I do...Again


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company


than a good marriage.


~ Martin Luther ~




I do...Again





Today, Vanessa Leighton Choi officially began her life as a wife. They’ve been married for almost a year and a half but she was finally starting her wifely duties. Her husband had laughed himself silly when she told him that this morning. She had been in South Korea for almost a week. Between her husband and jet lag, she had been bound to the bedroom. She wasn’t sure if her prolonged exhaustion was due to the difference in time-zones or the constant lovemaking with her husband. They hadn’t seen each other in over a year and they were both eager to make up for lost time. They had gone at like rabbits at the height of mating season. While her hips hadn’t given out, her legs had. She had walked with a limp for almost two days. Seunghyun was as smug  as can be and she was sure he was congratulating himself on a job well done. She couldn’t be mad at him for pushing her so far. She had more than enjoyed herself and he hadn’t been the only one that had begged for more, even when she couldn’t handle more.


Her husband had thoroughly pleased her. He had brought her to the height of pleasure and kept her dangling there till she begged him for her release. Seunghyun was a generous lover. He had taken the time to re-familiarized himself with her body; cataloguing the things that her mewled but mostly what made her scream. He spent so much time focusing on her that he often forgot his own pleasure. She made sure to return the favor. She loved exploring his body. She loved the little noises he made in back of his throat when she kissed or touched a particularly sensitive spot. She loved how their bodies fit together; her softness pressed against his hardness. She just love being with him. Needless to say, she was enjoying life as Choi Seunghyun’s wife.


Today was a new day. Her husband was back to work and she had a lot of unpacking to do. The house wasn’t going to decorate itself and she would rather deal with this while her husband was at work. She wanted to spend as much time with him when he was home and that meant getting her chores done during the day. Their nights were for being together and nurturing one another.


She had unpacked the rest of her clothes and put away her cosmetics and hair products. She went around placing random personal items to give personality to their home. In the basement, her husband had a mini studio and he also had a home office on the first floor. She had went in there this morning. She had been amazed with all the music paraphernalias that littered the office. She wanted to straightened up a little but decided against it. It was her husband’s personal space and he could do with it as he pleased. She had dominion over the rest of the house and could as she pleased.


Just this morning, their wedding portraits had arrived. She wanted to hang them above the mantelpiece in the living room, so Seunghyun had them enlarged and framed. She hang the one with them in western wedding attire in the living room and the other one with them in traditional Korean wedding garbs in her bedroom above her bed. She stood back admiring her wedding portrait in her bedroom. That had been such a wonderful day. Her first time in South Korea. She had so much fun sightseeing with her husband. They couldn’t travel for their honeymoon, so they decided to stay in Seoul.


He spent a lot of time showing her his country. They visited many landmarks, including Cheju Island. She had laughed when Seunghyun explained to her why it was called The Honeymoon Isle. He mercilessly when she begged him to take to Nami Island. South Korea was beautiful and seeing it through her husband’s eyes made her fall in love with it even more.


She broke out of her reverie when she heard the house phone. The caller ID showed that it was her husband calling.


“Hello, Oppa,” she said.


“Hi, Wifey. I’m off work for the day. I thought you might like to go out and have lunch with me.”


She squealed. Oh, my god, she could finally get out of the house.


“I would love to.”


“Great. I’ll be there in about half an hour.”


“Alright. I’ll get ready. Bye, Oppa.”


“I’ll see you soon.”


The rest of her unpacking will have to wait. She had a lunch date with her husband. She smiled goofily. She took a quick shower to freshen up and got dressed. She wore a pair of dark green skinny jeans. She borrowed a white graphic t-shirt from her husband and topped it off with a navy blue blazer. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail but then decided it looked better down. Foregoing the makeup, she applied some BB cream to her face and some mascara. She then put on her favorite peach lipgloss then deemed herself ready.


She was halfway down the stairs when the front door flew opened and her husband walked. He never failed to take her breath away whenever he entered the room She had a feeling it might be like that for as long as they both shall live. His outfit today was rather casual; black jeans, red shirt and black leather jacket. He smiled as his eyes landed on her.


“Anyong, Wifey.”


“Hello, Oppa.”


He didn’t close the door behind him and she was about to ask him why when he kissed her. She melted in her husband’s arms and kissed him back. Their intimate moment was ruined when they heard the horn of a car.


She pulled away from him and looked in his eyes.


“Is someone outside.”


Seunghyun scrowled.


“My bandmates. They invited themselves over, claiming they haven’t seen you in a week and that I was being selfish for keeping you all to myself.”


She laughed.


“They’re sweet,” she said.


“They’re a nuisance. I just want to spend time with my wife alone.”


“Oh, Oppa. Don’t mind them too much. We’ll still be together.”


She kissed him again, hoping to pacify him. She knew he wasn’t really mad just annoyed. She wanted to spend the day alone with him too but it would also be nice to see someone else that wasn’t her husband. She hadn’t been out of the house since arrived.


The car beeped again.


“Are you ready to go?” he asked.


She was about to no when she remembered something.


“Wait. Before we go, you have to see our wedding portraits. They’re amazing.”


“You received them already. That was rather fast.”


“Come see.”


She dragged him to the living room where one of the portrait was hanging.


“What do you think?” she asked, showing the one with the western clothes.


“It looks great. My wife is so pretty,” he kissed her cheek.


She giggled.


“The other one is upstairs,” she said.


He followed her upstairs to their bedroom.


“You really look good in a Hanbok.”


“It was fun wearing traditional clothes. I was glad your mom let me wear her wedding Hanbok.”


“That was an amazing day. Do you remember?” he asked.


“Of course, I do.”





    Wedding day was nerve wracking. She woke early and as soon as she had breakfast, her mother and mother-in-law took her and her bridesmaids to the spa. They spent the better part of the morning getting their hair washed and nails done. Around ten, Seunghyun’s makeup artist and stylist arrived to do her makeup and hair. They said it was their gift to one of their favorite clients. She didn’t complain. She sat patiently for three hours getting her hair and makeup done.


The ceremony was scheduled at three thirty and by the time she was done, she had a couple of hours to kill. They drove back back to her in-laws’ house for a quick bite to eat. Vanessa was fast becoming addicted to her mother-in-law’s japchae. She could eat it three times a day and never get sick of it. Needless to say that her mother-in-law was tickled pink and promised to make it for her whenever she wanted. The woman clearly didn’t know what she got herself into.


“Are you nervous?” Sarah asked as they were getting dressed.


“Not really. We’re already married. We’re just renewing our vows.”


“I know but this is the big wedding you always wanted.”


“Yup but it’s not scary. It’s exhilarating, actually. The first time we said our vows was a little scary. I was second guessing myself the whole time. Honestly, I didn’t think I would go through with it.”


“Then why did you?”


She stopped fussing with her mascara wand and looked at her best friend.


“He smiled at me.”


“I know. Seunghyun Oppa’s smiles are deadly,” Sarah laughed.


“No. It was different. He smirks a lot but that time, he genuinely smiled at me and nothing else in the world mattered.”


Sarah smiled.


“I hope I get to feel like that one day.”


“Oh, you will. Don’t you worry.”


Finished with touching up her makeup, she stood up to get dressed. The dress that her mother had helped her picked out was truly beautiful and complement her curves very well. She had been very pleased when she found it. She had brought it over from the States as well as the bridesmaids dresses. It was a strapless, white satin dress with a bow on the right side. The empire waist was decorated with tiny delicate pearls and crystals. The dress was very simple but she loved it.



    She chose to complement it with her mother’s pearl necklace and earrings. That was her something borrowed. She wore pale blue underwear as her something blue. Her shoes were the only thing she didn’t buy. She received them as a gift from Seunghyun’s sister. There were Alexander McQueen bridal shoes. They were really pretty and she had been so grateful to her sister-in law for finding them. She hoped it wouldn’t be too tacky to wear them after the wedding. They were so pretty and sparkly.


Sarah helped with fastening the buttons in the back of her dress. She looked at herself in the floor-length mirror; turning this way and that way, making her dress was sitting on properly. She was about to put on her veil, when someone knocked on the door. It opened to reveal her father and mother-in-law.


“You looked beautiful,” Eunghyun said.


“Doesn’t she? Seunghyun Oppa is so lucky,” Sarah piped up.


“He is. My son is very lucky to have such a beautiful bride.”


She kissed her daughter-in-law’s cheek before grabbing Sarah.


“We need your help with a couple of things.” She said on their way out.


Her father, who had been quiet until now, walked further into the room.


“Hey, Daddy. Where’s mom?”


“She’s making sure if everything is all set.”


“Alright. I hope to see her before the wedding start,” she said.


“I’m sure you will, baby girl.”


Vanessa sat back down to put on her veil. She fussed around with it until it sat just right and at no risk of falling off her head. Turning her head to the right, she caught her father’s eyes in the mirror. She smiled.


“Are you ready?” He asked.


She nodded her head.


“I’m so excited,” she said as she turned around to face him.


“I didn’t think this day would come so soon. I think I was more upset over the fact that I was loosing my little girl than I was over you marrying without telling us,” her father said.




“No, it’s alright. I know how love works and your mother and I don’t begrudge you for doing what you did. And besides, we’ll all here today to witness it again.”


She smiled.


“That husband of yours.”


“Seunghyun?” She asked.


“You have another one hiding somewhere.”


“No daddy,” she laughed.


Her father grabbed a chair and sat across from her. He took her hand in his and gently patted it.


“I had a chance to have a talk with him. He’s a good man. He’d take care of you and he’d protect you. I feel better knowing that when you moved here to be with him.”


“Daddy...Seunghyun and I haven’t even talked about that yet.”


“I know you, honey. I know you’d want to be with him. And at the risk of sounding like chauvinistic pig, a wife should be with her husband.”


“You’re right, daddy. I want to be with him but it’s going to take a while before that happen. I’m going to be home a little longer.”


He nodded. She could tell there were many more things that he wanted to say but didn’t know. Before she could ask, the door opened and her mother stepped in.


“You look beautiful, baby girl.”


“Thanks, mom.”


Her mother fixed her veil then kissed her forehead.


“We’re ready to leave. Your husband is waiting for you.”


She stood up and slipped on her shoes. She grabbed the bouquet her mother handed her. She turned to her father.


“I’m ready, daddy.”


He nodded and stood up.




He kissed her cheek before covering her face with the veil. She looped her arms around his and they walked out the room, her mother following. Her parents helped her get in the limo. She was going to the church alone. Her parents and parents-in-laws were the car behind her. She wondered what her husband was up to. Even though, they were already married, she hadn’t been able to see since yesterday morning. She missed him. She had been in Korea for over a week, and they’ve yet to make love. It was as if their family and friends have conspired against them. Seunghyun was frustrated as hell and she was getting more than a little annoyed with the constant interruptions. At least, they’d get an honeymoon this time. They had to stay in Korea but at least neither of them had to fly off somewhere.


The wedding was taking place just outside of Seoul. They wanted to keep it private with just friends and family. Unfortunately due her husband’s status, a few other people that weren’t family or friends had to be there too. She tried not to mind. She knew when she married him the first time, they’d be time when she had to share him with others. She didn’t like it but she understood. She drew the line when, his manager suggested they invited some prominent people from the media. She was glad when he backed her up and refused. Although they had to do a press release to announce their marriage, she was glad she didn’t have to stand in front of a camera to make the announcement.


    The church was small and really quaint. Eunghyun, her mother-in-law, had booked it as well as the venue for the reception later. She had been here two days prior for their rehearsal dinner. The little church was beautifully decorated with diaphanous fabrics and white and pink flowers everywhere. It was everything she wanted and so much more.


    Her father helped into the church. They waited in secluded alcove while everything was seated. The moment, she heard the bridal chorus, her heart started palpitating and butterflies flooded her stomach. She took a couple of deep breaths to steady herself. Reminding herself who was waiting for her helped calm down. She smiled at her father as she looped her arm around his.




    “Yes,” she said and she meant it.



The groom looked impeccable in a black suit and tie then again he looked great anything. She met his eyes through her veil and offered a reassuring smile. His best man, Jiyong, stood next to him as well the rest of Bigbang. They all looked so gorgeous in their suits.  Her bridesmaids were equally beautiful. She was glad she had given them free reign on what to wear. Their dresses complemented their beauty immensely. Sarah looked so lovely in her pale pink dress. She was so happy to have her best friend standing by her side on this important day. She turned her focus back on the man waiting for at the end of the aisle. She didn’t realized that she had been holding her breath until her father laid her hand in his.


    “Who gives this woman to be wedded to this man?” The priest asked.


    “I do,” her father said.


    From that point, everything was a blur. They went through the whole thing fairly quickly and it wasn’t before long they had to say their vows. So before their families and friends, they reaffirmed their commitment to one another. Promising to love and cherish each other for as long as they both shall live. When he finally kissed, she felt like she could die a happy girl.


    Amidst the applause of their guests, they left the church. This time, husband and wife rode together in the same limo. As soon as the door was shut, he leaned over and kissed her.


    “You look beautiful, my wife.”


    “Thank you, my husband.”


    They spent the rest of the ride making out in the back seat. The reception was being held outdoor since it was beautiful day. They planned to moved indoor once it started getting dark. Everything was beautifully set up. The food was mixture of both American and Korean dishes. It all looked so appetizing. Her husband, their parents, and her were sat at the first table. The maid of honor and best man as well as the the other three bridesmaids and groomsmen sat on the second table across from them.



    Once the guests was seated, the food was served. She listened to the happy chatter around her while eating and feeding bites of food to Seunghyun.


Before long, Sarah stood up to make the first toast to the married couple.


“Vanessa and I grew up together. We were like two peas in a pod. We did everything together. We don’t have any siblings, so we promised to be each other’s sisters. It’s an oath we never went back on. Having her in my life had given me a lot of strenght and courage because I knew no matter what happened, wherever I go, I had someone who would always support me and love me. Seunghyun-Oppa, I hope you realized how lucky and fortunate you are to have her as your wife. I know she would make you happy and would support you in anything you do. Although, I’m going to miss not having her around, I’m happy that she found you. I’ve never seen her so happy and in love before. Please take care of her and cherish her.”


Jiyong’s toast was just as sweet and sincere as Sarah’s. Vanessa had a hard keeping her tears at bay. Her husband squeezed her hand and kissed her temple. It was nice to know that their friends felt so strongly about them. She made a mental note to make a great toast to Sarah on her wedding day. After dinner, they had to pose for some pictures. That had been fun. Although their wedding was mostly western style, she had wanted to incorporate some Korean tradition in it. She and her wedding party changed into some traditional Korean clothing to pause for picture.


The hanbok she wore was her mother-in-law’s. She had had fallen in love with it when she saw it in her closest two days ago. It was red and incredibly elaborate. She asked to borrow it for the pictures and Eunghyun had agreed. Some minor adjustments had be made but at the end, it fitted perfectly. They had two wedding portraits taken. One in traditional Korean clothings and one in western wedding attire. Afterward, she changed into a short white lace dress for the rest of the party.


    By that time the party was taken indoor and it was time to enjoyed the beautiful cake that they had ordered and of course dancing. She shared her first dance with her husband for the first time ever. She danced with her father, the best man and all the groomsmen . The party went well into the night so the bride and groom took their leave around 10 amidst the catcalls and whistle of their friends. She blushed while her husband had been smug about the whole thing.


    “You seem happy, Oppa?” She asked.


    “Of course. I finally have my bride all to myself.”


    She smiled. They hadn’t gone beyond a few kissed and heavy petting since she got here. There was always something or someone  interrupting them. By the end  of the week, Seunghyun had given up in trying to initiate anything and she had been too tired to do anything herself. Now they were on their way to their honeymoon. They didn’t have to worry about any phone calls and unannounced visits. At least, she hoped so. Her husband would seriously hurt someone if they were bothered during their honeymoon. She hate to admit but she’d probably help.


    This was their time.





Chapter End Notes:

Thank you do much for reading.

Be sure to let me what you thought.

Thanks...Until next time.


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Chapter 7: Like that. I meant.
Chapter 7: *fans herself * Seunghyun!!! Oh! Can you imagine? Somewhere he could be giving it out lik
niknac #3
Chapter 7: Hot update!
Thank you for updating XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 7: Good up date
Chapter 7: This was nice, Thank You for the update:)
Pllleeeaaassssee update, this story is so interesting!
relakuma #8
Chapter 6: please please update i love this story
niknac #9
Please update soon. Lovin this story
SHINeeEnthusiast #10
Chapter 6: This is such a great story