Three Musketeers


What happened was my best friend fell into a pit of volatile chemicals and it altered his cells. He has these awesome powers that are like electricity and photon beams. Then we discovered this sinister plot of an evil man named Man Dark who wanted to take over the world. So while you guys were sleeping and doing things in every day life, I was busy being a faithful sidekick and helping my best friend out in saving the world. Saving the world. So you should be thankful because I almost died.
Okayy, so that didn’t happen.
Life just became very busy. Sorry. Still sharing one laptop so I barely have time to even type out my story. Work and school are clashing and I just feel stressed but ideas for the plot are still in my mind. No worries. :)


Taeyeon and Jessica stared at each other in shock. They knew their bubbly mushroom was an open-minded person but to be this open-minded? Well, that was a bullet they most definitely avoided. Tiffany smiled at the two and pecked the both of them on the lips.

“Come on, I’m hungry and dinner smells wonderful.”


After dinner, the three ladies prepared for bed. Tiffany was exhausted from the flight and could not wait for her much needed rest. She stripped of her clothes and changed into an oversized shirt that hung off one shoulder and boyshorts. The blonde wore something similar except it was a flimsy tank top and short shorts.  Taeyeon had stepped out of the room to change her clothes.

“We’re probably going to need to get another cabinet in here,” Jessica said in thought.

Tiffany smiled at her girlfriend, “For…?”

“Taeyeon,” she said in affirmation.

The said shorty came into the room in her boxers and t-shirt. She blinked as the two looked over at her. Taeyeon looked down at her choice of pajamas and crinkled her brow in confusion.


Tiffany just shook her head, “Nothing Taetae, we’re just going to need to get you a cabinet for your clothes.”

Taeyeon blinked before looking at Jessica for confirmation. Jessica nodded her head with a soft smile. A warmth filled Tiffany at the thought of all three of them finally being together. The ice princess cleared and gestured to the bed. She climbed into bed, quickly followed by Tiffany. Taeyeon stood on the side and her lips in nervousness. It wasn’t like they never shared the bed before but now she was sharing it with two people she was very much in love with. She must have stood there for a while because she soon heard two voices.

“Taetae?” one voice searching for her presence.

“Taeyeon?” the other voice with a hint of worry.

The shorty shook her head and just grinned sheepishly, “Sorry, just thinking.”

She slipped into bed behind Tiffany, her usual spot on the bed. This time, when her arms went around Tiffany’s waist, her hand slid underneath Jessica’s tank top. The blonde jolted a bit when she felt Taeyeon’s cool hand on her skin.

“Taeyeon, your hands are cold!” she gasped and then bit her lip when a thumb lightly caressed her hipbone.

A giggle escaped Tiffany’s lips, “She’s sometimes like that. Like a very short Edward who’s cold to the touch.”

“Do not compare me to that stupid vampire,” Taeyeon pouted in complaint.

It was Jessica’s turn to giggle as she made an observation, “You’re as pale as him.”

“No, no. Shut up,” the shorty this time scowled; the thought of being compared to that fairy was irritating.

The other two girls were amused and Jessica leaned forward to kiss Taeyeon, “Fine, fine. Goodnight Taeyeon.”

A blush covered Taeyeon’s cheeks as the kiss caught her by surprise, “G-gnight Sica.”

Tiffany pecked Jessica on the lips as the blonde snuggled into her embrace. She wiggled her and pressed it firmly against Taeyeon.

“You two are cute, good night,” she said with a giggle.

“Good night Miyoung-ah.”

“Sweet dreams, Tiff.”



“Ne, Taetae?” Tiffany glanced into the kitchen as she set up the dining table.

“How do you want your eggs?” she was cooking breakfast for the three of them.

Tiffany came up behind her short girlfriend and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, resting her chin on a fair shoulder, “I’m in the mood for some scrambled eggs, Taetae.”

Taeyeon grinned in affirmation and kissed Tiffany’s cheek. She felt Tiffany return to the dining room to continue setting it up for breakfast, “Scrambled eggs coming up!”

Jessica walked towards the kitchen after smelling the wonderful cooking. She stopped right in front of the working Tiffany and slipped her hands through the mushroom’s hair, kissing Tiffany good morning. Their lips massaged each other’s as a tongue tried to sneak into one mouth.

Jessica retreated and gently bit on Tiffany’s bottom lip before she released it, “Good morning, Tiff baby.”

“Mmm. Good morning, my Jessi,” Tiffany gave her an eye-smile in satisfaction, her hands resting on Jessica’s shoulders.

The blonde pecked her girlfriend on the lips one more time before slipping out from her light embrace. She continued her journey into the kitchen and gave Taeyeon a back hug, “Good morning, my wangjanim.”

A blush covered Taeyeon’s cheeks for two reasons: one, at the thought of how she got that endearing nickname from her girlfriend, and two, the finger curling that nickname caused her.


Taeyeon came back from her run all sweaty, “I’m home!”

“Welcome home, Taetae,” an eye-smiling princess greeted her with a smile.

Arms came up around Taeyeon’s neck as they exchanged a light kiss, “Welcome home, indeed.”

“Yeah,” Jessica said lazily from the couch, her eyes closed.

“Aww, hibernating again, Sooyeon?” the blonde-tipped haired woman said in jest as she walked towards the couch.

A groan escaped the ice princess and she just ignored her, “Don’t kiss me.”

“What, why?” Taeyeon pouted as she stopped in her tracks.

“You’re sweaty and stinky,” Jessica said bluntly.

However, the shorty would not accept that, “I’m not sweaty! It takes a lot for me to sweat.”

Tiffany giggled to herself as she watched her girlfriends interact. She lay beside the nap princess.

“Doesn’t matter, you stink from your run. Go shower,” the blonde said with a wave of her hand.

“Care to join me?” Taeyeon joked.

She was met with a pillow to the face, “Byuntae.”

“You’re such a ert, Taetae,” Tiffany giggled.

“I prefer the term byuntaeng, sounds cooler since my name is in it,” the dork winked.

Jessica rolled her eyes and snuggled against Tiffany, “Suits you. Now go shower.”

“Yes, my princess,” Taeyeon teasingly bowed deeply toward the ice princess.


Music played as the room began to fill with steam from the heat of the shower. The droplets of water soothed Taeyeon’s back and slightly sore muscles. She loved messing with Jessica since she had entertaining responses most of the time.

“Baby Maybe,” began playing again and she was singing along with the song. When it got to the “jagiya” part, she laughed at the thought of how it made Jessica’s fingers curl. Then again, “yepeuni” made Tiffany’s fingers curl and she always called her that. She soon finished her shower as the song changed to, “I Got A Boy.”

Taeyeon slipped into some blue boxers and a white tank top. She began dancing around the room as she towel dried her hair. Sure, her girlfriends gave her a hard time for like Girls Generation but it’s not like she could really help it. They were amajjing!


I got a boy meotjin!

I got a boy chakhan!

I got a boy handsome boy nae mam da kajyeogan


The shorty memorized the dance moves and was able to dance along with the song. She was unaware of a couple pair of eyes that were watching in amusement from the bedroom door.


I got a boy meotjin!

I got a boy chakhan!

I got a boy awesome boy wahnjeon banhaenna bwah
a nae wangjanim!


Giggles filled the room and Taeyeon turned around mid-dance move. Tiffany was leaning against the doorframe with Jessica leaning heavily on her.

“My wangjanim?” Jessica managed to ask Taeyeon in between her giggles.

Taeyeon cursed her lack of awareness and her pale skin; she could feel her cheeks warming from embarrassment.


Taeyeon clicked her seatbelt and turned to the eye-smiling princess, “Miyoung-ah, thanks for driving me to work. I’ll get my chain fixed some time this week.”

“It’s okay, Taetae. I think Jessi and I would prefer to drop you off. She’ll be picking you up by the way,” Tiffany flashed her a smile as they drove off.

The trio had a routine worked out. They would wake up, have breakfast together, and then leave for work after kissing each other goodbye. At first seeing them kiss one another was different but it felt quite natural. Taeyeon would ride her bike while Jeti would drive their own cars. Last night, Taeyeon’s bike chain broke and their solution was for Jeti to drop off and pick up their girlfriend.

This would be the first time that one of them was with the other at their work after getting all together. They hadn’t talked about telling others about their relationship, as it was very hard to grasp for others. However, it probably was going to happen eventually.

Tiffany pulled up into the parking lot, unaware of curious eyes watching from afar, “I’ll see you at home, okay?”

“Okay, I love you, Miyoung-ah,” she said with a grin, her hand on the door handle.

“Forgetting something?” Tiffany said with her eyebrows raised.

Taeyeon pretended to contemplate for a second, “Nope, don’t think so.”

A pout covered Tiffany’s features, “Taetae~”

The blonde-tipped haired woman leaned across the console and gave Tiffany a firm kiss, “Love you, Yepeuni~”

Taeyeon proceeded in exiting the car and waved as Tiffany drove away. The smile on her face was wide and she felt quite energized to start work. Her beanie was then pulled over her eyes roughly as three men came around to question the shorty.

“Yah!” she struggled as she was soon trapped in a headlock.

“Was that your girlfriend, hyung?” her co-worker who acted as a brother to her asked.

“Yeah, who was that, Taeyeon-ssi?” Taeyeon regretted taking the guy’s shift for Valentine’s Day. Now he was bothering her.

The third man with a muscular figure rubbed his chin in thought, “Must be the famous Jeshika.”

“Yah! I am not your hyung. Lemme go, Kangin!” Taeyeon wriggled around in the man’s grip before elbowing him hard in the gut.

She was immediately let go, “Oww!”

“You never introduced us, Taeyeon-ssi,” Leeteuk grinned at his co-worker once the girl settled down.

A huff escaped Taeyeon’s lips as she adjusted her beanie, “I don’t need to introduce her.”

“Yeah, you do. That was a pretty hot kiss, almost as hot as me,” the buff man wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and walked towards the locker room to put away her stuff and swipe in for work.

“Aw, come on, Taeng! Tell us who she is!”

“Shut up, Siwon.”

“You do know we’re not going to leave you alone until you tell us,” Leeteuk put his two cents in.

Kangin recovered from the jab and jogged a little to catch up to the trio, “And you owe me that much since you hurt me, hyung.”

Even though Taeyeon walked through the women’s locker room, her three co-workers proceeded in following her.

“Yah! This is the women’s locker room.”

“You’re the only one who uses it so it’s fine,” Leeteuk shrugged his shoulders.

Kangin laid an arm around Taeyeon’s shoulders, “Was that Jeshika, hyung?”

“Ugh! I give up,” Taeyeon moaned as she slipped out from under Kangin’s arm.

“So you’ll tell us who the hot girl who dropped you off was?” Siwon’s eyebrows rose this time in curiosity.

“Is she your girlfriend?” more pestering from Kangin.

“Jeshika, right?” Leeteuk asked for confirmation.

“It has to be, the same girl who’s been holding out on you. But have no fear, Taeyeon! It’s your birthday today so you’ll most likely get laid tonight,” Siwon grinned lewdly.

Leeteuk nodded his head in agreement, “Jeshika did seem to cause you problems before…”

“Her name is Tippany. I mean…Tiffany,” Taeyeon said after a pause, reminding herself to properly pronounce her girlfriend’s name.

“Tiffany?” the man said perplexed.

“What happened to the -withdrawing Jeshika?” Siwon asked.

“Did you and Jeshika have a fight, hyung?” the man towered over Taeyeon and slung his arm around the short girl again.

Taeyeon left the three pesky men in the locker room, “Shut up, we have work to do.”


“Happy birthday, TAEYEON!” The chorus of all her co-workers exploded in her ears.

The shorty rolled her eyes playfully. Even though all of them were always bothering her, she loved being in their company. It made work bearable and at times, even fun. They were on break and they even had a small cake prepared for her.

“How’s it feel to be half-way to the golden age, hyung?” Kangin asked with a grin.

Taeyeon shoved the guy’s shoulder, “You’re older than me, quit calling me hyung.”

“You say that all the time Taeyeon-ssi, but we know you like it,” Leeteuk chuckled.

Siwon stood on the other side of Taeyeon and grinned down at her, “You never did answer us, Taeng. What happened with Jeshika?”

The blonde-tipped haired girl refused to answer and looked the other way.

“We never get to hear anything about your capades,” the buff guys continued nudging her.

“Or your girlfriend.”

“Or anything about your love life actually, hyung.”

Her eyes caught onto something that made her break into a wide smile, “Jiwoong-oppa!”

“Oppa?” Kangin said with a frown as he watched the shorty gather all her things, throwing her safety vest in his face.

“Sorry guys, my oppa’s taking me out for lunch. I’ll be back on time,” she waved and ran towards the gray car that was waiting for her.


Taeyeon plopped down in their secluded booth, “Ah, thanks, Jiwoong-oppa. My co-workers were getting a little too much.”

“Why? It’s your birthday, of course they’re going to get a little rowdy,” Jiwoong chuckled but looked at his female counterpart who had a look of gratitude on her face.

“They were just asking too many questions about my love life,” she waved her hand nonchalantly while looking at the menu.

An eyebrow lifted itself in question, “Love life? I want to know.”

Taeyeon’s eyes grew large at the question, dang it, “Uhh, what about it?”

“You have someone in your life now? You never tell me things,” Jiwoong said as he flipped the menu over.

“Well, uh…”

“Ready to order?” Taeyeon let out a sigh of relief. That would prolong the questioning for a little bit.


Catching up with her oppa at lunch was a great experience for Taeyeon. She didn’t realize how much she missed just talking to him. Taeyeon was happy that she also managed to escape answering the romance question from Jiwoong. They walked to his car and began driving to her workplace. Jiwoong clicked the radio to the off position.

“Okay, enough avoiding, tell me about this girl,” Jiwoong urged his younger sister.

Taeyeon scratched her cheek and let out a sigh, spoke to soon, “Umm, I don’t know where to start.”

“From the beginning would be a good place,” he grinned cheekily as his eyes stayed on the road.

It was hard to gather courage to come out to her brother with this, “Right, the beginning. Umm, I ran into someone seven months after uhh…you know. Umm, seven months after I started living with you.”

“Mmhmm, who’d you run into? Was she from the navy? Army?”

“No, no. It was…” she paused.

The man waited for a while before letting out a sigh. Taeyeon never showed this much nervousness or caution to talk to him, “Why are you so hesitant to tell me? I promise I won’t pick on you.”

Taeyeon her lips, “I just…don’t want you to look at me differently.”

It was like when she first came out to him about having a girlfriend, “Is it a man?”

“Wait, what? Still a lesbian here, oppa,” she spluttered. If she had been drinking something she was pretty sure she would have spit it out at his statement.

Jiwoong chuckled at his shocked sister, “Just making sure. I don’t know why you’re so nervous.”

“Like I said, I don’t want you to look at me differently,” she said softly while looking out the window.

Her brother tapped her leg with a smirk, “You’ll always be my favorite sister…after Haeyeon.”

Taeyeon laughed at her brother’s joke, “At least, I hope you’ll still see me as your sister.”

“You make it sound so bad. Now hurry, who was this girl?”

“Well…you won’t believe it, but I ran into Tippani. Well, I literally ran into her,” she rubbed her head sheepishly.

“Fany?” Jiwoong was surprised. His sister’s first love? He knew she was still very much in love with Tiffany and letting her go was the hardest thing for his sister. Hope filled up Jiwoong at the thought of Tiffany getting back together with Taeyeon. “You’ve been with Fany this whole time?”

Taeyeon’s eyes shifted around, “I, uhh, well, yes.”

“That must be some fate. Wow, why didn’t you tell me earlier? You never told me you moved in with Fany. I don’t know why you think this news would make me look at you differently. In fact, that’s great news!” the excitement within Jiwoong seemed to multiply.

Taeyeon was sort of glad that he was driving because he failed to notice the look of anxiety on her face, “Well, actually…”

She was cut off as her brother abruptly parked the car and seemed to be shoving her out the door almost, “Thanks for telling me Taeyeon but I just remembered, I have an appointment that I’m a bit late for. Happy birthday, sis. Keep in touch and tell Fany I said hi!”

The shorty spluttered a bit and sighed frustratingly because her brother didn’t let her finish. It would have to wait another day.


Taeyeon just finished work and her work buddies did not stop pestering her all day. She was glad the day was almost over and smiled when her phone rang.



“Sooyeon-ah!” she exclaimed with a smile and a light blush on her face.

“I’ll be there in five minutes, wait for me outside?”

Taeyeon smiled and walked out of the locker room, “See you soon, I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Taeyeon’s vision was once again covered and chuckles from her co-workers were heard. She sighed at the oncoming teasing she knew she was going to get.

Siwon had her in a headlock, “Aww, see you soon. I love you.”

“Young love,” Leeteuk said with a grin.

Taeyeon adjusted her beanie and stepped on Siwon’s toe to slip out of his grip, “Just shut up.”

Kangin grinned at the shorty and placed an arm around her shoulders, “Didn’t peg you as a romantic, hyung.”

Leeteuk watched in amusement as Siwon was hopping around from the pain, “Although, you are a dork so I can see you being romantic.”

A white BMW pulled up just as Siwon recovered, “But hey, it’ll pay off because romance equals and it’s your birthday today. What’s better than birthday ?”

The playful mood everyone was in seemed to drop below the freezing level, “Taeyeon.”

“Jessica?” Taeyeon said in surprise.

A beautiful ice princess was at the wheel with a not-so-pleased expression on her face staring straight down at Taeyeon. The shorty’s eyes widened and she pushed Kangin’s arm off from around her. She was in deep and she did not know why.

“Jeshika?” Kangin said in question.

The Jeshika?” Leeteuk whispered in shock.

“Holy , Taeyeon’s a stud!” Siwon shouted.

That was the last Taeyeon heard before Jessica sped out of there. Taeyeon knew she was in trouble because Jessica refused to speak to her. Was she jealous of the three men she was with? Well, they were her co-workers. Kangin did have his arm around her. That might be the reason why she was pissed. Taeyeon gripped the door in fear as Jessica ran a red light, narrowly avoiding an accident. Maybe she should apologize before it gets worse.


“Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday today?!”


The first arc of all three of them finally being together is now finished. This next arc we finally see other people! Lol. A whole new dynamic for all of us. As you can see this chapter is old because it was meant to be out for Taeyeon’s birthday.
AuthorFact: I have a horrible habit of not finishing stories. I know that’s something I really shouldn’t reveal about myself but I do need help sometimes to stay motivated. :P

With how busy life is, I might not be able to update in a while again. I’M SORRY.

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