
Ice Prince Fire Princess

It was a bright and sunny day. The sun shines bright,the fluffy white clouds that was hanged in the beautiful blue sky. To cut it short,it is simply a beautiful and peaceful morning. Well,almost at peace. Kinda.

"Owwch! That seriously hurts!" a yelling voice was heard from the back of the Light castle.

"How many times do I need to tell you that you need to focus so that the power will embrace you itself?" said Jieun,who seems completely dissatissfied.

"What do you expect me to do anyway? You put into words that I can't understand! And please can you explain in Korean? Plus,I haven't the powers yet for godness sake!"

He paused for a second.

"And do you really need to throw that huge ball of fore towards me? Good thing I was able to avoid it or I'll be dead by now!" said L who seems completely crossed with Jieun's actions

Jieun rolled her eyeballs which received a deathly glare by L. But,as usual. She ignored it. Typical Jieun.

"Aiisshh. Both of you! Stop fighting will you?" bursted Hoya. The two bickering people paused for a while and then they went back to their bickering and at the most,ignoring Hoya. He sighed at the two actions.

What he could possibly do anyway? Those two are the most hard-headed and stubborn people he has ever met in his entire life.

Seeing the the tense atmosphere,Chaewon has no other choice but to but in.

"Jieun dear. What about I just take over from here? We are not loking at any progress anyway." said Chaewon softly and the pouting Jieun just nodded. Maybe it will be best if her mother takes over.

Jieun took a step back and motioned her mother to take her place. Chaewon tok a step forward and with a sweet smile,she told L tosit down on the green grass.

"Now,I need you to take a deep breath,clear out your mind and then let it out." said Chaewon calmly and with the soothing directions that came out from Chaewon,L did just as he was told.

"Okay,now try to get into you mind. Walk and explore it slowly. Slowly pass the ice surroundings that you have encountered the previous time. Now,tell me what you see." said Chaewon again.

"Light. I think. A bright white light. But what's amazing is that its bot blinding at all." said L dazed.

You got it. Now.try7 reach ou you hand towards the light. And now,open you eyes." said Chaewon seeing completely satissfied.

She look at Jieun and gave her a serious 'I-told-you-so' look. Jieun rolled her eyes.

"Yes. Yes. I know I was wrong and I should have listened to you." said Jieun while puting and Jiyeon on the other hand just shook her head.

'Typical Jieun. A hard-headed and a pain in the neck as usual!'

"I heard that Park Jiyeon." said Jieun and JIyeon soghed.

"I told you I hate it a lot when you do that to me. And can you just stop using that power of yours,Eun? Or you might as well wear off in a short period of time." babble Jiyeon and Jieun just shrugged it off.

"Girls. Can both of you be quiet for a sec? There is someone who desperately needs concentration right here. And your bickering isn't pretty much helping." said Chaewon which piped the two girls down.

"Now,let's go back to our lesson shall we?" ask Chaewon to L and the Ice Prince nodded.

"Try to get back in the mood just now. And slowly take the light into your hands." said Chaewon and slowly,L did what he was told.

"Now,open you eyes." said Chaewon and once again the obedient prince did as he was told.

And to his suprise and amazement, alight of orb is in the palm of his hands,staying still in his grip. Chaewon smiled and so does Hoya. For Jiyeon and Jieun...

Well,the soonas they realised the lesson was over and successfull,they went back bickering their hearts out.

"Well,I guess that is the end of our lesson." said Chaewon as she got up and dusted the invinsible dirt on her pants. L nodded and he too got up.


"Song Chaewon!"

Chaewon looked around to see you was calling her name and then she spotted Joongki running to their direction.

"Oh. Jagiya. What is it?" ask Chaewon.

"It started. It has already started. It started earlier than we expected it to be." said Joongki and Chaewon's face fell.

"I hate to break this to you but we need to go." said Joongki.

The smile that Chaewon has been putting on and so does the smile that everybody has put on is completely gone.

And slowly,and hesitantly,Chaewon nodded.

Both Chaewon and Joongki turned towards Jieun.

"Jieun-ah. Its time." said Chaewon while flashing a smile to Jieun. But everybody can tell that the smile is a complete fake one.

Jieun nodded.

"Soory. But we need to go no,our little beautiful Fire Princess." said Chaewon as she hugged Jieun tightly. Unwilling to let go. The hug stayed almost a few minutes and no one has the guts to stop those two. Then,finally after a while,Chaewon broke the hug.

"Chaewon. We need to go." said Joongki and Chaewon half-heartedly,she nodded.

"Jieun. Don't you think thaa you owe your father a hug?" ask Joongki playfully.

Jieun stuck her tounge out at Joongki but still,she hugged Joongki and the hug lasted a few moments.

"Well,we will be off now." said Joongki as he reached for Chaewon's hand and the two of them began walking away from the group with their hands intertwined until they are out of sight.

"Eun,are you okay?" ask Jiyeon.

"I'm fine Yeon. Why won't I  be? They willbe back. I'm sure of it. Now,if you'll excuse me,I'll be at the shooting field in case anything happens and you need me." said Jieun as she began walking towards the shooting field.

"Will she be okay?" ask Hoya.

Jiyeon sighed.

"I wish she will be. But I guess not. The war is going on out there and her parents are out there to. I don't think her mind is straight right now. Why does the Black attcked already? Stupid." said Jiyeon in frustration.

Meanwhile L on the other hand who heard everything Jiyeon said,can't let his eyes off from Jieun.








"Aiishh. What the hell is wrong with you this time around?" yelled Jieun to the 3.5 revolver that is in her grip.

"Wow. I never thought that a master shooter like you yourself can miss even a  single shot." said L who shows up from nowhere.

"So you sure are in a major suprise seeing me missed every single shot that I fired. Don't you?" asked Jieun sarcastically.

L sighed by Jieun's response.

"Do you really expect the worst of me? I'm here for comforting you." said L while he load the bullets into his 4.0 revolver which is accompanied by a silencer.

"Bullseye." smirked L victoriously when the buller she shot hits the target.

Jieun looked at him curiously.

"What are you talking about?" ask Jieun.

"All that I'm saying here is that I'm here to accompany you in case you do anything stupid." said L.

"What? Why would I?" said Jieun.

"You can lie to evrybody but not me. The look in your eyes says it all. You are worried about them aren't you?" ask L. Jieun glared at him for a while but then she sighed and nodded.

"How can't I be? They are my parents. Eventhough I was adopted,they treated me like I was their own. I am trully grateful towards them. " said Jieun and L looked at Jieun. Felt a bit attached to the girl.

"They will be just fine." assured L but Jieun just kept silence. She picked up the revolver once again and fired at the target and once again it missed.

Jieun sighed and L laughed.

"What's so funny?" ask Jieun with a death glare to L.

"Nothing. Its just you lok way to serious there. It's sort of cute." said L and Jieun's eyes widened when she heard that. She quickly diverted her gaze to the target while trying to hide her burning red cheeks.

Psssshhh. Jieun. What has goten into you ? He just said you look cute and then here you are,blushing like crazy!

L noticed Jieun's sudden colour change and he just snickered. Then for a few minutes,the two kept quiet and the only thing that can be heard is the sound of endless shooting.

"Jieun! Lee Jieun!" yelled Jiyeon while shooking Jieun's body.

"What is it Yeon?" ask Jieun. Jiyeon gulped for a while and she seemed a bit hesitant to continue her words.

"Just tell me Yeon. What is it?" demanded Jieun.

"Eun-ah. Its Chaewon and Joongki. You need to follow me." as soon as Jiyeon said that,Jieun's face turned pale.Without any more words,she took of the googles and told Jiyeon to lead the way.

"I'll go with you girls." said L as he walked beside Jieun who seems really pale right now.

"It'll be okay. Just trust me." conforted L. Jieun really want to trust him. She really do but something told her that it won't be the truth.

By then,she suddenly felt warmth from her freezing hands. She looked at it and it was a suprise for her when she saw that L's hand is clucthing tight her hand.


Maybe I'll just let this go for once. Because I have to admit,his warm hands is really what I need about now.


okay,no. Sorry for not being updating for a while. I was too busy with school ans sud\ch till I don't have time to update.

And sorry if the chapter is short and boring.. So sorry...

So guys,please comment your thought on this chapter....

Do you HATE it? Okay,I know you hate it. I'm a terrible author...  ):

see you guys on the next update okay??? Ouh,I'll update Another Cinderella Story (ACS) tomorrow if I can make some time.. ^^


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Uaena34 #1
This reminds me if Fighters of the Destiny, which I'm watching rn. You guys should watch it, Luhan(ex member of exo) is in there.
marshmallow4897 #2
Chapter 9: It's a pity that you aren't continuing your story but you're probably busy with spm trial preparations.Good luck & personally I love your story & hope you will continue it even if only after spm.
Chapter 9: AAA Please update it TT.TT
uaenaland #4
Chapter 9: *but not bur lol
uaenaland #5
Chapter 9: :'( so sad bur i hope u will find new ideas for this story author-nim :) we will patiently wait
xxw00uxx #6
Chapter 9: How sad , but i will still wait for your update authornim :))
Chapter 9: its ok, i'll support you either way authornim. hwaiting!
clarice22 #8
Chapter 8: please update soon! !!!!
clyne22 #9
Chapter 8: wahhhh....please update soon.
i really really like this story!!!!!