The Big Day

This Dream Concert

           Here I am walking aimlessly inside the mall hoping for something to happen even i know it's really impossible. Well it's not my fault you know. Being a fangirl of exo is not easy, especially if you can't decide who among them is your ultimate bias . All of them are just too lovable. That' why i was so excited when i heard about the concert but broken at the same time. That moment  there was only one month left  before the big day and my everyday allowance won't be enough to buy a ticket. OK maybe it is. But I’m gonna be seated farthest from the stage. No way.


                 So back to the topic, yeah, I wasn't able to avail a ticket for the Dream KPOP fantasy concert. I’m not rich so it just broke my heart really bad. That’s why here I am , looking for exo who may happen to take a stroll before the concert begins later. I checked the time,  2:30 p.m and i still have tons of work to do. No problem , I can cram all my work right ? This is more important. I can just do window shopping to kill time.

          But two hours had passed and still no shadow of them. I’m praying really hard now and i feel like i'm on the verge of crying. I swear if I get the chance to see exo, even just a glimpse of them, I can die right away.  I was being depressed so i went to Krispy kreme and ordered my favorite caramel kreme crunch.

       As much as i hate to accept it, few hours left before the concert and still no signs of them, i guess i have to give up now.

        I went for the exit and searched for my car. Great, now i don't even remember where i parked it. UntilI saw a group of guys. There were so many, 12 i think? They were laughing about something I don’t know what is. As I got closer I think they somewhat look familiar.  Oh.My.Goodness.    My heart was beating so fast. I never knew i could be so lucky today. I guess it's really worth the wait. I walked very slowly thinking that if i see them face-to-face now i will really pass away soon. I was taking very careful steps, not wanting to be obvious for I might creep them out. Twenty steps away from them  later becomes ten. And now five.  i swear i feel my heart ready to burst anytime soon. One step away.

"Excuse me?" i said. Blushing really hard,i bow my head really low just in case they might thought i'm a crazy fan girl. I am ready, i am really ready now, take me Lord.

"Bakit po ?" said one of the boys as I felt all of them faced me.

          Shocked with the  thought that my exo can speak filipino, i lift my head up just to be disappointed. I knew it. I knew it’s impossible. I’m such a fool. Why did I even waste my time here?   In just a matter of 10 seonds, i was broken again.

            My tears made it's way out. I excuse myself from the boys and run until my legs soared. Luckily, i now find my car in the middle of the parking lot. But then I was confused to see a guy sneaking behind my car, as if hiding from something orsomeone. As far as i remember i was not with anyone when i went here. I poke his back and he jumped off.

            I froze on the spot. My mouth hanged open  and my breath is uneven now. This isn't real right? i'm just dreaming right ?

              Luhan straightened himself up and faced me. He’s saying things which i cannot comprehend. I wanted to stop him. I wanted to tell him that i don't understand what he was saying. But i can't. This moment is just too precious that I can’t even change the expression on my face. So I just stood there not even worrying if i look stupid in front of him.

He just stopped when he saw a group of girls run passed us. So, that's why he was hiding behind my car, I thought.

"You speak english?" He said as he faced me again.

             I just nod. Still not absorbing that this is not a dream. He just chuckled. Probably noticing that i'm nervous and at the same time too shocked to see him face to face.

"Thank you" he held both of my hands. Wait .

               I think i'm gonna pass out really soon but i felt something hard on my palm. I'm holding an EXO-K album? Hey where did I get this ? i can't even afford to buy one. And then reality hit me. It 's from him. A gift from a member of my beloved EXO. Probably because he was thankful that i saved him from that bunch of crazy fan girls. Well, okay i'm one of them most of the times.

             Finally having the courage to talk to him and thank him for the gift, i saw him already far away . Running . Oh , ofcourse, just a few minutes left  and the concert will begin.



There were Widescreens outside apart from the ones in the concert grounds. I didn't watch the concert though. This is enough. More than enough. I am so very thankful, God answered my prayer with a bonus that i'm still alive. I reached home with my smile still unfading. My mom didn't ask what happened. She just smiled at me probably knowing that something great happened. I went to my room with the album in my hand. I don't know but i'm speechless.

My mind is blank but i felt really happy. Still can't get over the fact that i saw Luhan, even though not all of them, i never felt so much happiness in my life. I was listening to the album Luhan gave me as my lids got heavy and not long after, i was already in the dream land.

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Me too author-nim, i wasn't able to get tickets because i don't have the money, hayyyy.... i'm still student in high school so no concert for me T.T .. i didn't even see the infinite oppas.. i'm sorry for ranting nonsense author-nim.