
Billionaire Girl




 Zelo gulped, he wasn't expecting that the responsibility handed over him was something very heavy. Something out of his reach, something a 16 year old like him couldn't handle. Oh yeah, how did he end up in this kind of situation again? Well, it was all because of Kim Himchan. "Hyung." He looked at Himchan straight in the eye, "I'm 16. I ain't gonna marry or anything. Why are making it sound so serious?" Himchan raised an eyebrow, "Serious? This is more than serious, Choi Junhong!  I didn't say anything about marriage!" The elder informed.


 Well, he had a point.


 "Aish! Just let me think about it..." Zelo scratched the back of his neck, "From the looks of it, you really don't look like the brother of Dayeon." Zelo murmured. "Well duh, that's why it's half-brother." Himchan shook his head, "And you don't know the real Dayeon yet. We're really siblings, I tell you." Himchan grinned. I wish the real Dayeon doesn't show up. Or else, she might turn into a naggy one, too... Zelo frowned. "Oi!" Yongguk slammed open the door so loud, making both their hearts run out from their chests, "Are you guys gonna stay there 'till forever or what?!" He shouted. Zelo lowered his head and entered the room while Himchan flickered Yongguk on the forehead, "Don't shout at the corridor! School rules!" He reminded. "What rules? I don't follow any rules! Jepp Blackman's a free-spirited person, yo~" Yongguk did the "rock and roll" sign and made a satisfied face while Himchan left Yongguk who was having his moment and entered the dorm.


 "What did you talk about?" Jongup asked the tall maknae as he sat beside him. "We talked about how naggy Himchan-hyung is." Zelo rolled his eyes, "Hey! I'm naggy for a reason." Himchan protested and gave him a "merong". Just my luck. Himchan sat beside the younger, making it completely obvious that he didn't want to let the maknae go. Not in his situation. "Anyways..." Zelo leaned near Himchan and whispered, "Why did you bring me here?! Dayeon would be really curious to why you dragged me here! And I don't have a decent explanation for that, and so are you!" Zelo complained. "Don't worry~ It's going to be fine." The black-haired elder reassured as he shook his head up and down, "I have a good reason. And I thought that maybe our cute maknae was missing us so much that he wanted to go back to his normal life, so why not~? And, oh! Did you miss Dayeon that much?" He wiggled his eyebrows with a grin.


 "Well yeah? State your reason." Zelo said bluntly and made a face.


 "Well, there's... Uh." Himchan scratched the back of his neck. "Scratch that, whatever reason I tell her, she'll believe it anyway~" Himchan shrugged and grinned. 


 Zelo raised an eyebrow, "You're making her sound more innocent than what really is!" He pointed out.


 "Who is?" Yongguk sat at the opposite direction of the swivel chair, his arms landing on top of the backrest as he turned around and around. "Hyung, that's none - " Zelo was just about to say something when the almighty Himchan interrupted him for the umpeeth time. It made Zelo much more irritated than the past interruptions he had from Himchan-hyung. Go on, naggy one. Talk. He sighed to himself. I wish I was back in the mansion. I already miss the peacefulness. It wasn't hard to admit that you'd rather stay in a "ghost house" than let your ears bleed from all the talk in their dorm. Zelo had lived that hellish life "Dayeon." Himchan blurted out.  "What about her?" Daehyun blinked who joined in the circle... Well, not really, it was more like a pear-shaped gathering.


 So they all knew Dayeon. Zelo glanced at Himchan. I feel so stupid and left out. He mentally face-palmed himself. "Hey, get this." Himchan motioned the others to come in closer while Zelo wasn't paying attention, "Zelo... He's living in Dayeon's mansion~" He spilled out, receiving nothing but only silence and a few blinking eyes from the other members. 


 "...Eh?!?" Everyone's eyes rounded and their jaws dropped to the ground. It shocked them to the point that Bang Yongguk nearly fell off their swivel chair! Zelo noticed their reactions, though he didn't know what they talked ab out. Hell,  from just the looks of it, Himchan probably spilled the beans. Definitely. Zelo nodded as he continued to ignore the other members and sat on his own corner of the room, back facing the horrified members. "W-Whatever..." Yongguk shook his head to try to put his brain back in place, "Is that true... Zelo?" They all gulped at the same time whilst they waited for the younger's answer. While Himchan was chuckling to himself since he saw the situation very, very interesting. Comedy Gold, yay~! Points to Zelo for putting himself into such situation while entertaining his hyung at the same time. Such talent needed to be praised. 


 "Who cares whether it's true or not?" Zelo sternly said as he pouted. His eyes were burning with anger, but he still looked cute in any angle at that point of time. "Since you already knew... There's no point crying over spilt milk." 


 Everyone looked at each other, and in just a blink of an eye, they had all thought the same idea. Now B.A.P had mind-reading skills? Great. What's next...? The power to make cherry tomatoes out of mud? No, impossible. Zelo never wanted cherry tomatoes that taste like mud. 


 "Do tell us more."  They all surrounded Zelo with evil grins. He looked at his hyungs one by one and sighed. Pathetic. Himchan-hyung's virus is everywhere... He slumped. To be honest, I do miss the mansion and the quiet Dayeon...


Wait, what?



 After Zelo had explained the whole situation which took 30 minutes of his precious time since he started from the day Dayeon and him met. "Yah! You know what? I want to slap you so bad!" Yongguk hissed, "And why is that?" Zelo asked, smirking. He probably knew what Yongguk was going to say. "Aish! You idiot! You didn't even ask permission to us! And you're living with a girl... a girl. Morever, it's Himchan's half-sister and one of the popular girls in school! ...I'm older than you but I haven't even slept with a girl once in my life." Yongguk whispered the last sentence. "It's his fault for not making a move." Daehyun snickered as he whispered into Youngjae's ear. "I heard that!" Youngguk shook his head in shame, "And you, Kim Himchan! Why are you letting your sister stay in the same house with Zelo? Huh?!" He pointed a finger at Himchan and scolded him. Yongguk had always liked pointing... Especially using the middle one.


 "Well, for starters that was Dayeon's mansion. And they're growing, Bang Yongguk, let him be~ You're just jealous that no one wants you~" Himchan teased. "Except for his mom." This time, Youngjae whispered it to Jongup who laughed and smiled so brightly. "Look who's talking." Yongguk glared at Himchan. "Oi, hyungs!" Zelo stood up and got in between of the elder one's fight. "What exactly are we talking about?" He placed both his hands on his waist and raised an eyebrow. "I thought it was about you having a girlfriend...?" Daehyun, who wasn't paying attention the whole conversation, blinked at all of them. "I concur." Jongup nodded while everyone face-palmed. The two idiots... 


 "Anyways~ Speaking of girlfriend, it would be fine if Zelo had one now, right~?" Himchan grinned and let Zelo stand up straight in front of everyone, "I mean, he's a full grown man who's already making some moves~ Unlike others there..." Himchan coughed. "So who is it, then?" Yongguk jumped into his swivel chair again and crossed his arms. Somehow, he seemed to be interested in it. "Well, of course my sister's already in the options, right?" Himchan nudged Zelo hard that he had to make a sour face and massage his swollening elbows where the elder hit him. Oh yeah... I forgot about "that". Zelo recalled. He did remember that from now on, he had to take responsibility of  Dayeon... Or would he?


 "...I haven't said my answer yet!" Zelo mumbled while Himchan made a that's-not-reasonable-enough face. "Well whatever, you still would say yes." He did merong again. Zelo still couldn't believe that the person in front of him, who was naggy and motherlike and really protective like hell was the brother of the machine-like quiet girl. I think Himchan-hyung got his mother's side. Zelo nodded at the thought. "Well..." Jongup interrupted his train of thought as he commented, "If I have a little sister, I would choose Zelo to be her boyfriend~" He grinned, being the smiley person himself. "Don't encourage him." Yongguk rolled his eyes. "If I have a little sister, I wouldn't want her to be that smart." Daehyun added.


 "Eh? Why?"


 "You want your sister to be a stupid mess? Like Jongup?" Everyone laughed except for Jongup who didn't get the "joke".


 "No! I don't want her to be so annoying and prideful about her smartness... Like Youngjae over here." Daehyun smirked while spit foutains came out from Youngjae's plump lips, "E-Excuse me?" "Well, he is saying the truth." Himchan nodded. "How about you, Zelo? What type of girl do you like?" Everyone asked him. All eyes landed on the younger who needed not to think so deeply about his answer. "All I need is my precious~" He got his skateboard which was beside him for the past 15 minutes of chatting and caressed it like it was the most precious thing in the world. Well, for him... Creepy. Everyone thought as they shuddered. "Well surely, there must be some person who would make your hear beat like crazy someday." Youngjae nodded as he bit his cheeseburger that came out from nowhere... Well, maybe from Daehyun's food pantry. "Any who, enough of that. Next week's the "Golden Week", right?" Himchan reminded. "Oh ! The schedule!" Youngjae put down his burger and ran towards his bag like was being up by a black hole. Yep, he was part of the school's commitee. Why not? He was smart, but he couldn't surpass Dayeon. Not at all.


 "Golden Week already?" Daehyun got the poor cheeseburger which was lying on some tissue paper and took a whale's bite on it. Youngjae would be so mad if he found out that his cheeseburger was nearly finished by a gluttonous whale. Pity. "What's the event this time?" Zelo asked Youngjae who was carelessly scaterring all his belongings on the floor, just like his forgotten cheeseburger. His attitude made him look like he wasn't a top achiever. "Ah! Here it is~ It says we're gonna have an outing at someplace... It's like a forest of some sort. There's also gonna be some games in there." The fluffy smart one informed. "If it's all boring, it's all your fault." Yongguk threatened. "Ah! Zelo! How about you invite Dayeon over? She never joins in these kinds of things~ She never even mingled with the other years! It's a great opportunity for her to have friends~." Himchan beamed. 


 "Then why don't you do it yourself?"


 "No. It has to be you, Zelo. Geez, I told you already..."


 Zelo flinched as he heard that one sentence. It has to be me he said, then a while ago he said that Dayeon would believe at anything he says. Aish, this guy! It was getting late. They all went to their respective beds and slept while Zelo still roamed around in wonder. A great opportunity for her to have friends, huh? He hid half of his face from the blanket. Find someone who makes your heart beat like crazy? He had to admit, he did lie a little bit when they asked him that. It was just a white lie, nothing serious. Now, he hid his whole face since it was redenning. 


I wonder if she could sleep properly tonight... She's all alone, after all.



 Zelo stood in front of the one building which served as his home for the past weeks he had been disguising himself as a robot. He gulped with his face covered with sweat. He was so nervous. No, he wasn't nervous about the fact that he was at the highest part of the skyscraper. He wasn't also nervous that he would enter a girl's lair. It wasn't his firt time, to be exact. He remembered the lecture he had with Himchan about "responsibility".


 "Do you accept it? Would you continue your story with her? ...Or do you plan to reveal that you weren't the robot she made? The robot that had the mission to change her life?"


 Why wouldn't he want me to spill the secret? Isn't it fine for her to have a human friend? I'm human after all... Zelo looked at the door in front of him. He had a feeling of nostalgia and a tad bit of regret. He was human, but his role as a human was to be a robot. He still couldn't believe that he still continued it even though he wanted to give up on the bizzare play since he first met Dayeon. He took his last gulped before he rang the doorbell. Or maybe... On a whim, the door spun open and a firgure ran towards his body, squeezing it so tightly to the point that the boy couldn't breathe. He wasn't expecting it that the two bodies fell to the floor. "W-Wha...!" His eyes rounded at Dayeon who was really grasping his body so much. As she calmed down, the two sat on the floor, facing each other. "...Zelo, I missed you." Dayeon frowned. Wow, now she had emotions? Zelo had only left one day and she now developed them? Well, smart people learn and adapt fast, anyway.


 Or maybe... It just wasn't the right time to say it. He didn't want her to get hurt, did he?


 Those words rang on Zelo's mind and made his heart flutter. The idea of someone actually missing him to the point that that person could kill him in an instant by just a hug made him smile. Dayeon raised her head, cheeks tinted red and watery eyes, "Where... Where have you been? Where's Himchan?" She asked the boy who was rooted on his spot. Of course, seeing Dayeon cry once again made him panic and his heartbeat went pit-a-pat. The scenery was so flowery, but he didn't hate it. This kind of scenery would be used oftenly... I can feel it on the next happenings. Zelo nodded on his mind. His cheeks tinted as he dodged the question, "...G-Golden Week!" 




 "G-Golden Week is, well... Next week. We're having an outing... Wanna c-come?" Zelo invited.


Dayeon blinked a few times before finally revealing her first smile, "Of course!"


 Zelo's eyes widened. But at the same time, his chest tightened... It hurt. But not in a painful kind of way. Definitely not! It was a pain he would completely cherish. His cheeks were now burning. But he didn't care less- Nothing made sense at that time. He was just happy that Dayeon chose him. Only him. She smiled at him for the first time, but why? Though there were questions still unclear, he didn't care. As long as he saw Dayeon smile so brightly like the blazing sun, that was enough for him. No more serious-faced, emotionless, robot girl Dayeon, he wished...


The person who makes my heart beat like crazy...? I think I'm gonna know more about her next week. Zelo grinned back at the girl.



Short chappie alertI'm back~ I wanna cry, ugh. It's been a long time since I've updated. This is from scratch and messily written since I wasn't in the mood. I'll edited them tomorrow~ Anyways, finals are done and recognition is done, too~ Atlast, my long awaited summer is here.

Come to me, serenity... And biases. Kekeke~ ;D




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A birthday gift for our beloved Himchan, which is late, would be up for the next chapter~


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sujulove48 #1
nice concept!!!!!! :D
Chapter 13: Gahhhhh ,! I can't wait for the next chapterrrr : )

Updateeeeee. XD
Chapter 13: OMO! So exciting >.< update again soon author-nim. HWAITING!❤
Chapter 13: Uwaaa~~~ junhong ah~ eottokhae? >//<
Aigoo.. Why you cut it there? Aish.. I really need to read the next chapter~ please update soon? Pretty please? *pout*
Chapter 12: He is interested in her XD
Chapter 12: hihihihi~~~ SO CUTE!!!
B.A.P is so crazy. keke..
Yeah.. i wonder why too. Why don't himchan want her to know?
UPDATE SOON~ <3 hwaiting! :D
Chapter 10: Uwaa!!! Awesome update again!! Himchan is like.... So natural around people. Keke.
Aww~ why would they lie? Zelo can still stay by her side and let her have a human friend.
Poor girl~ her mom's an evil person. :/
Chapter 11: Shocked at the part that he's the half brother and shocked at the part that the mum is cruel o.e
Chapter 9: She knows. And OMG, you need to keep updating xD
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh..
Asdfghjkl.. You really need to update this! I wanna know what will zelo do.
(You're so amazing. I wish, I can write as good as you. :/ and are you collage student? Accountacy? Business admin?Keke)