Chapter 1

My angel.

When Kai was fifteen  , and had at last learned to read , he hunted slowly through the colour chart pinned up on the kitchen wall. It was a painter's colour chart , from an artists' materials shop. It showed all the colours a painter could possibly need , there were rows and rows of little squares , lining from the top of the ceiling , where it was pinned up , and dragged down all the way almost touching the ground.

To Kai's family , those names were as familiar as nursery rhymes. Other children had lullabies , but Kai's siblings and him had fallen asleep to the list of colours. 

Kai spotted Indigo at once , which his brother , Kyungsoo ,  is supposed to be named after , a smoky dark blue that stuck out from the bright blue in the middle of the chart. He also found the colour rose , which his younger , new-born brother was supposed to be named after. But to Kai , there's absolutely no link between .. Luhan and rose , neither did Indigo and Kyungsoo make sense , and neither did his name , Kai , made sense with the colour Saffron yellow.

He saw many other names being written in permenant ink below the names of the colours that made sense , like , there's this person thats supposed to be named after carnation pink , and her name was Tiffany , which suited quite well. But sadly , Tiffany had a short life. She died even before Kai was born , and only lived up to the age of eleven before she committed suicide , according to what Kai's mum , Mrs Kim said.

"If there is one think your mum is good at , will be naming her children after colours." Kai's father always said. Kai could only laugh at what he always said and nod in agreement .

Luhan ? Rose ? Good ? Aww hell no..

 Mr's Kim , the mother of three , will always look pleased when Kai's father said those . She never protested that there might be more than one thing that she was good at . Because she never thought there was 

Kai scanned through the colour chart again. Each colour has a name underneath it , or at least , the colour will only be there when someone's named after it.

"I can't find me." Kai shouted to Kyungsoo , who was busy changing clothes for Luhan. Kai stood on a stool for a better look on the top of the charts of colours. 

"Huh ?!" Kyungsoo shouted back.

"I can't find Saffron and Kai writtened anywhere." Kai wobbled on the stool.

"What about the rest of us ?" Kyungsoo asked , walking over to the fireplace , which is yet to be lit.

"What about the baby ?" Kyungsoo asked again as he reached out for the coal bucket beside the fireplace , and sorted through it. Pieces of coal laid all around. Sometimes , he found lumps speckled with what he believed to be gold and he will usually pick them out with a toothpick and will carry them along. Kyungsoo had started a gold-collection at a younger age in his room , but before he could even collect any .. Gold , he will always loose it due to his forgetfulness , one thing that Kai never understood , and one thing Kai couldn't stand looking at either.

Kyungsoo lit up the fireplace and looked back to Kai's direction , which is the kitchen. Kyungsoo looked like some small black devil in the shadowy room with the firelight behind him.

"Come and help me look for Saffron!" Pleaded Kai , with his palms together and doing his signature pout.

"Find the baby first." said Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo did not like Luhan to be left out in anything that was going on. This was because for a long time after he was born , it had seemed he would be left out of everything , and forever. He had very nearly died. Now , he was safe and very easy to find. Third row from the bottom to the end of the pinks. 

Rose. Permanent Rose.

Whether it suited a boy or not , if he will be permanently there , it doesn't matter.

Luhan was screaming because the health visitor had arrived to look at him. She had turned up unexpectedly , from beyond the black rainy windows , and picked Luhan up with her strong , cold hands , and Luhan was screaming.

"MAKE LUHAN SHUT UP !" Kai screamed from the kitchen "IM TRYING TO READ." Kai boomed out again.

"Kai reads everything now!" Mrs Kim told the health visitor proudly.

"Very nice." The health visitor replied , and Kai looked pleased for a moment , but then stopped when the health visitor added that all of her triplets had been fluent readers at the age of three and had gone right through their elementary school library before they started their second grade.

That pretty much insulted Kai as he looked down. He was in grade nine and barely entered the school library , well , only for exceptional reasons like , the need of air-con desperately after the fitness test everyone above the third grade has to go through twice annually.

Kai glanced sadly at Kyungsoo , who was totally absorbed in playing with his phone . But just as he sensed Kai's unhappiness , he turned around and gave Kai a comforting smile , which was all he could do now.

Since Luhan's arrival at the family , Kai and Kyungsoo had heard an awful lot about the health visitor's multitalented triplets. They were in Kyungsoo's class  in Biology and Geography. Yes , Kyungsoo had said a number of rude and true things about those three people , that were outcasted by nearly everyone , which they claimed one day that nobody outcasted them , they outcasted those people who doesn't go up to their standard.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and he walked over to the extra-large bucket of coal that he just sorted out and tipped the whole of the coal bucket upside down from the top of his head , down on the hearth , enveloping his end of the room in a cloud of greyish coal dust.

This made the health visitor start coughing as Kai chuckled from where he was.

"I dont know how you keep your patience !" She said to Mrs Kim. Her voice showed that she thought it would be much better if Mrs Kim did not. She had dropped in to weigh Luhan , as she often did , and noticed at once that the baby had turned a very strange colour. A sort of brownish mustard .

She seemed to think it was a terrible thing that Luhan should have gone mustard without anybody noticing. She began undressing him. 

"I looked under all the yellows," Said Kai loudly , "and I've looked under all the oranges too , and there isn't a Saffron nor a Kai nor a Kim JongIn."

Luhan wailed even louder since he didn't want to be undressed as Kyungsoo painted the feet of his cat black , and let it walk all over the dining table , making small delicate paw-prints all over the tablecloth and the health visitor's notes. He smiled of victory.

"Why isn't there my name ?!" Kai demanded. "Theres all the others ! Mum , dad , Kyungsoo , Luhan and even our long-dead great-great grandfather Suho ! , what about me ?" Kai complained on the verge of tears.

Then the health visitor said something that changed Kai's life forever. She looked up after picking someone out from Luhan's clenched fist and said to the children's mother.

"Doesn't Kai know ?"

The words fell onto a moment of silence. Luhan held his breath between roars , Kyungsoo's head jerked up and the mother of them went scarlet and looked very confused and began an unhappy mumble.

"Know what ?" Kai asked , clinging onto the chart hung onto the ceiling from support .

"Nothing dear," said the health visitor in a bright , careless voice , and Kai , who was frightened without knowing why , allowed himself to believe this was true.

"Nothing , Nothing !"The health visitor sing-songed , and then in a completely different voice , "Good heavens ! What on earth is this ?"

Luhan's fist had come undone , revealing that he held onto a tube of paint , Yellow Orche , and very much .

"Paint !" screamed the health visitor , absolutely terrified. "PAINT ! HE'S HAD A TUBE OF PAINT ! THIS HOUSEHOLD.. I DONT KNOW ! HE'S BEEN A TUBE OF PAINT !"

"What colour ?" Kai asked immediately.

"Yellow Orche." Kyungsoo told him , totally calm. "I gave it to him . I didn't know he'd it. Anyways , Im only using nontoxic colours."

"Kyungsoo~!"said Mrs Kim , laughing. "No wnder he's gone such a weird colour !"

"Im ringing the hospital !" Said the health visitor in a voice of controlled calm. "Wrap him in something warm and dont't give him anything to drink , we'll go straight to Emergency.."

Then for a while Kai forgot his worries while they all tried to convince the health visitor that none of Kyungsoo's colours were the least poisonous , and that Luhan , except for needing washing , was quite alright.

"But why did you give it to him ?" The health visitor asked Kyungsoo. 

"To make him let go of my black?" Kyungsoo scratched his head and held up a tube of black paint.

"Black's sweet," Explained Kai as he opened the cap of the tube and on the tube of paint. And there was another fuss , between the health visitor , totally fussing up on Mrs Kim for 'child abuse' and Mrs Kim , explaining that Kyungsoo handmade every single drop of his paint with edible food . While it was going on , Kyungsoo returned back to his gold hunting among the coal lying on the purple carpet .

Kyungsoo bashed a lump of coal so hard that the cat jumped in fright and Luhan looked at him. "Thank goodness I have my kids , if I have kids like yours.." The health visitor smiled . "I supposed this is what they call.... Artistic." She choose her words carefully.

"Yes." said Mrs Kim eagery , "They are all very-"

"You need the patience of a saint in my job !" Sais the health visitor as she left , slamming the wooden door hard that nearly thw whole house vibrated behind her.

After she had gone , the children's mother hunted through the kitchen cupbard looking for something for supper. While she was doing it , she cried a bit because it was so hard being an artist with three children to look after  especially in wet weathers , when rain blew under the kitchen door and down the chimney into the hood of the car so that it will not start and she could not get to the supermarket. She thought wistfully of the shed at the end of the garden , her favourite place in the world.

Only Luhan noticed that she was crying. Luhan watched his with big , round , unsurprised brown eyes , enjoying every of her sniffs.

The kitchen cupboard was full of non-food sort of food. Cereals , Jam , Nutella , packaged sauces. Mrs Kim had almost given up hopes when she unearth an unexpectedly large can of spicy tuna.

"Daddy must've bought them !" she exclaimed , as happy as she had been miserable a moment before. 

The beans changed everything. Kai took over the toaster. Kyungsoo locked his cat back into his room and tidied the lumps of coal while Luhan on crust of bread patiently until someone should think of scrambling him an egg. Mrs Kim stirred the spicy tuna in the frying pan for awhile before adding some other stuff , grateful to the father of the children.

He was a real artist , not a garden shed one like herself. He was such a very real artist that he could work only in London. He rented a small studio at enormous expense and came home only on the weekends.

Real artists , he often explained to Kai and Kyungsoo , cannot work with two children under her feet and a baby that wakes up several times at night.







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