
Imagine Your OTP

"Person A is in a coma and has a dream about Person B telling Person A that Person A needs to wake up. In reality, Person B is visiting Person A telling them to hold on. Soon after, Person A wakes up and thanks Person B for being in their life and for always being there for Person A."


For DanDyuGangsters ;D


Everything around her was filled with bright, flourescent colours. Flowers danced at her ankles and grass waved at her shins. Birds' songs flew through the wind and tickled her ears - they were like her friend's voices, whispering in her ears and giggling. She could hear her sister with a smile in her voice, her father with a relieved sigh. Why was there weeping? Someone was crying, but they were being comforted. Was it Yoona?

The ground she stood on began to slope and she could feel her feet slipping. She tried to pull herself back, but just kept falling. She was rolling now, on her back, only empty space surrounding her. Where was she going? Where had the birds gone? "No. No, no, no, no..."

"Sunny... Sunny..."

A new voice greeted her. She whipped her head around, but still there was only empty space. It seemed that she was wearing a pure white gown, which felt light and soft against her skin. Somehow, Sunny felt like she should be tired. But all she felt was energy, the need to get up and run. Yet her legs rooted her to the spot, as though she wasn't allowed to move.

This is such a lovely place, Sunny, she thought to herself. Why would you ever want to leave? It's so nice here. Can't we stay forever?

Somewhere in the back of her mind tugged memories of old places. Old, warm, loud places. So much laughter, so many voices and so many tears. It was much nicer here. Nobody cried here.


Who was that? They were familiar. Important. But the tone of their voice seemed so different and strange. They weren't supposed to be worn out and desperate, or compassionate.


Everything was beginning to get confusing now. Sunny was just beginning to realise that none of this made sense. Her brain began to hurt, a sharp pain digging into her head. Where was she? Was this where she lived? That didn't make sense, though, did it? Well of course it made sense. How could a beautiful place like this not make sense? She was supposed to be here.


"Taeyeon?" the words escaped her lips in a whisper before she could even register what she was saying. Taeyeon? Taeyeon was here? She rose to her feet, no longer locked to the ground. Next time she spoke, she was much more excited and urgent. "Taeyeon! Taeyeon, where are you?"

There was a giggle coming from behind her. She turned, but nobody was there. There was more laughter, until she was spinning round in circles and her knees were feeling weak. Taeyeon was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm here, Sunny," she said, kneeling down beside her. Had she fallen? When had she fallen?

Taeyeon looked even more beautiful than she ever had. Sunny had always known that her best friend was beautiful, but today it was even more noticable. Her whole being emitted a glow, like an angel. She was smiling, showing off that one imperfection in her bottom tooth - that one imperfection that made Sunny want to squeal from how perfect it was.

"Taeyeon!" she reached out to wrap her arms around Taeyeon's neck, but found herself falling in thin air. Was Taeyeon gone? No, she had appeared again, but she was at least an arm's length away. Had she always been that far away?

"Sunny, I miss you," Taeyeon wasn't smiling anymore. Now there was a distinct sadness in her eyes. There may have even been tears, as her eyes closed tightly to release them, but no tears appeared to fall.

"But I'm right here, Taeng," Sunny's voice felt small and unsure.

"I miss you so much," she continued. She wasn't looking at Sunny, but to the ground, as though Sunny wasn't there at all. "I feel lonely and empty, Sunny. I need you here to fill the gaps."

"I'm right here!"

Taeyeon's head snapped up, and she looked straight into Sunny's eyes. She was closer now, they'd lost all sense of personal space. "You need to wake up, Sunny. We need you to wake up."

Wake up? Wasn't she already awake? If she wasn't awake, how was it that everything felt so real? She could feel the grass beneath her feet, the wind against her neck and the warm sun against her skin.

"You've got to wake up... Wake up... Wake up..."

Everything faded. She was drowning in blackness, falling, spinning; weightless.


"Taengoo!" Sunny's small form shot right up, her arms instinctively reaching out around Taeyeon's neck. She wasn't sure how she'd found Taeyeon so quickly, only that it felt right to be this close to her. She buried her face inside Taeyeon's hair and grasped the back of her collar lightly.

There was a gasp and a moment of hesitation, but a pair of tentative arms soon s around Sunny's waist and held her close.

"You're awake..." Taeyeon's startled, unsure voice sounded crackly - as though she'd been crying. She was sniffling, tears still swimming down her cheeks. "You woke up, Sunny..."

"Of course I did, Tae," she took a deep breath. "What happened? Why am I here?"

"It's a long story," Taeyeon muttered. "Don't worry yourself, just... rest. Please."

"Thank you, Taeyeon."

"It's fine, I just think you shou-"

"No, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for bringing your childish, adorable face into my life," she reached back and took Taeyeon's cheeks into her hands, pinching them. "I don't know what I'd do without you and your peas."

They pulled back into a hug again, this time both grinning like idiots. There was a moment of understanding silence, before Taeyeon broke it with a laugh.

"You really like my peas, huh?"

That earned a weak slap from Sunny. "You're such a ert, Kim Taeyeon!"

"I'm sorry, bunny," she ran her fingers through Sunny's hair, curling it in her fingers.

"It's just another thing that makes you my idiot Taeng, whom I love so, so much," she finished her sentence with a sigh. "Please never leave my life, Taeyeon."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

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I also want HyoYoung, juseyo :D
seungwarm #2
Chapter 3: I can't wait for Hyoyoung. :D
Chapter 1: Aww that JeTi part was cuuute... BUT I NEED MORE JeTi TO SATISFY ME! XD
DanDyuDream #4
Chapter 3: hehe. nice dandyu moment! thank you author.. but, what actually happen to Sunny?

hehe, I love taengoo peas too, I hug them every night! hehe
DanDyuDream #5
can i have Dandyu/SunYeon one shot please~~~~~~
31 streak #6
Chapter 2: wow!!!! so cute....YoonYul a one happy family..... so nice...... hope there will be a JeTi story like this author-ssi~....
Chapter 2: this is so cute D: my otp feels