Ninth Life

The Jongkey Collection

TITLE:  Ninth Life

STATUS: Ongoing | Completed





Long ago they were created to protect the human race but the humans dared to taint them, using their innocence for their own greedy intentions. Their appearance isn’t comparable with any beauty on this earth. When you’re eyes capture one of them everything around you fades and you are filled with the desire to possess them. It’s the humans’ weakness that led to break the connection of the two worlds. The trust was lost and an ancient vow was now the wall between humans and them, unbreakable. Their existence was long forgotten, only figures in legends and that’s how it should be but one of them broke the vow. One of them did what they were once created for. Protect a human. The wall was broken and the legends became reality, in the middle of it a young man, who was about to give up on life when suddenly one of the mystical creatures decided to catch him when he was falling into darkness.


"What are you really?"

"What do you think I am?"

"Obviously not a human.


"What are you?"

"I'm here to protect you."

"I got that but what are you?"

"A heaven's cat."


This is a story of two fated souls, who were bounded and their hearts yearned for its other half. Yet the way to each other was blocked. Will they be able to reach each other?


- 아홉째 생활 -

- Ninth Life -



GENRE: Romance/ Drama/ Supernatual/ Au/

MY THOUGHTS: I started reading this story here on AFF a long time ago but since the author has moved to live journal i found this story again! and I like it just as much as before XD

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great news guys the story grace is being re- uploaded by the author!! her new user name is Bicycleforfive


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FairyAzureKimi #1
Chapter 112: Ninth life was deleted ??
witchmask #2
Chapter 111: Hello
Thanks for everythings ^^
I have problem, when I click on the title , it take me to another page right?
but that page show me this message "Sorry, we're unable to complete this request ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ
This page doesn't look like it exists..."

I thinke maybe the author deleted the story ><
If u can solve my problem I will be thankful ^^
Jaxqee #3
Chapter 145: uwaa this story is awesome <3 hwaiting, author-nim!! thank you for recommnedng these fanfictions to us ^^
Chapter 67: I actually feel so sorry for jongkey fans who didn't get to read Rare Innocence before it got deleted. I'm so happy I became a fan and got to finish it before gu_miho deleted everything. It is THE most beautiful, heartbreaking fan fic I have read and I just remember what a complete, utter emotional wreck I was when I finished reading it. I couldn't even think about reading anything that had "angst" in the tags for a while after that because it just _hurt_.

Even now I sometimes think about it, and that's how I got here since I was once again googling it, hoping it would be saved somewhere else.
mrsh221 #5
Chapter 8: Could I maybe possible perhaps have a link to Worthy of Love????
Chapter 54: This story was gold omg
Chapter 46: This one was so beautiful and so fluffy its was basically amazing asdfgghjk
kreiisi96 #8
Chapter 8: i would like to have the story link please :) thank you!
maria97 #9
Chapter 93: Chapiter 92 : This story is one of my favorite, it's still ongoing but there is 28 chapiters now
If you love vampire stories, you have to read this one !!!!
There are also "Drunken desire" and "Two in a million"

(sorry i'm french so i am not very good in english :p)
shakiba #10
Chapter 138: i hate toheart:|
i cried for this sub-unit
ugghhh...i rellay love jongkey & i can't see kibum with other male:|