Meet The Parents


Meet The Parentsil254usDMQGEF2bxRYxJS9XOHpMNcAHm9fnhhKPb

Vanessa got into the passenger seat while Seunghyun put her luggage in the trunk. She could hardly contain her excitement. She was finally in South Korea and she was finally going to see their house. Once he got in the car, he leaned over and kissed her. This kiss was different from the last one. She could feel his desires through the kiss and she made sure to answer the passion she tasted on his lips. They haven’t made love for a year and she really couldn’t wait to have him all to herself for the next few days.

“Oppa, I’m home,” she whispered

“Welcome home, Yobo,”

She leaned back in her seat and laid her left hand on his right thigh. Now that he was so close, she found that she couldn’t resist touching him. He gave her quick smiled and twined his right hand with hers. Content, she turned to watch the scenery flying by. This city was her home starting today and she was going to have so much fun discovering it. Hopefully, Seunghyun would be able to show her around. She knew how busy he tended to be. Being one of Korea top artists was a lot of hard work and she knew how dedicated her husband was to his music and acting. She admired that about him. And now that she officially moved here, she was going to need something to do with her time. She didn’t see herself as the stay-at-home wife type. She’d go crazy with nothing but time on her hands. She wasn’t going to worry about it now though. She’d sort all of it out later. She was finally with her husband again and all she needed to focus on was reconnecting with him.

The ride from the airport to their home was pleasantly short. The neighborhood was clearly for the well to do. Manicured lawns, lush gardens, and glittering swimming pools surrounded beautiful mansions. She was pleased to see the eclectic style of homes that sat on the street. Some were truly beautiful and some were just plain gaudy.

Their house was the end of the cul de sac and sat on a slight hill. The pictures didn’t do it justice. She had been adamant about not getting huge house because she didn’t see the need for it. They had compromised on a 4 bedrooms, and 4.5 baths house. There were a formal dining room, a living room, a recreation room, laundry room, home office and of course a gorgeous kitchen with a walk-in pantry. Seunghyun was planning in turning the basement into a mini studio so he could work on his music while on break.8LuY4ZuntrQ_3Wb8s2CfqSoVIa0irfyObfKSkR63

The house was bigger than she originally wanted but as soon as she saw the kitchen, she was sold. Her grandmother’s Limoge dish collection would fit right in and she could cook the most delicious meals for her hubby. The rest of the house was equally gorgeous and she figured she’d get use the size. Besides, they had friends that would more than likely stay over when they entertained.

Pulling up to the driveway, she was expecting an empty lot but there were several cars already sitting there.

“Oppa, I didn’t know we were having company?” She asked.

He swore.

“What are they doing here,” he muttered more to himself than her.

“Who’s here?”

“My idiot friends apparently and my parents.”

“Your parents?”

“Damn. This is really putting a wrench into my plans.”

She blushed at his statement. She was well aware they weren’t just going to sit on the couch, holding hands and talking about their feelings all night. They were husband and wife after all. Husband and wife who hadn’t seen each other for a whole year. Of course, he wanted to make love and she was just as eager but with his friends and parents unexpected visit, she’d have to wait. She could wait. She had waited this long and besides, it’d be nice to see his family again. This time with no awkwardness between them, unlike the first time they met.


The first week after Seunghyun left was magical. She walked around with her head in the clouds and -eating grin on her face. Nothing could bring her down. The first week was her honeymoon even though her husband was thousands of miles away. They talked on the phone as often as they could and Skyped just as much. The distance didn’t dampened their feelings for each other. It only made their longing for each other greater. She barely saw her friends. She just went to work then came back home to talk to her hubby. They were like high school kids  and her friends had remarked on several occasions how disgustingly sweet they were. She paid them no mind. A love like theirs was hard to find and even harder to understand. She only prayed they get to experience it.

    The second week, reality came crashing down in the form of his parents coming from Korea to meet her. She left work early that day since she had to pick up some groceries for her mother. When she arrived back home, she noticed the shiny new black Audi sitting in the driveway. Thinking her parents had a guest over, she thought nothing of it. She brought the groceries through the back kitchen door and even managed to put them away before her mother noticed her presence.

    “Hey, Mom. Where’s Dad?”

    “Hey, Hun. He’s in the living room.”

    “I saw the car in the driveway. I didn’t know you guys were having guests,” she said.

    “We’re not.”

    “Oh? Then who’s...”

    “They’re here to see you.”

    “They? Me.”


    “Who are they?”

    “I believe they’re your in-laws.”

    Her stomach dropped. Seunghyun had told her a little  bit about his parents and little sister but not much. She knew she had to meet them eventually but she also thought her husband would be by side not on the other side of the planet. She looked to her mother for some reassurance but found none. Her parents were still upset about the whole thing and they hadn’t been shy about letting her know. She had taken it in stride. She knew they were just hurting and it would take a while for them to forgive her.

    “Could you keep them company for a little longer. I’m going to freshen up a little. I’ll be right down.”

    Her mother smirked. It was obvious that she was enjoying watching her squirm. She quickly disappeared upstairs to her room. As she took off her work clothes, She dialed Seunghyun’s number. She breathed a sigh of relief when he answered the phone.

    “Yoboseyo, Wifey,”

    She took a moment to swoon over the nickname he taken to calling her since they wed. Her blissful moment didn’t last though.

“Oppa, your parents are here.”

Silence met her then finally.

“My parents? What are they doing there?”

“I don’t know. What do I do? I wanted to meet them but I wanted you with me. What am I going to do,” She rambled on.

“Stop panicking for one.”

“Sorry, I rambled when I’m nervous.”

“I know. I think it’s cute.”

“Aww, Oppa. That’s so sweet.”

    He chuckled.

    “I’m not sure why my parents are there though. They didn’t say anything to me about visiting you.”

    “How did they even know where I live? Or about me for that matter?”

    “Well, I told them about you. They weren’t too happy about me getting married and telling them after the fact. But they understood. My mother’s been nagging me about getting married for ages so she sort of forgave me. My father is a little upset that I married a foreigner. My sister doesn’t seem to care. I think she’s a little jealous that I eloped.”

    “Oh. So how do they know where I live?”

“My mother asked me for your address. She said she was going to send you a wedding gift. I should have know they would pull something like this.”

    “So what am I going to do?”

    “Just go meet them, I guess. What’s the worse that could happen?”

    “They won’t like me and make you divorce me?”

    “Highly unlikely. They might agree with my decision but they’d respect it.”


    He sighed.

    “Give them a chance. They might surprise you.”

    “You’re right.”

    “Don’t worry, Wifey. I love you. I’m sure they’ll see why once they meet you.”

    “Alright. I’m going. I’ll call you later, Oppa.”

    “Don’t be scared. They’re not going to hurt.”

    “I’m not scared but I am nervous.”

    “It’s okay.”

    Before she could answer him, her mother’s voice called her from downstairs.

    “I have to go. I love you, Oppa”

    “Love you, too, Wifey.

    She hang up her phone, took a few minutes to calm her racing heart before she made her way downstairs.

    Her in-laws were waiting in the living room. Her parents were nowhere in sight so she was on her own. She would have appreciate to have them at her side though. She took a deep breath and entered the room. She bowed respectfully to both them and welcomed to her house.

She made a mental note to buy two pounds of Debauve & Gallais chocolate for Sarah for teaching her to speak Korean because her in-laws were clearly impressed by it. Score 1 for the home team.

    “You speak Korean?” Her mother-in-law asked.

    “Where did you learn it?” Her father-in-law echoed.

    “My childhood friend, Sarah, is Korean. She moved to the house across the street when we were both little. I told her I’d teach her English if she taught me to speak Korean. I spent so much time at her house growing up that it was easy to pick it up.”

    “So you knew of my son before you married him.” Her father-in-law asked.

    “Yes, but that wasn’t the reason I agree to marry,” Vanessa said.

    “Then why did you marry him? You knew him personally for only a week?” he said.

    “Because I fell in love with him,”

“In a week?” He sounded incredulous.

She didn’t blame him.

“I know it’s hard to believe given that he is a celebrity and that we knew each other for such short period but that is the truth. I married him because I love him and I know he loves me.”

    “Do you know how many times I’ve heard that before? As you said, he’s a celebrity and girls are always throwing themselves at him. How are you any different from those girls? What would you do when you realize what it really means to be married a celebrity. It’s not all glitz and glamour. It’s constant scrutiny, and a complete lack of privacy. As his wife, you’ll be under the same pressure as he is if not more. Are you prepare for that?” He asked.

    “I won’t lie and say that I am. I don’t have any idea of what I’m getting myself into but whatever it is, I’ll face it head-on . For the sake of my husband and our marriage, I’m prepare to do battle and I won’t lose. That being said, I would like you to understand this. I do love T.O.P but I’m in love in Choi Seunghyun. I married the man, not the celebrity. His fans can have T.O.P and when we’re in public, I will act accordingly. I’m well aware of how things are done in Korea and I will not shame my husband or his family. However, our private life is our business and it doesn’t concern anyone else.”

    ‘You, included,’ she thought. She wanted them to know that she’d respected them but she wasn't a pushover. If the parents were to be the first hurdle that she had to get over in order to be with her husband, she’d do whatever was needed. She wanted their approval but she was prepared to live without it.

    Her father-in-law visibly deflated. His wife patted his arm in reassurance. She had stayed quiet during their exchange. Vanessa was curious about what she felt.

    “Abeonim....Eomeonim...”Vanessa started.

    “I understand where you’re coming from but you must understand where we’re coming from. We are his parents, so of course we want what’s best for him. When he came home and told us that he married a girl that he knew for only a week. Of course we were concerned. I guessed having a son that’s a celebrity made us a little jaded. We can’t afford to be as trusting as normal people. People always want something for Seunghyun and he doesn’t always realized it. We are the one that have to be on the lookout because we are the one that have to pick up the pieces when things crash and burn,”her mother-in-law explained.

    “I understand. I’m not out to hurt him. I don’t want his money or his fame. I just want to love him. I just want to make him happy,” Vanessa said.

    Her in-laws nodded.

    “That’s all we want,”her mother-in-law said.

    They sat in comfortable silence before her father stood up.

    “My wife and I are tired so we’ll take our leave of you for the night.”

    “Where are you staying? I would like to see before you return to Korea,” She said.

    “We haven’t made any lodging arrangement yet. We drove straight from the airport to here.”

    “Oh, My god. You must be exhausted. Please stay here. We have a guest room and it’s all made up.”

    “We wouldn’t want to intrude,” her mother said.
    “How are you intruding? You’re my family now so you have to stay.”

    “You sure that wouldn’t cause any problems.”

    “Of course not. Please stay, Abeonim, Eomeonim.”

    “The we graciously accept your offer.”

    She beamed at them and was really happy when they smiled back.

    “Have you eaten yet?” She asked.

    They shook their head.

    “My mother is making dinner. Why don’t you have dinner with us after you rest a bit.”

    “That sounds lovely.” her mother-in-law said.

    She showed them the guest room after her father-in-law retrieved the luggage from the car. She found her parents in the kitchen making dinner. she quickly informed them of the situation. They didn’t mind that her in-laws were staying over. They were happy they would get a chance to be involved with her life and this whole marriage thing.

***End of Flashback***

“Would it be rude to kick them out?” Her husband asked.


She laughed and he pouted.

“They’re our friends and family. They came to welcome me to Korea. That’s very thoughtful, don’t you think?”

He sighed.

“Couldn’t they wait to be thoughtful like tomorrow or preferably next week?” he grumbled.

“Oh, come on, Oppa. Let’s just go. I’m dying to see what our house looks like on the inside.”

She dragged him toward the house and he had no choice but to follow.

End of Chapter.


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Chapter 7: Like that. I meant.
Chapter 7: *fans herself * Seunghyun!!! Oh! Can you imagine? Somewhere he could be giving it out lik
niknac #3
Chapter 7: Hot update!
Thank you for updating XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lotuspassion #5
Chapter 7: Good up date
Chapter 7: This was nice, Thank You for the update:)
Pllleeeaaassssee update, this story is so interesting!
relakuma #8
Chapter 6: please please update i love this story
niknac #9
Please update soon. Lovin this story
SHINeeEnthusiast #10
Chapter 6: This is such a great story