Siwon is in deeeep TROUBLE

Hell hath no fury like a Kyuhyun scorned


Siwon was very eager to reach home today. Seeing that kyu was being distant yesterday, he was a little apprehensive as to what was in store for him at home. Fearing retaliation from kyuhyun, siwon had sneaked out of their house early in the morning pretending to have a meeting and was planning on reaching late after kyu had fallen asleep. All this anxiousness proved redundant when he received a call from kyu in the evening, telling him he was waiting for him and that dinner would be ready by 8.


It was a pleasant surprise for siwon and he was glad that kyu had forgotten whatever that had him miffed yesterday and had hoped that he had perhaps forgotten all about it. But somewhere in the back of his mind a voice cautioned him by saying that all these years that siwon had known him, kyu had never let him get away easily and so what could be the reason for this sudden drastic change. The part that was positively filled with relief from the call sought to argue back that maybe siwon’s love had mange to change him for the better. Yeah! That was the only logical explanation siwon could think of as of now.


Whistling merrily with a hop and skip in his step siwon rang the bell to his house, sorry to their house, it was kyu that has asked him to call it their house instead as his own, as he felt like the guest who has over stayed his welcome. Leaning against the frame of the door, siwon was waiting for kyu to open the door and let him in. He had bought flowers and chocolates as an apology gift for whatever it was bothering kyu, he decided he would apologise and everything would be fine. He reasoned that chocolates along with a bottle of wine would allow siwon to finally get some! It had been a week since they had any fun and if this fight had dragged on he would have practically forced himself on kyu that was how much ually frustrated siwon was. But hopefully if all went okay, then the night would end with him inside kyu doing some really nasty things to him and leaving him wanting more. Yes! That was what siwon had planned. And what a plan it would have been if only everything had gone according to the plan.


When the door was finally open there was nothing in the world that could have shielded siwon from what he saw, and he was damn sure this was something that he desperately wished to forget and never ever speak off. In front of him stood kyu wearing the most frilly, girly pink dress covered with heart motifs that could ever be produced with an apron on top that had photos of kittens and poodles, and weird animal like creature with creepy eyes that stared at him as if daring him to say anything against it. His shock was far from over when with the most cute smile that kyu could muster, which frankly had something sinister about it, welcomed him back and led him to the living room. His living room, scratch that, their living room had been transformed into something that would be found inside a unicorn’s body, if it had been cut into half. The whole room was painted in baby pink with hearts popping literally everywhere. Some walls were painted in hot pink to emphasis some weird soft toys and photos of dolls and hello kitties and what not, it was scattered all over the place as if a typhoon of the most sickly sweet cuddle toys had passed through the room. All the furniture had changed their colours with colours that were coordinating with pink. His book shelf that was near his favourite chair at the far end of the room near the window now contained books on fairy tales, make up manuals and cook books. The chair had changed shape and resembled a parted lip with the cushion resembling a tongue.


He was flabbergasted when he was taken to their bedroom and found that it would have been the perfect room for him if only he had been a 13 year old girl still hung up on her playthings. On top of their bed there were frill sheer drapes covering the edges making it seem as if the bed had popped out of some Disney princess movie. With pink bed spreads, and pillow covers having prints of various female cartoon characters, he even saw Sailor moon somewhere squished between Sleeping beauty and Cinderella, it was slowly turning into a perpetual nightmare. The wall above their bed that had displayed a portrait of siwon and kyu that was commissioned by him at a great cost from a famous artist now featured a painting of something that was vomiting or farting rainbows, he couldn’t make head or tail of the creature that was now making up for the whole artwork in his their bedroom.


With a glee, kyu then pulled siwon into their master bathroom, which much to siwon’s surprise seemed the same. Only when the lights were switched on was he welcomed with the site of Japanese models posing provocatively all over the bathroom floor and tiles. One side of the bathroom wall displayed prominently exposed s of the cartoon figure, or was it the backside; siwon was not quite sure as he was still reeling under having half pictures of women in the bathroom. Their toiletries were all replaced with pink colour products. Pink towels in all sizes, pink bathrobes, pink soaps, shampoos, bathing gels, pink scrubber and upon closer scrutiny siwon saw that there was also a tube of strawberry flavoured pink lubricant.


Siwon was taken on a tour of the house with a smiling kyu who had yet to utter a word. After the tour siwon was pushed into the bathroom with a towel indicating that he was to freshen up for dinner. While soaping himself with a flowery scented soap, siwon had come to a conclusion that something was not right with kyu today. But for the love of god! He could not decipher the origin of this behaviour. For someone who had been at the top of his class since elementary school, siwon was quite daft in putting two and two together.


He exited the bathroom and walked towards the bedroom to find him a change of clothes. When he opened the door to the wardrobe a big mass of frilly, lacy, pink heart and animal pattern clothes ambushed the unsuspecting siwon and he was drowned in the said clothes. It was a sight to behold, a muscular siwon, with perfectly sculpted abs, glistening in the sheen of moister left behind by the shower and having a few droplets slowly descending from his jaw bone to the area that was barely concealed by the extreme low waist towel fold. With such masculine image that siwon was projecting he was now buried in clothes that no man would be willing to be caught dead in, probably with the exception of heechul. It was almost a comical site to have siwon standing in a towel oozing masculine uality with a pink fluffy bunny ears t-shirt on his head a padded brassier with red ts on his shoulder, and a baby blue perched on his other shoulder. In an effort to find something decent to wear siwon rummaged through the whole closet and appeared in the kitchen wearing something that was pretty amusing to watch.


The only decent clothes that siwon could find was a light pink hot pants with gold ts on the side and the back areas embossed with palm prints, making it look as if someone having their hand covered in red paint had then d siwon’s backside. If the bottoms were any indicator, the top was truly the cherry on the scrumptious cake that siwon had begun to resemble now. The top was a short hoodie that exposed more than it covered. It was hot pink in colour and had bunny ears as the hood with the words I AM A CUTEIEE at the back in pale silver colour. Seeing siwon in this attire, kyu barely managed to stop the waves of laughter that was now washing over him. Siwon sat down without saying anything, for he knew that he was still not out the woods with whatever he had done and he had no reason to aggravate kyu further.


Kyu had already set up the table with floral china that complemented the table cloth and other cutleries on it. There was also a bouquet of fresh flowers as the centre piece on the table. With a smile kyu proceed to serve siwon the dinner that he had made. It was pasta with alfredo sauce with mushrooms and olives on the sides and there was a bottle of tequila on the table that was soon used to fill quite a large glass next to siwon, indicating that he was to finish it. The dinner carried on with the usual chat on the days going ons with both ignoring the elephant in the room. It would have resembled their normal, daily dinner, if not for siwon sitting in a pair of hot pants complemented with an equally short bunny eared top, whereas kyu was wearing something close to a pink summer dress that strangely enough looked flattering on him. Siwon was a little hesitant through the whole dinner as he was not very found of carbs and was a light drinker with a bottle of beer or an occasional glass of wine, so even a shot of tequila would be enough to knock him out. Kyu on the other hand was no lightweight when it came to drinking and could hold huge amounts of alcohol without even missing a step.


Knowing that there was no escape from what kyu had planned for him and the need to find out what had occurred and the appropriate solution for it as soon as possible was necessary for his own wellbeing, siwon quietly went along with the whole charade all the while searching for the reason that had made kyu react in such an aggressive way.


By the end of the dinner siwon was in no position to walk all the way to the bedroom and kyu had to assist the muscular guy in short top and pants. With much difficulty kyu managed to get siwon to their bed room and lied him on the bed and covered him with the Disney princess bed covers.


The sight of a flushed siwon who was mumbling some sort of apology to kyu in his sleep warmed kyu’s heart for a moment. Kyu pushed away the thought and soon had a smile so sinister that even the joker from batman would have been terrified, acknowledging that siwon had time till morning to apologise for his misdemeanour or else he had a whole batch of cupcakes with hearts, stars and bunnies as toppings ready along with a tiara shaped pancake waiting for him at breakfast, kyu went on to the kitchen, clearing up the remnants of what he hoped was a memorable dinner.



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kaylee204 #1
Chapter 1: lol Did Siwon say something about wanting Kyu to be more "wife-y"? I can totally see Kyu doing this. He'll definitely put 110% into his revenge. Very cute.
hit0rigurashi #2
Chapter 1: It was unclear what siwon did that brought about this 'revenge'. Plus, i think there's more to come, so i assume there'll be a sequel?
mitralisa #3
Chapter 1: Thank u 4 sharing
Chapter 1: LOL his revenge is just... pinky perfect xD LOL poor Siwonnie who has to wear pink clothes and find his house all pink ^^ Kyu is really the evil himself xD LOL I really love it <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Bwahahahahhahahaha...somehow I found this hilarious. Totally a disaster. What was actually happened? Kyu seems eager to continue his 'revenge'
Chapter 1: I'm curious to know what Siwon might have done, that Kyu had to turn THEIR house into a pinky disney movie lol

Btw, I'd love to read some dialogues in the fic, that would be great ^^