
I Want To Hear You
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AN: After such a long time I felt like updating again xD I hope you guys will like it. And maybe sub and comment to make this author happy xD

Jiyong winced a little as he was pushed into a couple of lockers, his shoulder banging against the cold metal quite hard. "This is going to leave a bruise."He thought, for once not caring if Seunghyun was going to hear it or not. When he was in pain, he just couldn't shield his thoughts. It was quite pathetic, really, but that was how their connection worked. 

"Are you okay, Ji?"Seunghyun's worried voice rang in the boy's mind, filling the younger's heart with warmth. He couldn't dwell on though, as the boy that had pushed him was glaring down at him.

"What do you want?"Jiyong asked, rolling his eyes. The dark, brown orbs were completely void of emotions though deep down, he was beyond scared. The guy was at least twice his size and looked quite intimidating. 

"Tch, why would I want anything with someone like you?"The obviously elder male spat, punching the locker right next to the blonde's head. Jiyong gulped. He was in trouble, he could feel it.

"Someone like me? Can't you just off?"He asked, even if he knew that his response was neither smart nor snarky enough. Actually, it sounded pretty stupid as he repeated in his head, ignoring his friend's now quite angry voice that was still laced with concern. However much he loved Seunghyun's deep, y voice - because he couldn't really deny that indeed, it was quite y - he didn't have the time to listen to it now. Oh no. Right now, he had to flee, as quickly as he could.

"Hah, the brat thinks he can talk back."The elder snorted, taking a step closer to the petit blonde. The younger could feel the other's stinky breath hit his nose. He gagged a little and placed his small - well, compared to the other boy's - hands on the taller male's chest, trying to push him away. A group of chattering girls passed them, giggling a little when they saw what was happening. Well, actually, from their perspective, it seemed like the elder was confessing to Jiyong in a sweet way.

Or at least that's what they were whispering about before Jiyong's chin was grabbed and his head was smashed into the hard metal of the lockers' doors repeatedly. The boy cried out in pain which seemed to make the other happy. They younger could feel something trickle down his neck, soaking the top of his T-shirt, but he didn't really care. The pain was too much to register everything else completely.

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Chapter 3: Oh, please do update again, this is gonna be good sh--, I'm sure of it
PartiallySunny #2
Chapter 3: I can't even believe you've updated this story... just to break my poor heart for Jiyong! At least he has Seunghyun to help ;_; the fluff-angst combo is gonna kill me tho ;_;
Shootz #3
Chapter 3: Aww I'm glad you're back :) I'll be waiting patiently for the next update (even if it takes years ㅠ.ㅠ just finish the story plz <3 keep the hard work!
Chapter 3: Wow I'm really glad I didn't find this in the hiatus. It would've killed me! Please tell me you're going to update more, right? This story's so cute and I adore the concept! Poor Ji.. it seems like he struggles with a bit of depression as well? I hope Seunghyun can help him... anyway, I really liked this! I hope you update more!! <3 Author, fighting~
KOREANJunky #5
Chapter 3: Really interesting storyline you came up with there :)
That really got me!!;)
I'd love to read more~~
Chapter 3: I'm heeeree...!!! Waiting un silence.
Chapter 3: Of course I'm still here enjoying your update and if you announce you're coming back that's even better! !! I'll wait to read more from you anyway ;)
Chapter 3: aöjfdkghdökfjgkjhgkdjf thank u so much for updating this!!!!!!!!
ugh u built up a nice aura and then finished it with a sentence like this.. :(
can't wait to read more of this and omg thanks again so much!
Chapter 3: Im liking it. It feels like a miracle cos I read this once in 2013 and I was so curious abt this and wow u suddenly updated now haha. It was nice.
PartiallySunny #10
:O :O :O