
The Unknown


The Unknown
Myungsoo has noticed something these days. That is, his close buddy, Lee Sungyeol. Something is wrong with his buddy. Something is bothering him. Sungyeol is not being the usual him nowadays and the only person to notice his drastic change is of course, his close friend, Kim Myungsoo.
Myungsoo sighed and stared at Sungyeol again. Myungsoo couldn't even fill his starve when he saw Sungyeol in that state. The dorm was quite quiet since these two guys doesn't have anything to say at all. The other members went outside with the manager and since Sungyeol insisted to stay at home, Myungsoo decided to keep him company. He was not in the mood to go out anyway. Afterall, that was what Sungyeol did when Myungsoo wanted to stay home alone too. Sungyeol will keep him company and now is the time to pay back his good deed. 
Indeed, the both of them will never dump or leave one another alone. They believe the word 'friendship' and they both promise to not abandon one another until the end of their lifes. Even YaDong, WooGyu and Sungjong envy their relationship alot. Sungyeol and Myungsoo has this one chemistry and this one special bond towards each other. There was even a rumour spreaded about the two of them were actually a gay. Heck, that was just nonsense. So, whenever there is a male being close to his other male acquantance, that means they were gay? How ridiculous.
To be honest, Myungsoo has to admit that Sungyeol is always the bright and happy one while he is always the cool and relax one. Who says opposite can't attract? Obviously, it does, and MyungYeol can be the prove to that statement.
Myungsoo and Sungyeol met way earlier than they met with the other Infinite members. They firstly met on 2007 when they waited to enter the auditioning room. The auditioning room will always be their special first rendezvous. They mixed-up pretty well since their first meeting and now, even after 6 years, their friendship continues. Sungyeol was the most happy person in the world and never did Myungsoo saw him wearing a frown or more, cry.
Myungsoo loves all of his friends but everyone can tell who is that one person whom he loves the most. Apparently, yes, it is Sungyeol. The nicest buddy he could ever ask for. Myungsoo especially like it when Sungyeol joke and laugh around. But today, he, for the first time ever, hates Sungyeol. He hates Sungyeol for not wearing his usual goofy smile. He hates Sungyeol for being silent, not cracking a joke here and there and most of all, he hates Sungyeol for not being himself.
Myungsoo kept staring at Sungyeol who was blankly staring at the television. He was not blinking at all and he swore if looks could kill, Sungyeol was probably dead by now. Furthurmore, that is what special about Myungsoo, his penetrating gaze and his death glare.
But for the uptenth time, Myungsoo let out a sigh again. Now it seems like Myungsoo was the one who has a problem.
Myungsoo stood up and he went to sit beside Sungyeol, leaving his delicious ramyun untouched on the dining table. He seriously has no appetite after seeing his buddy acting anything except for himself today.
Sungyeol didn't turn his face to Myungsoo at all. He didn't even budge from his position. It was like he didn't even know Myungsoo's presence beside him, or he really didn't notice Myungsoo.
Myungsoo sighed. Being the usually cold and quiet guy, he is not the type to comfort or persuade others. He didn't even know how to stop a crying kid, obviously, just give them an ice cream or candies and they will shut up. But Myungsoo, maybe he's too dumb or too naive that he couldn't even think of that.
"Yah." Myungsoo hissed. His voice was stern and it was impossible for anyone to not hear him except if he or she was deaf. And right now, Myungsoo couldn't help but to think that actually Sungyeol was deaf too since he still didn't face L. Where is the cheerful choding?
Myungsoo took a deep breath and he nudged Sungyeol's waist a.k.a his weakest spot. Myungsoo was sure that Sungyeol will laugh and return the nudge, but he is wrong. Sungyeol fell to the other side of the couch and his face were unamused. Myungsoo bit his lips. He is a little bit scared right now. Usually, when he did this to Sungyeol, he will always return it and they will have their childish nudging fight right here and there.
Today sure is a strange day.
Sungyeol didn't smile or laugh by Myungsoo's nudge. Instead, he sat up properly again. It took quite a time for Myungsoo to realise that Sungyeol was finally facing him. He raised a brow, "What?" Sungyeol asked. Myungsoo sheepishly grin and nudged Sungyeol again, "Aye. Why so serious?" Myungsoo asked. It was an awkward conversation. Myungsoo doesn't really know and brave enough to ask about Sungyeol's problem without stating it bluntly. Sungyeol stayed still, he faced Myungsoo once again, "I'm sorry. But can you stop nudging me. It's annoying, really."
Myungsoo gaped at Sungyeol. He wasn't expecting that answer at all. He never heard Sungyeol's tone like that. Hard and rash. It wasn't like his friend at all.
"What happened to you." Myungsoo muttered, he was staring right into Sungyeol's eyes. He didn't ask, it was more like a statement.
Sungyeol blinked and turned to the television again, "Nothing happened, L." Myungsoo felt a slight twist in his chest. Sungyeol... he didn't call him Myungsoo anymore. It's weird. He always, and when he said always, he means all the time. Sungyeol always call L as Myungsoo. Eventhough Myungsoo doesn't like it when people call him by his real name but he was always okay and even feel more comfortable when his buddy called him by his real name. His buddy that is, Lee Sungyeol.
The atmosphere grew silent. Only the sound of the television was heard. Myungsoo was about to say something when he was cut by Sungyeol. "I'm going to bathe." he said, standing up, before walking away into the washroom.
Myungsoo sighed. It couldn't be that Sungyeol suddenly wanted to break their bond, right? There must be something else. But, what is it?
Right at the moment, Myungsoo saw an object at the corner of the couch. He went closer and took it. Sungyeol's phone. Myungsoo has never check Sungyeol's phone before. This is his first time to trespass his friend's private stuff. Myungsoo clicked some button and the lock with password came out.
Myungsoo sighed. Now, what is the password?
Myungsoo think and think and he finally thought of something. He remembered this one time when Sungyeol was telling him that he loves putting his birthday date as his password because he said that when he forgot the password, he can briskly remember it back.
Myungsoo smiled and he took a deep breath before inserting the numbers.
*Yes thank gosh.* Myungsoo grinned. He scrolled into the phone and he saw a minimized website. Myungsoo don't know why he opened it but he knew that the reason behind Sungyeol's attitude today was because of this.
Myungsoo couldn't really believe himself that time. Why would Sungyeol opened such a website? He never thought that his buddy would actually care about this thing. Sungyeol is an optimistic and a positive person. So, why the heck did he check the anti-fan page?
The other members even Sunggyu who was always grumpy didn't want to check on the negative comment towards them. But Sungyeol checked it. Heck?
Myungsoo sighed and he browsed and scrolled more to the bottom until finally, the comment box appeared. Myungsoo didn't want to read the comments, but he was getting so curious and he couldn't help himself but to just read it all.
'To be honest, the tall guy can't even sing! Why is he there in the group? Talentless!'
'Sungyeol can't sing neither rap or dance. He doesn't even has a good look. He should be kick-out from Infinite.'
'Sungyeol should just be a good boy and get great results and just went to the university. He's not qualified enough to be an idol.'
'Woollim Ent. is so blind at judging people's talent.'
'Kick Sungyeol out and I'll stop hating on Infinite.'
'Infinite will be better without the tall guy.'
Myungsoo gaped at the mean comments. Tears were forming in his eyes but he blinked it back. He promised to not cry anymore. But he wasn't really sure if he could held the tears or not. He never thought the harsh and rude comments will be this harsh and rude. And so, Myungsoo stopped reading the comments. The phone fell onto his lap. Myungsoo bit his lips. He felt so bad for not knowing that Sungyeol was distress about this problem. He felt so bad for not being a good friend who was always there by his side.
Sungyeol's voice snapped Myungsoo back to the reality. "What are you doing?" Sungyeol asked. His voice was shaking a bit. He was mad maybe, or maybe he was preventing himself from letting a tear to fall.
Myungsoo turned to Sungyeol and Myungsoo swore he saw Sungyeol's eyes widened a little before returning to its normal size. Maybe because of his puffy and red eyes. He was crying, what do you expect?
Sungyeol's eyes trailed from Myungsoo's eyes to his phone on Myungsoo's lap. Automatically, his eyes widened again. He stomped his feets and snatched the phone away from Myungsoo. "Why did you trespass my belongings?!" Sungyeol growled. He checked on his phone and he saw the website popped out.
"Sungyeol." Myungsoo called. His voice was so full of tenderness. It was the very opposite from Sungyeol's one. He need to ask Sungyeol. He need to ask Sungyeol about everything.
When Sungyeol didn't answer, Myungsoo called him again. This time, Sungyeol faced him, "What?". Myungsoo smiled a bit, "Do you still remember our first meeting 6 years ago?". Sungyeol furrowed his brows, "What do you mean, L?" Myungsoo swallowed the lump again and he tried to smile again, "We promised something didn't we?" Myungsoo asked. Sungyeol look kinda blur at first but he slowly getting it in, "...Yeah.". "Tell me what it was." Myungsoo stated. Sungyeol sighed and he rolled his eyes, "No secret from each other at all." Myungsoo smiled. Sungyeol actually remembered the promise. But why didn't he do it right?
"That wasn't the first time I check on it." Sungyeol muttered under his breath. Thanks to the perfect ear, Myungsoo heard what he said.
"Why did you check it, Yeol?" Myungsoo asked.
"It has nothing to do with you." Sungyeol growled and went to sit on the couch again, far far away from Myungsoo. Myungsoo heave a sigh and moved near to Sungyeol. "Sungyeol. Tell me what's wrong. That's what a friend is for."
"Do you NOT understand what I said just now? It has nothing to do with you!" Sungyeol grew furious and he stood up. But Myungsoo held him. "If you said that it's nothing to do with me. Then, that means you don't treasure our friendship. Just so you know, you're my best friend. So what ever heck things that has something to do with you, have to do something with me too. So, spit it out Lee Sungyeol." Myungsoo said, sternly. Never has Sungyeol heard this tone before and he's sure that neither of the other Infinite's members have heard this too. Sungyeol knew that Myungsoo is very serious about this and he too knew that Myungsoo won't let this slip.
"Fine. Sit." Sungyeol gestured Myungsoo. When Myungsoo sat on the couch, Sungyeol took the spot beside him. Sungyeol sighed.
"Myungsoo..." Sungyeol said, softly. Myungsoo almost smiled at that, but he held it back knowing that his friend is in a problem and it is bad for him to smile when his friend is frowning. "Do you still remember when I broke up with Hyemi before?"
Myungsoo blinked, confused on where this conversation is leading but he nodded anyways. "Do I acted this way, before?" Sungyeol asked again. Myungsoo reminisced to that particular moments again. It happened last 2 years ago, on Christmas. All of Infinite's members were back at the dorm, preparing for a Christmas party except for a person. That is, Sungyeol.
The boys knew that Sungyeol was having a date with his girfriend and they didn't bother him to join the preparation. What they don't know was that the date wasn't actually a 'date'.
That night, when the party was starting, Sungyeol came back to the dorm. His nose were red, according to Myungsoo. They all didn't ask anything about that since they have assumed that it was because of the snow and the cold weather. Sungyeol too has acted normal in the party. He was laughing and joking around, being the choding he is. After the party ended, all the members were already sleepy and they all went to sleep. But, Myungsoo who was laying on his bed couldn't close his eyes. His eyes trailed to the bed beside him and then it hit him, Sungyeol wasn't there.
Myungsoo stood up and he went searching for Sungyeol. He went to the toilet, none. To the kitchen, none. To the other rooms, none. At the last minute, when he was about to give up, he heard a sob nearby.
Myungsoo was scared at first. Well yeah, who wouldn't be if you heard a sobbing at 3 am and nobody was in view? But due to his motivation to find his best friend, he followed the sound.
The sound brought him to the balcony of the dorm. And he found that one person he was searching for.
"Yeol?" Myungsoo tapped the guy's shoulder. Sungyeol looked at the other way for a while and then he faced Myungsoo. His nose was red again and his eyes were puffy. 
"Were you crying?" Myungsoo blurted. He hate it when people cried infront of him. But now, it hurts him to see his best friend cried. His best friend whom he never saw crying.
"What are you talking about. I was....having a cold, maybe." Sungyeol said and stiffled a laugh which have failed since it went out as a choke.
"You're lying, Yeol. Spill it out." Myungsoo said and immediately, Sungyeol couldn't help himself anymore. He cried.
He cried and cried and through all that time, Myungsoo was continuously patting his back, comforting him.
"She said that I barely spent my time with her anymore. I said that I had to work hard to debut and she said that she couldn't live like that anymore. So, she called it off." Sungyeol said, a tear dropped from his eyes.
Sungyeol faced Myungsoo, "I don't have anyone else now, Myungsoo. My family is far away. Hyemi.... left me. I don't have anyone else. What should I do?"
"Shhhuu Yeol. Who said you don't have anyone? You have Sunggyu, Sungjong, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, manager hyungs, stylist noonas, coordi noonas and obviously, you have me. So stop crying and get me the old Sungyeol back okay? This is her lost. Hyemi's lost for leaving an amazing person like you."
Sungyeol couldn't help but to have Myungsoo in his arm. Myungsoo has comforted and soothed him alot. He felt grateful towards Myungsoo. Myungsoo, his best friend who cares about him.
Reminiscing those moments, Myungsoo couldn't help but to feel sad as well. Sungyeol really knows how to hide things. That was his love story back then, and now, about his career story.
"Do you know that you were the only one who confronted me 2 years ago to ask me about my problem? The other guys only know about me breaking up with Hyemi 6 months later. You were the only person I could rely on Myungsoo. The first thing I want right now is for you to gain your successful life and be happy with it."
Myungsoo nodded his head, biting his lips to avoid himself from crying by hearing his friend's honest words.
"People keep on hating Infinite because I am in this group. Woollim Ent. is misjudged because of me too. The first time I read the hateful comments, I really was determine to change their opinion towards me. Until now, I've been working harder to make myself better. But I can't. I'm not that talented. I don't know. I feel....worthless."
Myungsoo gaped at the last word. Never did he know that Sungyeol actually felt that small of himself.
"I'm being cold these days. Different these days because I keep thinking about how selfish I am towards you and the guys. If I weren't in this group, you guys could have been more successful than right now. I'm sorry. Truly am."
Sungyeol was about to continue but Myungsoo cut him, "Stop it."
Right at the moment, a tear escaped from Sungyeol's eyes.
"You are not worthless. You tried so hard. I know that. Eventhough you got the least part, you were already happy. And did you still remember when you got the rap part for Cover Girl? You said that you couldn't do it well and you told the CEO to not give you so many parts as you were not ready. How can that, be selfish, Lee Sungyeol? You were and still a considerate, courteous and a fun guy. The anti-fans couldn't see that in you, they only saw the flaws. But did you see 'Inspirit's? How they said you are amazing and an idol for them? Take that compliment, Sungyeol. Work harder too. Who knows? Maybe you can beat Dongwoo in rapping, or beat Hoya in dancing, or beat WooGyu in singing, or maybe beat me for the most handsome face? You know you're amazing. Just don't give up. Or else, the 4 years of training will just be a waste of time."
And then Sungyeol did it.
He smiled. A genuine smile formed. And Myungsoo joined him too.
And right now too, Myungsoo knows now that Sungyeol is okay. 
The old Sungyeol is back. And he will work hard to be a great idol in the future.
Myungsoo couldn't help but to think too. Who knows the happy virus could cry? Who knows he could be broken too? No one knows. Because people keep judging him from the outside and never see his inside. Like his talent too, people keep judging him from his external, never his internal. Myungsoo hope that people can at least change their way of thinking and judging. He wanted all the people who are close to him to be happy in their lifes. He treasures them alot. He loves them.



I’ll give Sungyeol my friendship as a gift” - Myungsoo

Sungyeol - “Then I’ll go further and give L my friendship.”


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Chapter 1: This is so beautiful! I love it ^^

It's really good, their friendship is really beautiful! MyungYeol forever ♥
Chapter 1: i feel so touched reading this :') myungyeol <3
deliciousyou #3
Chapter 1: Beautiful~ aww, the big day for you is coming Yeollie :)
I love the quotes <3
Thanks for the great story^^
This is ♥sdfsda;;