Meeting Big Bang

My Choice (Sequel to Little Voice; Big World)
Few months pass and a lot of events happen after the trip from Jeju Island. I'm still doing concerts, photo shoots, interviews, and etc along with my boys. Jay took me on an date and ask if we can get back together. I nicely decline and now we're just good friends even with the rest of 2PM. Mir and I are currently still single. Right now isn't the right moment since we're very busy.

"So what's next on the agenda?" I ask as I enter the van.
"Well you got to shoot this commercial for Baskin Robins with Big Bang." Kim reply checking her planner.
"Huh? Who is Big Bang?" I ask again.
"Aish Abby! Haven't we gone through this whole idol check up? They are under YG and very popular. They are big here and in Japan. Probably in America too ;D. " Kim explains. 
"Oh. Well I wouldn't know! I know MBLAQ, BEAST, Super Junior, SHINee, SNSD, 2PM, 2AM, Secret, 4minute, After School, CN Blue, Ft. Island, 2NE1, umm-"
"Okay that's good you know a lot. I can't believe you don't know Big Bang and you know 2NE1." Kim cut me off.
"Well 2NE1 is badass! Love those girls! Plus how come I never hear much about Big Bang huh?"
"Cause they're in Japan right now."
"See. I wouldn't know."
"Shut up. Anyway don't be mean and be good to them."

I chuckle and lay back on my seat.

"Whatever you say."

Next Day

I hop out of the van and into the building. I am extra hyper this morning. Maybe cause of all the caffeine?

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I greet the directors and helpers.
"Ah Miss. Jung you're here! Just head straight to your station so you can get all pretty up!" said the director.

I nod and walk over to my make up station. I sit down and let my makeup stylist do her thang.

Big Bang POV

"Hey is that Jung Abby?" ask Seung Ri.
"Probably." Tae Yang reply not really looking.
"She looks super pretty!" he exclaim.

Tae Yang sigh and change into his outfit for the commercial. Seung Ri hop out of his seat and towards G-Dragon.

"What?" G-Dragon asks as Seung Ri just stare at him.
"Let's talk to Abby!" Seung Ri smile pulling him up from his seat.
"YAH! Pabo! Let go!"

He drags G-Dragon over to Abby who is finish getting ready.

"Annyeong!!" Seung Ri greets her happily.

She was startle by his appearance out of  nowhere, but bow in reply.

"Sorry if he is scaring you. I'm G-Dragon, leader of Big Bang." G-Dragon introduces himself.
"We already know who you are! You're Jung Abby! Niece of Rain! We sang with him one time." Seung Ri cut her off.

G-Dragon elbows him.

"Oww..." Seung Ri frown.

Abby giggle a little. Seung Ri smile at her reaction.

"Well I'm glad you know me already! It's very nice to meet you." Abby smile.
"Why don't you meet the rest of the members? I think Tae Yang is done getting ready." G-Dragon suggests.
"Sure! I would love to meet the rest." Abby nods.

They walk over to where the rest of Big Bang was. Tae Yang looks up from his phone and greets Abby with a smile.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Je ireum-eun Tae Yang imnida." Tae Yang introduces himself.
"Annyeonghaseyo. Je ireum-eun Abby imnida." Abby replies.
"I see you met Seung Ri and G-Dragon already." he said.
"Yes they're very nice and funny." Abby smiles.

Tae Yang smiles at her. Dae Sung and TOP walk over to them.

"Annyeong! Dae Sung imnida!" Dae Sung happily said.
"Yo. I'm TOP." TOP greets himself.
"Annyeonghaseyo. Je ireum-eun Abby imnida." Abby repeats.
"No need to be formal with us." TOP said.
"Jwesonghamnida." Abby bows.
"Again you don't need to be polite."

Abby bows again.

"Haha you're sure funny!" Dae Sung grins as she slaps her arm lightly.

She smiles weakly and rubs her arm. The director calls them over and they begin the shooting.

Abby's POV

(Commerical is like this but they are advertising the ice cream, not the phone :) : )

I walk down the sidewalk as the guys surround me one by one singing. I just walk around as they follow me. This happen for a while.

"And CUT! Perfect! We'll take the photo shoot in an hour!" exclaim the director.
"Wah! Finally!" exclaim Seung Ri.
"Lets grab some lunch?" Tae Yang ask me.

I nod.
We arrive at a mini cafe. I order some kimchi noodles as the guys got different sandwiches, noodles, or sushi. We head back to the photo shoot before any fans spots us.

"Thank you for the food." I grin as I slurp on my noodles.

I felt a few pair of eyes staring at me. I look up from my soup and the guys were staring at me. I slurp the rest of my noodles up and tilt my head to the side.

"Do I have something on my face?" I ask them.
"Huh? Oh no! You just look cute while you eat." G-Dragon grins.

I blush a little and continue eating. After we lay around as we digest our food.

"Abby do you like someone?" ask Seung Ri.
"Huh? Like someone?"
"Yeah! you seem close with MBLAQ."
"Well I did live with them once...yeah I have someone on my mind."
"Who who??"

He is eager to know.

"ABBY!" shouts a certain voice.

Seung Ri and I look up and it was MBLAQ crew.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.
"We came to see you and pick you up." grins Cheon Dong.
"Hey guys!" Tae Yang greets them.
"Well this is pretty weird." I mutter.

Onward to Photo Shoot

I pose with the ice cream and try to come up with different facial expressions. The ice cream was cold and I thought my hand was gonna fall off.

"Abby Fighting!!" MBLAQ boys exclaim.

I glance over to them and stick my tongue out. I took pictures with each Big Bang member and finally it was over.

"I'm so glad I met you guys." I bow.
"What did I tell you about the formal crap?" ask TOP as he pats my head.

I laugh.

"Don't mind him. I hope we'll work again in the future." said Tae Yang shaking my hand.

I nod and shake his hand.

"You're funny! I'm glad I met you!" Dae Sung grins.
"Haha you're funny too sunbae!"
"No call me Oppa! It sounds better."
"Dae Sung Oppa?"
"There you go!"

Dae Sung gives me a quick hug and dash over to Tae Yang and TOP.

"Be good arraso?" G-Dragon wink at me.
"I'll try." I reply with a smile.

He pat my cheek and walk away. I look at him weirdly then shrug it off. Seung Ri was the last one to say goodbye too.

"It was nice meeting you." I said
"You too! You got all of our numbers right?" he ask.
"Yup! You pass my phone around like it was hot potato."
"Haha funny Abby! I can tell you like one of the MBLAQ guys."
"Its either little Mir or Joon. But personally I think you're better off with me."
"Ah! Seung Ri!"
"Just kidding." he winks.

Seung Ti taps my nose and got into this van. I shake my head waving goodbye.

"Come on Abby!" Mir and Joon call out from the van.
"It's either Mir or Joon? What's he talking about? I love Mir! Joon is my Oppa!" I murmur to myself as I got into the van.
"Why are you talking to yourself?" ask Mir.
"Huh? Oh I don't know. It's a habit now." I grin.

Mir laughs along with the rest of the guys. I chuckle a little. Seung Ri's words replays in my head.
Yaaaay Big Bang <333 LOL I just wanted them to come into the story ^^
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Dinka485 #1
cool! wonderful fanfic *.*
awww what a cute and happy ending, congrats to both married couple ^^
@butterfly555: hmmm i might write a long chapter about that :) i'm glad yah liked it ^^
butterfly555 #4
ya mir ask her to marry him omo what about kidssssssssssss but still love the ending
@cupidzangel: thank you!!! :D i finished the story last night xD and i'll be posting up a new story as soon as i can ^^v
congratulations on finishing this story.i'll be looking forward to more stories by you.
@kimk3yboom: hahahah i'm glad you love it! :) and i am writing a big bang story and gonna start up my mir, hong ki, and joon story ^^<br />
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@SUJU4LIFE: i'll try my best to write an awesome story like this one ^^ and yaaaay!!! 100/5 stars xD
awwwwww, I loved the ending! So sweet and romantic! Keep writing awesome stories like this one! Don't worry, everyone gets lazy sometimes, it's what makes us human lol. Anyways, AWESOME STORY! 100/5 STARS!
*jumping up and down* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY~! <br />
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Love your ending, actually. XD <br />
Are you gonna write another fic soon? Inform me, 'kays? lol<br />
at least they're both okay but Mir's lost his memory,oh no:(