The Perfect Question

Play Dough Proposal


"What is this stuff again?" He said holding it in his hand squishing it. 

"It's play dough, duh TOP!" MinJin yelled out.

"And, what exactly do I to with it?" Top said touching it like it was gonna hurt his beautiful hands.

"You make it into things." MiRae said, grabbing a piece and quickly rolling it and forming it into a heart shape. "Seunghyun, why are you acting like this is going to difficult? All you have to do is sit here and play with Mini while I run the errands I need to get done."

"Ya! I know, I just am not used to this....this...stuff." Top said, he and MiRae had been together now for over a year and he was used to babysitting MinJin. He was good with him, very fatherly, very loving, but play dough seemed to confuse him.

"It's not like it's something difficult, silly, just put it in your hands and form it into things. MinJin is used to this, he can teach you a few things. Just hang out with him for a couple hours and I'll be back." MiRae kissed Mini and then Top. "Goodbye you two, be good and please don't make a huge mess, yae?" 

"Bye mommy!" 

"Bye babe, Mini and I have things under control." Top said, looking over at Mini winking.

"OK, now that mommy's gone, lets get the ice cream, shall we?" Top got up and headed towards the freezer. "Chocolate, Vanilla, or Cherry?" 

"Chocolate!" Minjin yelled out. Top grabbed the container, then grabbed two spoons and headed back to the table. They dug in, eating bites, then playing with play dough some. 

"Mmmm, what should we make Mini?" Top asked looking at Mini, who was intently working on a snake shape. "Maybe a flower?" Top grabbed some green play dough and quickly formed it into a stem. Then he took some red and formed it into a rose, placing the two together. "Maybe I should give this to your mommy?" 

"What, Top, watch!" Mini yelled out. MinJin worked hard at pressing the play dough into a wonky looking shape. An oddly shaped round part, an oval really fat part and two little sticks at the bottom.

"What, what is that Mini?" Top said leaning over.

"You, duh, Top!" Top laughed out, "Oh sure, I see now." You know, because the resemblance is so uncanny! Top giggled to himself. As he sat there, making flower after flower Top had an idea. I should make a dozen of these things and propose with brilliant. Top had been wanting to ask MiRae to marry  him for a while now. He even kept the ring in his pocket, just in case the perfect mostly unplanned moment came along. This was it, he'd do it tonight. Ok so a dozen roses...done. Ah yes, I'll form the play dough into the words, 'Will You Marry Me?" This will be the best surprise ever. Top worked hard as plotting his proposal, forming the words to ask the question and even forming a play dough ring. 

"Hey Mini, is it ok if I ask your mommy to marry me tonight." Top said, holding up the perfectly formed little play dough ring. 

"Sure....whatever....." Mini said taking a bite of ice cream. "What does marry mean?"

Top giggled, he was dealing with a 4 year old, he should have known better. "I want to spend forever with your mommy....and with you MinJin." He said, reaching his hand over and ruffling Mini's golden locks, then kissing the top of his head.

"Oh, well then can marry her I guess." Mini said, looking at Top smiling his trademark wide smile. Top cleaned everything up and laid everything out for the proposal...after a few minutes he heard the garage door open.

"Mini, she's here...go, go now, you know what to do." Top said, shooing MinJin towards the garage door. MinJin ran out and met MiRae as she opened her door. "Mommmmmmmyyyyy, guess what Top made?" 

"What baby?" MiRae said as she got the bags out of the back, tired from her errand running. 

"He made a ring and a snowman and a flower and a cat and..."

"That's great sweetie. Mommy's so happy you had fun, lets go in." MinJin ran ahead of her and opened the door, running down the hall to the kitchen where Top waited. MiRae walked in, her grocery bags in hand. As she did she dropped them to the floor. Top had made the moment perfect, candles flickering, soft music playing and his play dough proposal on the table. He went over and grabbed her hand, she was dumbfounded and surprised, unable to close from her shock.

"Baby, this is for you. MinJin and I wanted to surprise you." Top got down on one knee, MiRae's mouth stayed open in shock, tears forming in her eyes. "MiRae, my beautiful future. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and MinJin. I want to wake up to you ever morning, make you terribly cooked Ramen and play play dough with MinJin...for the rest of my life. Can you do me a favor and just look at the table?" On the table Top had spelled out "Will you marry me" In play dough. MiRae looked at it and smiled. She looked back down at Top who had pulled out the play dough ring he'd fashioned.

"Yes." MiRae yelled out as Top stood up, kissing MiRae then hugging her tightly. "Mommy and Top sitting in a tree...K-i-s-s-i-n-g" MinJin sang dancing around the MiRae and Top, who was placing the play dough ring on her finger, her real one, the diamond sticking out the top!

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Onepenny #1
Chapter 1: That was super romantic <3
Ginniosa #2
Chapter 1: Ahh that was soo sweet.