

Whips coming out both her hands, covered with some electricity running on it as she chuckles, “Get ready, Jung Nicole! I am definitely coming for you!”

Nicole flinches a bit. How did she know her name?

The Uec Nicole laughs out loud maniacally, running toward her as she strikes her right whip forward as soon as she reaches her.

Nicole sees this and rolls to the left, aiming at her but her legs are swiped by the other whip, making her fall onto the ground.

Uec Nicole raises her right whip once more and hits the girl, releasing some electrical pulse into her body, causing her to shout in pain, feeling the pain in her body with it arches backward as a response.

Gritting her teeth, she quickly grabs the left whip, feeling the pain once more as she stands up, hitting her with her ball, explodes upon contact.

The explosion moves both of them apart from each other.

Both feel pain and exhaustion running all over their sleek bodies, breathing heavily.

Jugun Nicole smirks, “So this is the feared power of Buster Squads? Quite impressive. I can see how the Elegy scared of you all.”

“Who are you talking about?” Jung Nicole asks her, “Who is Elegy.”

“None of your business; for now, of course. Now, let us resume our match!”

The two clash once more.

Seungyeon finishes off one as Hara takes over the other one.

Her attention turns back toward the match, but notices something.

A sparks.


Back in the past, Seungyeon is still looking at the gloves.

A voice is heard in her head.

“I don’t care what people speak of what you’ve done! Your priority is not our lives but the lives of other people living in this world! Do it, Seungyeon! Fight for the future you have been wanting to carve! You are Seungyeon after all!”

Finally nodding to herself, she stands up, grabbing the gloves and runs out of the building.

The camera moves toward her desk, showing two pictures near the computer. One of it shows a picture of her and Sunghee. But the other one shows her face in a team of seven, each wearing yellow and black uniform.


Seungyeon runs around a crowded area, finally entering a building, reaching its top floor.

As soon as she steps into the rooftop, she notices her surrounding turns dark, with the cloud darkens and the sky is dark blue.

She is startled by this turn of event, “Night already? But it’s still day!”

Her attention turns toward Kyu, who is lying on the ground, and two unknown figures, with one of them is in a shape of a humanoid figure in thief-like medieval appearance. The other one is in armor with a snake theme on it. There is also a huge machine in the shape of an arcade game with some beam shooting toward the sky.

She quickly runs toward him, helping him, “Colonel, are you okay?”

Kyu looks at her, “Welcome to a pocket dimension, created by one of the higher-powers of Raijin’s community.”

“Of what?”

“I’ll explain in detail on you, if you agree in joining my squad. We’ll talk about that after this.”

He points toward the two, “The armor one is one of those higher-powers, so I’ll be keeping that thing busy. Think you can handle the other one?”

He then sees the gloves wore by her, saying, “Okay then. Make sure you finish it quickly so that you can stop that machine over there. That machine is transporting people to somewhere far and I don’t think I would like to know where.”

He is about to move, but Seungyeon quickly pulls his arm, “Wait, I am still new with this glove. What are my arsenals? How many percentage of my capability after wearing this? I still need to know a fighting style to suit whatever I got from these gloves.”

“Don’t you worry, mine is custom-made.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

But he just ignores her, running toward the one in the armor before wearing an armor, pulling both down from the rooftop.

Seungyeon inhales and exhales some air, spins her dial, “Buster assign!”

Wearing her black colored suit, she notices something different.

In her experience, she has worn two battle suits before; the mass-produced military standard and the Buster Squad-only elite standard suits. Both suits have one similarity; it takes training to master over the usage of the suit. Just by moving in it, some muscles can be strained. The only difference is that the wearers of elite standard suits are given some weapons military won’t get.

But this suit is far different. Once wearing it, she can feel how her body weight has been decreasing, as if she can now running around the soccer field for twenty laps without exhausting herself a bit. She also feels comfortable with it, not feeling itchy on any place.

Somehow information is put into her brain, telling her how to use the body suit properly, and also knowing her weapons information and-hey! She has her own personal weapon? No Buster Squad ever gets such privilege!

What kind of Buster Squad this Colonel is making?

No time; a town is still needs to be saved!

Inside her helmet, she can see some kind of interface nearby her line of sight, something no other suit has, and a word ‘Stealth Cane’ is highlighted.

Shoving her right fist to the side, she can feel and see a walking stick is materialized into her hand.

A weapon materialized out of nowhere? Okay, she needs to learn more about this suit. This is so fascinating!

Looking at the stick, she was told that this is no ordinary stick. With a thought, a blade sprouts out of the other end of the stick.

Seungyeon quickly charges toward the Uec, trying to stab the monster but that thing is so quick, dodging every attacks.

Grah! This is frustrating!

Looking back at her stick, she suddenly thought of something.

This stick is her personal weapon, able to become a lot of thing. Maybe… just maybe…

She breaks it into two, throwing one side toward the monster, missing it as she turns the other one into a nunchuk, trying to attack the monster with it but still missing.

Then she turns around, reaching the monster in one line of vision as she turns the joined stick into a stick with a spinning blade at the edge, forcing the monster to step backward away.

He suddenly falls onto the floor, with the other half of the broken stick returns back to the stick in her hand.

She seems overjoyed with this.

The plan succeeds!

Earlier, Seungyeon breaks the stick into two and turns the one she threw into a bouncing stick; letting it bounce for a while she keeps on distracting the Uec. At the same time, she has also calculated on the possible locating that thing ended up in minutes later. The stick later bounces back in one specified spot, hitting the fast monster’s feet and returns back to her.

This suit is definitely her style of fighting.

Spins the stick’s one half, a wet blade appears out of it, with some water sprinkled out of it.

With a scream, she stabs the blade into the fallen Uec, hurting the monster in the process as it explodes into bits.

She stands up, sighing, “That’s what you get when you mix water and electricity.”

She then runs toward the machine, looking at it, “This is one old school computer. This is a piece of cake.”

Soon, the beam disappears from the sky, turning the place bright once more.

“Owh, you’ve finished the job! There’s no use for me to appear in this place now!”

Hearing the voice, she turns around, gasping at the newcomer, “You are the memorial picture’s thief!”

“Owh, you mean this one?” he points at his back, “Like you, I also got out of the loop. I hate it when this kind of thing happens.”

“Who are you? How did you also survived the attack on the town?”

“The real question is how did YOU survived?”

Seungyeon is startled, petrified on the spot.

The man sees the chance as he runs toward the machine, pressing something. He then runs toward the edge of the building as she shouts at him, “Hey, where are you going!? Give the picture back!”

The machine shoots at a space near the building, creating a huge blue vortex as he jumps into the hole, “See you again a year later!”

Entering the vortex, he along with the hole disappears.

Seungyeon looks around, “What the hell just happened? Where is he?”


Back at the present, the spark turns into a blue vortex, with the man jumps out of it, landing on the ground.

He then turns toward Seungyeon, who is silenced.

The man waves at her, “Told you we are meeting again a year later.”

What the f**k?


In the past, Seungyeon puts a badge on a desk in an office.

The old man in the room in front of her speaks, “Well, nice having you in the team.”

Seungyeon bows at him, walking out of the office.

She stops on her track, with Sunghee looks at her, looking sad. She suddenly smiles, hugging her tightly before looking at her, “I am so proud of you, girl! You are once again part of a Buster Squad! I am so jealous of you!”

“Sorry to leave you alone.”

“Don’t you worry! Seeing that an officer like you can become part of Buster Squad even after getting demoted, my hopes are high right now! Soon I will become part of a Buster Squad and we will meet again someday! Now I just wish to have a partner that can put up with my antic.”

The two smile, laughing.

Seungyeon soon runs out of the building, waving at Sunghee before walking toward Kyu, who is waiting for her with a bike by his side.

He gives her a helmet, “Thanks to you, people have returned back to this town.”

Seungyeon just smiles, wearing the helmet.

Kyu climbs his bike, looking at her, “Ready for a new adventure?”

She nods, sitting behind him, hugging him from behind.

The bike moves, riding away from there, moving past sunlight from the giant star high above the sky.


Next: The fight in the present is cut short with the appearance of the mystery man, who told Kara to keep the stolen picture without anyone knowing about it. Hara’s backstory is revealed, as she has already been trained to be an assassin in a coup against the government. Wait, why is she so weak then? Gyuri’s fate is discovered; she is currently fighting against Uec lead by a woman with her face but short-haired as the sole difference.



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PikaBleu #1
Chapter 9: you're back!!!!!!! and then left us with a cliffhanger...what is inside the hole??what did jing see?? >______<
only 2 chapter left??i'm gonna miss this fic T_T
update soon kay :)
syer1001 #2
the seungyeon in this chapter is all raijin seungyeon. no, not all elegy are kara's children. technically, there is no right question since both kara are pretty much the same people with different origin, but to clear it all up, it's the raijin kara's children.
PikaBleu #3
Chapter 8: so,j-nicole's dead already??but why?? feel sad for her T_T
also,a bit confused with seungyeon appearance??is it all raijin seungyeon??she finally can be separated from kyu??
and and and......the elegy are kara's children?!?! O________o....which kara btw??still confused with the transition between human kara n raijin kara >______<
1123 streak #4
Chapter 7: wow so kara buster squad is a three person team now? are you going to add 2 or they will remain 3?
PikaBleu #5
Chapter 6: i'm back!!!!!!! a bit confused here...isn't val n hara are same person?? then why at the end O_______o or hara at the end is hara from the future (based on spoiler i got from hero bank prologue)...val is an elegy??
now only gyuri's past left..can't wait for it :)
1123 streak #6
Chapter 6: Woah this makes me more confused... Wait are they really quitting?? But i heard same kamilia friend told me Nic just renewed her contract.
1123 streak #7
Chapter 5: Oh so this is how Seungyeon was requited into kara baster squad... What Hara is a train asssassin?? cant wait for it
PikaBleu #8
Chapter 4: another cliffhanger >___<
cole vs cole!!!!! can't wait for that ^___^
1123 streak #9
Chapter 4: Wow Nicole vs Nicole...
1123 streak #10
Chapter 3: Whose eyes flash.. the nurse or Gyuri and What do you mean my "Gyuri is seen with a short hair shooting down nicole " is the short hair you mention Eunjung???