
The Right Decision

“SHINee, please get ready to be on stage now.”

The AV/PA sounded loudly as the members prepared themselves once again. Looking all right up again - Attire, mics, earphone set, costumes, shoes… from head to toe. What else is in mind? Taemin was busy fixing his microphone cables, Minho was adjusting his shirt, Key was looking into the mirror, Jonghyun was fixing his hair, and Onew? He just sat there, all alone; looking at the rest.

“Oppa! Look at your hair…” You walked over and touched his soft hair gently. “You haven’t been taking care of yourself huh? Your hair’s in a mess…” Pushing a little from the right partings, You fix the hassle in no time.

“There… now it looks way better.” you smiled as you handed him a bottle of water.

“Oooh…  Gomawo you ah! I didn’t realize my hair was so much to trouble you for... Thank you, I’ll drink it now.” he smiled as he gulp down a few mouth.

Yet again, it was another SHINee concert. This time round, in China. You had always been helping out as a backstage crew, and always taking care of the members. Nevertheless, your love for Onew has never changed since you were still in the school days. You had always been flying with the crews wherever SHINee went, and even know the very little details of what happened to them. Sometimes, even being a translator.

“Okay, SHINee, let’s go. The stage’s ready.” Manager Hyung came along as he looked at the rest.

As usual, the first performance heated up the crowd and fans screaming were so loud that it is evidently heard in the backstage despite the doors closed.You sat down at the front view of the stage as the concert started smoothly. A sudden thought clicked in your mind as you thought about the very first time when you saw SHINee. It wasn’t even anywhere special, but just through social media like all the other fans do. Walking until here now, you were really proud of yourself. SHINee wasn’t just any idol group now, but more of who you felt with a responsibility to take care of.

So many things came running into your mind out of a sudden. Back then, while you were much younger, you didn’t know what to do. Choosing between just by dreaming, or be a stylist in reality for SHINee? Loving him from afar, or hiding your feelings for him every day despite being in front of him. Was it a better choice to dream of him or look at him directly? Everything was a problem back then.  The little things that made your mind ran for the whole day. Now that you have made a decision, you thought back a little if you had regretted your decision.

“Da Jia Hao, Wo Men Shi SHINee!” a sudden loud cheer swift across the concert hall was heard again. You looked up to the screen again as you see them delivering their speech. Onew, as always had been really caring towards the fans and even said to be with them no matter where SHINee would be.
A sudden tear dropped from your eye as you continued hearing on. They had always been the only group you wanted to support from the bottom of your heart. They were the ones that were with you while you had the difficult times and you had always watched them while they grow from boys to men. The times where they had fun as a rookie group or even the times when they had become popular, they met with criticisms from the world. The kind of support that was strong, and intense. You wonder if any fan girl would have been equally supportive. 


As soon as you know it, the concert had already ended. The members came back one by one as they had weariness held in their eyes. Just before you went over to hand them with bottles of water, they stood in a line and bowed in front of you.

“Noona, we are really appreciative of what you have done to us all these while. Despite all the rubbish and mess we’ve made, you had always stayed with us for so many years. We would like to say a thank you to you.” Taemin ended the speech quickly as they bowed in unison.

Tears collected in your eye as you tried to hide your emotions.

“Hey... it is ok guys. What’s with the sudden emotions? Quick, have a drink and rest well. You guys must have been tired.” You didn’t dare to look into any of their eyes and turned away before they could notice anything. Just before you could even do anything, tears were already rolling down uncontrollably.

“Are you crying??” Onew came over and held your hands.

“Don’t cry silly girl. We are really appreciative of what you had done for us. Taemin is right to say all of those to you because you had a much harder time as compared to all of us here. Even though we are not able to do anything for you every time you care for us, you still continued to stand beside us at the most difficult times and face it with us together. That is what that matters in all of our hearts.”

You couldn’t help but to even pour out a little more. Memories of what you thought back a little earlier on came flowing into your mind again. You looked into his eyes with despair and tears of happiness even though you couldn’t express the kind of love you had always wanted to show. The kind of reality you had always wanted and the dreams you had always dream for, that was what you had chosen.

“Can I tell you something too?” He looked down slightly as he reaches for your head. He patted softly as he turn to your direction in the face. “I am really very happy to have you by my side, every time and everywhere. I think I’ll need you as the second important person as compared to my first, chicken.” You couldn’t help to laugh a little as your tears held back a little.

His warm arms reach out to you and hug you tightly as he said thank you again, softly and gently. At this very moment, you had finally realized the decision you had chosen 4 years ago was definitely right, and of course - worth it. Be it where ever you went with them, the dazzling 5 boys who turned into men will definitely be what the sky will always be shining proudly of.



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Chapter 1: Onew is such a sweet guy... I knew it as soon as I saw him...
SketchingStencils #2
Chapter 1: Thank You so much!!! Hahaha, it wasverycute continue writing stories!! I'll follow you. :)
Chapter 1: Aaww!!! Jinki Oppa!! I love this story so much!! It's so "Onew"!!! XD
I love you author-sshi!! ♥