Horrible First Impressions

Kiss Kiss, Do Kyungsoo!

|| ~*~ ||


|| "Everyone has their own reason for falling in love. It’s different for everyone, maybe you’re my love." ||


|| Do Family Residence ||


Hey there umma! It’s been a while since I’ve been in such a hurry before I’ve greeted you in the morning – I start high school today at that fancy academy you wanted me to attend back when I was younger. Not due to a cooking scholarship, though, but I’ll make sure to perfect my recipes and learn new ones just for you (and appa as well, but he gets to eat them, and he doesn’t really know much about the culinary preparation that you put me through before). I hope you can see me from up there, umma. Have you been watching over me? Are you proud of me? You always said that you would be proud of me no matter what, you promised me that. Do promises stay strong in Heaven?


“Kyungsoo-yah! Are you ready? You should be heading out now before you’re late!”


“Ah, mian appa! I’m on my way out now!”

|| ~*~ ||


|| Seoul Academy for the Gifted and Talented ||


Do Kyungsoo stared, wide eyed, as he wandered the near-empty hallways of the large building. There were tons of fancy decorations, such as marble pillars lined along the walls, which were draped panel-by-panel with beautiful gold and violet intricacies. Each door was made of shiny, polished mahogany wood, handles carved perfectly as individual bows and gold placards hung above the large doors, marking which room was which. The various students he had noticed were all decked out in their uniforms; the males dressed in crisp blazers of deep red and gold patterns, the school emblem emblazoned on the left pectoral and slacks fitting their legs while the females wore the same blazers, tapered around the waist to fit their curved frames with skirts falling against milky thighs. He wandered the halls, his own sweatshirt pulled over hastily and jeans clinging to his legs. The school and its inhabitants were both things that were alien to him, as a boy who had grown up in a homely neighborhood in a laid-back lifestyle. Kyungsoo was used to casual clothing, the kind he wore, and common décor, like the kind he found in his home and many neighboring households. He guessed though, as one of the top three most prestigious and renowned high schools in Asia, ‘common’ wasn’t at all the thing to expect. Kyungsoo’s stride stopped, wide eyes looking over and through the large glass window beside him – he could easily spot his home from here, as well as many others. The mountains beyond the way were obscured slightly by the large clock tower stationed in the very middle of the school, ticking with perfectly oiled ease. How old was that clock, anyways, and why did it continue so easily? Questions everywhere with this place, honestly.


“Classroom 1-A…” he mumbled in a small voice, his brows furrowing as he continued on in his search. For a good hour and a half, he had spent it looking for his damned classroom. Time, though, was not an issue, as his father wouldn’t be home in a while due to work, and he still needed to look up a recipe to cook for dinner. What on Earth was he going to do about that too? Argh! Too much, too much. Kyungsoo’s lips twisted to the side as he looked around, sighing softly when he noticed that he was alone and at a dead end. He might as well just quit looking for it for today and find a quiet place to rest and look up a recipe; he would also have to ask for a map to the school before he left today. The music rooms were all crowded, so that was off of his list. His tennis shoes squeaked unceremoniously against the polished marble floor, and he pushed his hair from his face with an involuntarily adorable huff. His hood was pulled up above his hat-covered head, legs moving as he continued to stalk the hallways even further. Was there any quiet place to go?

|| ~*~ ||


 || Library Number Twelve ||


That’s what the golden placard above the double doors read. Kyungsoo had pressed his ear to one of the mahogany doors a little while ago, his brows furrowing as he awaited any sound of hustle and bustle beyond the confines of the wood, or the neighboring door to open and reveal a mess of students flooding the library. Nothing of the sort came, though, and he was enveloped in an undeniably anxious silence. Was there really an empty twelfth library in this spacious school building? This, he hoped, was not a mirage of any sort. Kyungsoo shifted his weight from one foot to the other, staring at the wooden handle with uncertainty – if he opened this door and it was actually very crowded like he expected, there was really no harm done at all. If it was empty, there would be a positive outlook rather than a neutral, so there was that as well. He took a deep breath, taking a hold of the handle and pressing the pad of his thumb down on the small opening mechanism located on the curve of the metal. The brunette flinched as he was met with a bright flood of light, wide eyes squeezing shut when the brightness met his sensitive orbs. Who on Earth added the lighting to this room?


“What in the…” He was awestruck yet again, finding himself stumbling into the room even further as he took in the décor of this library. There were velvet loveseats and sofas around the room, lined with polished gold and coffee tables made from shiny black wood. There were flowers placed in elegantly transparent vases; tulips, roses, chrysanthemums and hydrangeas, even persimmon flowers were placed into the glasses scattered along the tabletops. The library was naturally littered with bookcases, many clean and polished, but Kyungsoo seriously doubted they were even used on a daily basis – or even at all, really. His eyes scoured the room, until a pair of hands clasped his shoulders and he let out a yelp of surprise.


“It isn’t nice at all to barge in without saying hello, you know,” said an unfamiliar voice, though the bug-eyed boy could practically see the smirk on the speaker’s lips.


“You could have at least pretended to acknowledge our presence~” another cooed, the comment being met with a cool and steady gust of air being blown against the spot below Kyungsoo’s ear, making the boy stumble away hurriedly. When he whirled around and somewhat gained his composure, he was met with a scene that caused him to take a sharp intake of breath.


Before him stood a group of six breathtakingly handsome boys, all staring at him with interest and slight confusion, and Kyungsoo found that the duo located closest were the ones who had invaded his personal space not too long ago. One was tall, towering over his friend, with curly brown hair and wide chestnut eyes. The other was shorter compared to his companion, light brown hair styled to fall lightly against his own dark eyes. Was that eyeliner around his eyes as well…? Nonetheless, Kyungsoo stood there like a fish out of water, lips parted and jaw slacked as he continued to stare. The duo from before glanced at each other, shrugging their shoulders in perfect unison before turning and retreating back to the group, letting another boy take their place.


“Excuse me,” he began, lips curving into a gentle smile that made Kyungsoo’s skin go cold all of a sudden. This guy didn’t seem to be in a playful mood at all, and that smile seemed to hold other intentions that he had imagined before. “But club hours are not in place at the moment. I am sorry to say, but you cannot stay. In fact, we are all getting ready to go home.”


“Come on, Sehuna~” chirped the curly-haired boy from earlier, skipping back to the boy and slinging an arm around his broad shoulders, much to the other’s obvious chagrin. “We aren’t going to be biased towards ‘im, right? We serve guys too, don’t we?” The boy, who was affectionately called ‘Sehuna’, shrugged the lanky arm from his frame, brow twitching in obvious annoyance.


“Yes, we aren’t biased towards the female population of the school, but keep in mind that the club is indeed closed. And for the last time, my name is Sehun, Chanyeol, not that incessant nickname that you insist on calling me.” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and sending ‘Chanyeol’ a glare, before turning his attention back to Kyungsoo. “I apologize for my rudeness, but it is indeed closing time.”


“Boss, do something!” Chanyeol whined, dragging along his partner with him, who voluntarily joined in on the whining. “Sehuna is being mean to our guest!”


“G-Guest…?” Kyungsoo stammered out, his eyes growing wider than they normally were as he watched the events unfold. He needed to get out of here, before things got even worse – and besides, this Sehun guy obviously wanted him to leave. But he would admit that he was just the tiniest bit curious of what ‘club’ these guys were in, and why they saying that serving guys wasn’t a bad thing. He guessed that his curiosity and a bit of guilt screwed him into place, because he made no signs of moving out of the room.


“If I recall correctly – and you know I make no mistakes when it comes to these things – you and Baekhyun invaded his personal space earlier. I’m not being mean, but you are being rude.”


“We were not invading his space!” The shorter boy, named Baekhyun, insisted, stamping his foot childishly against the marble. In that moment, Kyungsoo frowned, his brows furrowing – this guy seemed a bit too bratty and childish, much like his taller friend. “Chanyeol and I wanted to greet him properly! But then he kind of…spazzed.”


“I-I did not spazz!”


“Oh look, our guest can speak!”


“D-Don’t squish me! Agh!”


“That’s enough.”


Kyungsoo felt his body tense, the scene freezing at an awkward area; his cheeks were currently being poked and prodded by Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who turned their heads as well with curious expressions. Another boy stood, dusting off his uniform and plucking a rose from the jar adjacent to the sofa he sat on. His footsteps echoed through the suddenly silent room. The pair exchanged glances, identical smirks curling against their lips before they backed away from the petrified male. The one who had stood up was then revealed, and Kyungsoo found himself staring even more.  The boy’s hair was a dark shade of brown, styled upwards and over his head, brown eyes smoldering and deep, and a charismatic smile was held firmly against plump lips. He stepped forward, facing Kyungsoo and chuckling.


“Sehun, I think you may have been a bit rude yourself. Our guest here is nothing short of homely, is he not? Perhaps he wanted to visit the host club in hope of perfecting his image,” he suggested, smile curling wider into a smirk as he dragged his index finger along Kyungsoo’s jaw line. “So, what is it that you desire, kitten? I’m sure that if you would like a session with one of us, we can surely provide you with that. A private session with me would be very much appreciated~” The wide-eyed student blushed profusely, his body tensing even more, though he finally stumbled away from the boy and turned towards the door. His heart was beating a mile a minute, and he breathed unevenly.


“N-No, I’m sorry!” He bowed hurriedly, his face a blazing scarlet red as he shook heavily. Kyungsoo glanced around at them all, his eyes wide and sight going blurry. His body felt hot everywhere, and his heart rate was beating far too quickly to be normal or healthy. “I-I just needed a p-place to study, I-I didn’t mean to intrude o-on your club activities!”


“Are you alright?” Sehun inquired, frowning tightly as he stepped forward as well. He was not particularly concerned about Kyungsoo’s health, but if word got out that someone had had an attack in the club room, there may be legal issues in need of clearing up. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, was scared to death by what was to come, even when his mind went blank and his sight was lost, his body falling to the marble floor with a dull thud.

|| ~*~ ||

|| And thus ends the first chapter of Kiss Kiss, Do Kyungsoo! I have a feeling that I'm going to have a real fun time with this project, and I hope you all anticipate the updates! ^^ I'll try really hard not to abandon this, because Ouran is honestly my favorite anime of all time. If anyone is wondering, the reason as to why Kyungsoo fainted here in the end is revealed in his character chart in the foreword, at the very end. And yes, I did indeed listen to Sakura Kiss while editing this. Don't judge me. See you guys next time! ||

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Asianstufflover #1
Update soon, I love this fic! :)
sungmina #2
Chapter 2: update soon author-nim!! :))
kikinana #3
are you going to continue this story?
kaisoo67 #4
Chapter 2: I like where it was going!
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Nice job Authornim. ^_^
Chapter 2: ahhh~ I like where this fic is going!! I totally loved watching Ouran Highschool Host Club, ans I don't even like shoujo. But read abiut my otp being the one's in the host club, and top of that Kyungsoo is the protagonist? This is pure gold!!

Updatee soon!!! please ahahah <3
Kyumin198Eunhae #6
Chapter 2: Can't wait to your next update!!
Chapter 2: OMG! Imaging Kyungsoo as a host. ~.~
Haha. I am already guessing what is going to happen.
official #8
Mistee, I'm so sorry for the terribly long wait the poster's having. My procrastination habits are the worst, and finding the pictures is giving me a bad time. It won't be too long, promise!
Avatarjasmin #9
Chapter 1: Haha, poor Kyungsoo. Since he out when he met the host club members, will he be indebted to them like Haruhi in OHSHC? Or do you have another thing planned? Either way, I love this :D