
It's Different Now

Last year, Ahreum carefully went by Taemin. She saw Taemin's perfect jawline, eyes, and nose from the side.

In Ahreum's school, she was the most prettiest girl in the school. Taemin wasn't. There was far much prettier boys than him at their school.

Ahreum tapped him on the shoulder.

"Taemin?" She quietly whispered

The boy blushed and answered with "Hi"

"Hey" Ahreum said but stopped from there.

She couldn't find the right words to tell him. Worst of all, she wasn't sure sure if she should tell him. Both of them just stayed quiet and watched the other students fool around.



"Do you want to go out?" Ahreum carefully told him.

Taemin looked away and stared at the ground. He was thinking about it.

'Why does he need to think?' Ahreum wondered

Then the boy looked at her again.

"No. I'm sorry" Taemin said and walked away.

Ahreum, the most wanted to be dated by girl in school, was just rejected from Taemin, the boy Ahreum only liked.

Anybody would be lucky enough to be asked out by Ahreum.

Ahreum, hurt by Taemin's words, walked out of the classroom and went to the girl's bathroom, to cry.

She was sure that Taemin would've said yeah but he didn't. Ahreum felt stupid and bitter becuase of him.


Over the next few days until the school year finished, they didn't exchange a smile like they used to or say 'hi' to one another.


Now when they retunred from summer vacation, Taemin was in all Ahreum's classes. Everytime she saw him, she would feel in grief and heavy-hearted.  Ahreum decided it was time to change so she did. She tried to have a converstaion with him but every try, it didn't work. Taemin just answered with 'yeah', 'Ok', and 'Sure'.

Later on, Ahreum began to see a certain change. Taemin would stare at her and grab her attention. Moreover, Taemin had friendly conversations with her.

As time went on, they were friends again.

They laughed more often and hung out with each other, like old times.  Ahreaum would only remember about how happy she was when she was with Taemin.

Suddenly, one day, Ahreum's bestfriend told her that Taemin likes her.

Surprisingly, Ahreum smile faded when she had told her this. Taemin liked her now?  Ahreum was shocked about the news. 

Honestly, Ahreum wasn't sure if she liked him more than a friend now. 

Instead of Taemin not liking her, it was the other way around this time. 

Ahreum looked at Taemin strangely and didn't feel the same way anymore when she was with him.

Did she really like Taemin? Well did she?

She just wasn't sure herself now.



Well, I hope you liked this oneshot! I had this in my folder since January 7th so it's been a while. I hope you guys enjoyed it. This is really happening to me in real life right now. I don't know if I like this boy (not Taemin) or not. 

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Chapter 1: This is short but I absolutely loved it!
This is a slice of life everyone can relate to.
I felt the sincerity of emotions in this... maybe because this is really happening to you.
You are good at expressing yourself.
Hope to read more from you! :)
Chapter 1: This is quite a difficult sitation,not knowing your own feelings. >.<
I liked this though!