The Dinosaur Stole My Sandwich

it was a summer afternoon and your sitting at home watching running man. You haven't eaten all day so you decided to make yourself a sandwich. Your mom would usually make you lunch but she had a work meeting today, so no food for you from MamaTДT.

You manage to drag yourself off the bed and towards the kitchen. You look through the fridge, grabbed what ever you had, and threw them on the table. You manage to put your sandwich together pretty nicely, and you were proud of yourself.

so you brought the sandwich back to your room and plopped yourself back onto the bed with the plate in your hands. You put it down to grab your remote when suddenly, a random person magically popped out of nowhere. she has short blonde hair and the cutest smile ever. It was Amber from F(x)!

"SURPRISE MOTHERER" she screamed. you were frozen in shock from the fact that it was Amber, and that she just appeared out of nowhere. next thing you knew, she grabbed your sandwich and disappeared.

"What the just happened" you thought to yourself. Then you realized that you had to make another sandwich.

"" you whined while dragging your back to the kitchen, hoping that nobody was gonna pop up and take your sandwich again. 

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Chapter 1: i am laughing so hard omF "SURPRISE MOTHER____ER"
spygenl #2
i dont see any story?