He's my brother, silly!

Who's Oppa?

Ok here goes! My first request is done! I hope you some what enjoy <3



It was 8 in the morning when your alarm clock went off. Sitting up slowly in your bed, you stretched your back and yawned aloud. This morning was like any normal morning. It was cold now because it was slowly coming into winter, which meant two things. One, Christmas was right around the corner and two, your brother's birthday was a week away. You lived happily by yourself. Your apartment was small, though your brother sometimes came and stayed with you to make sure his little sister was alright and not so lonely. Though today you were happy he wasn't at your place because you had to go out in the cold weather to find him his birthday present.


After eating breakfast you started to get ready to go out. Making sure you looked presentable in a warm kind of way. Your dark, brown hair was straightened and your make up was natural. You wore a black, woollen hat and also a black, coat that covered most of your body. Not that you were trying to impress anyone but, today felt as though you needed to look slightly better then any other day.


You made your way outside. There was a light layer of snow covering the footpath outside your building. You breathed in the fresh, winter air and started walking the few blocks you had to, to get to the shopping centre. After a few minutes you arrived. Looking at how busy the bottom floor was, you decided to go up to the top floor to look around in the men's clothing.


When you got to the next floor, you noticed how quiet and fancier it was then the bottom floor. Many sophisticated assistants stood around waiting for people who looked like the needed assistance. You avoided eye contact with them because they all seemed to be very good looking, and you didn't want to start any awkward conversation with any of them because you were never really good with guys. Especially good-looking guys. Though what made them look more attractive was the fact they were in suits.


You started browsing racks of clothes. The jackets you saw were all so nice but, oh-so expensive. Though you knew your brother would buy you something expensive for Christmas so you decided to look at some other stuff that he may like.


You were now in the shoes section. All the shoe prices weren’t under $300. But you remember last time you saw your brother and how you noted to yourself that he needed new shoes. You fell in love with a black leather pair of fancy lace up shoes and you thought that he'd really love them. Looking around, you were trying to find someone to assist you so you could get the right size shoe for your brother, but suddenly, you couldn't find a single person there to assist you.


Because of the sudden problem, you raced over to the counter where a man was sitting with his head down focused on his computer. With the shoes still in your hand, you purposely said nothing to him, just to see if he'd at least notice you. After a few minutes, you cleared your throat, making the man look up and jump a bit. Once you saw him, your heart suddenly skipped a beat, and you felt your temperature in your body rise. His face was so angelic and his lips were oh-so kissable. His huge eyes captured your attention the most. The way he stared at you blankly somehow made your brain turn to mush.


After a few seconds of being completely in awe, the guy suddenly waved his hand in front of your face, causing you to somehow snap out of your trance. He then laughed at you and you blushed. Looking away, you finally heard him speak.


"I couldn't help but notice you admiring my, hmm how can I say this, gorgeous charms."


He laughed at his own comment. You suddenly realised what kind of guy he was. He was one of those cocky, to good for anyone else in the world, guys. All hope for a chance was gone and you scoffed at his words.


"oh, c'mon pretty. I mean you'll never be as pretty as me but, you are very pretty for a girl like yourself."


The man said making you wish you went to the other counter on the other side of the store. You rolled your eyes at him and placed the shoes on the counter.


"I don't really care whether you find me pretty or not. I'm here to buy my Oppa a birthday present. Please find me a size 9 in these shoes."


You said formally, not trying to be as rude as him. You studied his face as there was no response for quite a while.


"yah? Why are you like this? I need the shoes."


You said now impatiently. His face suddenly became smug and the confusion flooding through you was really starting to get to you. He then grabbed the shoes and led you to a room behind the counter. Once you entered there were shoe boxes everywhere. Though the guy quickly found the box of shoes and handed them to you.


"thank you."


You said with a smile. Then he sighed a long depressing sigh, which caused you to care a little. Once you walked out of the room with him, he walked back to the counter and he started pinning the price of the shoes into the register.


You suddenly couldn't stand his annoying attitude so you started to starring at him with a confused look.


"hey! Did I say something to upset you before?"


Ok, you could say that even though this guy was cocky and a little up himself, he was very attractive and, you weren’t a person to judge on a first impression. You let your gaze soften and he suddenly looked up to, looking, nervous?


"who's Oppa?"


He whispered, sounding a little upset. But then you suddenly realised why he had gotten upset. He thought my Oppa must've been, my boyfriend?

You smiled warmly at him, almost breaking out into laughter because this guy got so upset about you having a boyfriend.


"my Oppa, is my brother. Wae?"


His face suddenly lit up and he quickly found  a pen and a piece of paper. You didn't see what he was doing because you were too busy pulling out your purse to pay for the shoes. But when you looked up you saw him smiling back at you holding the piece of paper towards you.


"what's this?"


You said cutely, cocking your head to one side. He laughed at your attempt to be cute  and put it down on the counter right in front of you.


"the shoes will be $210 please."


He said pushing more buttons on the register.


"did you mark them down for me."


You said jokingly. Thinking to yourself they were obviously on sale. But when he looked back at you, a y smile crept on his face and he winked at you, causing you to be breath-taken once again.


You paid for the shoes and thanked him over and over for the discount.


"yah, stop thanking me. Just take the paper and do as it says. I'll be expecting to hear from you tonight, hmm?"


You looked at him confused but just laughed it off while grabbing the small piece of paper. You slowly started walking away, turning your head to look back at him, you caught him looking at your .


"yah! Keep your eyes up!"


You said giggling. He just smirked and bit his lip.




He said waving slightly. Embarrassed, you blushed and bit your bottom lip too.




You whispered while waving.


A few minutes passed and you were almost home. You looked down at your watch and saw what time it was. It was actually pretty late. Later then you had expected anyway. But then you just realised, you never got that gorgeous guys name. upset, you got home and chucked yourself down on the couch, putting the bag with the shoes in it on the floor beside you. Suddenly, remembering the note, you pulled it out of your pocket and looked at it. You giggled as you saw the love heart that he drew on the front. You opened it and it said this:


Kim Heechul,

I'm off work at 5, call me then.



And then there was another drawn love heart.


You smiled at his cuteness and looked at your watch again. Holy crap it was 5:30! You instantly rushed off to call him. Maybe your luck wasn't so bad after all.




OK so that's it xD

i know it's terribly short but Niken! I hope you liked it! <3

and to any other readers, i'm more or so open for Donghae confessions. or fluff. so feel free to ask me ^_^

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Chapter 1: Haha I thought he would drew himself just like he did in his signature before hahaha am I right?
Chapter 1: Ah oppa, just leave me your number please kekekek!! This is adorable
spoliarium98 #4
Chapter 1: eek cute. i remembered the incident when his number was accidentally shown on youtube by a filipina cosplayer, how can he be that gracious to give it now hehehe
Chapter 1: It's a cute oneshot. Thanks for it!!! Fighting with your next!!! ^_^
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD!!!
ariana #7
Chapter 1: aww how adorable!
each hand, eat grape. eat it then roll that guy