1: Beginning

30 Day Drabble Challenge
“Hyung, tell me from the beginning.” Junhong said, his head lying in Yongguk’s lap. “Tell me when you first knew you loved me.”
“Junhong-ah, why so curious?” Yongguk chuckled, running his fingers softly through the younger’s pink hair.
“Because, hyung, I know you love me now, but I don’t know when it began.” He rolled up, leaning on his shoulder, intertwining their fingers. Yongguk kissed the side of his head lightly, pulling the blanket up around them tighter. He leaned and picked up his cup of hot chocolate with one hand, a smile on his face.
“Well, baby, it started at the beginning. The day I almost ran you over on your skateboard.” Junhong laughed loudly, grabbing the cup from Yongguk and taking a drink. “I guess it happened later though, when I saw you again.”
“I came through the café a lot because your sister tutored me.” He pulled his legs up to his chest, snuggling closer to Yongguk.
“Then she stopped tutoring you. You came to see me.” Junhong nodded and put the cup back on the table. “No. I think I fell in love with you when you dropped the cup the first time. You had hot chocolate all over your face and it was probably the most adorable thing in the world.” Junhong turned a shade of pink and buried his face in his shoulder, suddenly embarrassed.
“Hyung, don’t talk about that. I hated that day.” He muttered, remembering he ruined his favorite red sweater that day. He’d ruined his favorite red sweater and that was the first day he cried in front of Yongguk. He’d been having a bad day in general, and dropping that hot chocolate was the last straw. He’d barely talked to Yongguk before that, but he’d let the elder hold him while he cried that day.
“Well I loved it. I’d wanted to hold you since I met you, Jagiya.” Yongguk cooed, burying his nose in his hair and laughing lightly. He heard a giggle come out of the younger’s mouth. “That was it. Right then, Junhong-ah, was when I fell in love with you. That was the beginning.” He pulled Junhong’s face up and kissed him lightly.
“Will there be an end to us, hyung?” The question was innocent, but it made Yongguk laugh.
“No, baby, there’s no end to us. I’ll love you forever, remember that.” Yongguk interlaced their fingers and brought it to his mouth, kissing his fingers one by one.
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Chapter 2: So cute~ Daejae ftw :3 Please update soon and keep it up :)