Start Again Teasers

The music played and the doors opened,I walked down the aisle,holding my father's arm.
"What is it?"
"I'm going to miss you,and umma."
He chuckled,"Me too dear,please take care of yourself.We'll still meet up,I'm still your father,don't worry."
"Appa,I'll be all alone."
"No you won't,you have Daehyun."
"Aish its all his fault."
"Hyunmin,behave okay?"
I giggled,"Nae appa,"I hugged his arm tighter.
"I don't want to leave you."
"I know dear,I love you okay?" My father whispered.
"I love you too."
We reached the end and my father took my hand and placed it in Daehyun's.
"You'll look after my daughter for me okay?"
"Yes sir."Daehyun's eyes were sparkling.
I smiled,he looked so handsome.
We read our vows and I saw my mother from the corner of my eye,crying.
I felt tears coming to my eyes,I couldn't bear to leave my parents.
Daehyun squeezed my hand.
"You may kiss the bride."
We faced one another and I saw B.A.P at the back,they were all dressed so nicely.
Daehyun leaned in and kissed me gently.
The whole world just froze there.Everyone else didn't exist.All the worries I had just disappeared.
This man in front of me right now,is my husband.
He pulled away and looked into my eyes,"Feel better?"
I giggled and leaned my forehead on his,"Nae oppa."
Everybody started throwing confetti and stuff all around us.
We quickly got changed and said our final goodbyes before heading off.



A/N:Happy Blessed Birthday to Yoo Youngjae!

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Chapter 6: OMG when i read the chapter about loveland i was smiling and blushing (negative yet funny thoughts) and my cousin kept asking me questions like "why are you smiling?" "why are you blushing?" "WHAT THE FUDGE ARE YOU READING?!" i ignored her and kept on imagining (those crazy thoughts that made me loose control) and my cousin's facial expression was like o______o when she read it BWAHAHAHAHA
thanhtruc_ho #2
Chapter 7: wait.... what??! these were just TEASERS *shocking*
Vk00kie #3
Chapter 6: Oh... These were just teasers?... Omg. I'm getting too teased already. OTL. XD
Chapter 6: What the heck!!! Omfg, Lols. Wae , wae, wae!!!! I totally forgot that this was just teasers....____zzzz, Lols. It's kk!! I'll be waiting for it!! Hwaiting aurthor-nim'!! (;
fluffy3003 #5
Chapter 5: can't wait for the . Author-nim hwaiting!! o/
Chapter 5: * I wish I could be hyunmin
Chapter 5: God so cute daehyun
*Sigh * i with i would Being hyunmin TT^TT
Chapter 5: Aghhhhhh ! They are so cute =0u0=
Vk00kie #9
Chapter 5: haha! Author nim! I'm waiting for the to come xD haha! :P
Chapter 5: Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Author-nim... Are you gonna write ???? ._____.