Shocking News

My Choice (Sequel to Little Voice; Big World)
“WAAH IT’S SO PRETTY!” I exclaim.
“Abby!” call out the camera man.

I turn around and wave hello. We are sightseeing first before we go into the water for snorkeling at Oedolgae.

“Abby look at this!” said Cheon Dong showing me a little figuring.
“Wah! It’s so cute!” I squeal.
“Should I get this for Ate Dara?” he asks.

I nod and he runs back to the cashier. I follow GO around until we got tired of sightseeing.  

Oedolgae >>>

“This place is so beautiful.” I smile.
“Abby we’ll let you have fun snorkeling. We’ll continue filming you more later.” said the camera man.

I bow to him and watch him walk away.

“Abby come on!” Seung Ho calls out.

I nod and take off my clothes revealing my yellow bikini. I grab my pair of white board shorts and slip it on.

Mir’s POV

“Wow who knew Abby has a nice boy.” Joon comments.
“Stop looking at your little sister like that!” GO smacks him.

I roll my eyes and glance at Abby. She does have a nice body. I shake my heads from the thoughts and fix my flippers.

“HEY! ABBY!” shout a voice out of nowhere.
“JAY!” Abby exclaims running over to the whole 2PM.
“Hey what are they doing here?” ask Seung Ho getting out the water.
“So what are you guys doing here?” ask Abby.
“I’m treating them to a vacation! I didn’t know you were here.” Jay reply.
“Yeah me and the guys got a vacation also. I need one.” Abby grins.
“Yeah I can tell.” smile Nichkun.
“Hey.” I said from behind Abby.

Abby turns around. She is surprise to see me.

“What’s up Mir!” they greet me.

I just smile. I glance at Abby. She looks uncomfortable.

“Why don’t you join us snorkeling?” she asks completely ignoring my presences.
“Sure why not!” Changsung exclaim.

Abby giggles and grab her gear. I walk over to her and sit next to her.

“What?” she asks.
“I can’t sit next to you?” I ask.

She didn’t reply. She tried putting her mask one but it kept falling off. I notice her struggle and help her.

“Good?” I ask tightening it.
“Yeah.” She mumbles.

I turn red on how awfully close we are. I let go of her mask and notice she was staring at me. She was also turning red.

“Do I have something on my face?” I question.
“Oh! No…you don’t…you’re face is perfect…” she says nervously.

I chuckle getting up. I put my hand out and she gladly grabs it with a smile.

“That’s the first time you smile at me ever since you came here.” I said.

She smiles again letting out a giggle. She’s too cute. I grab her hand and lead her to the water.

Joon’s POV

I come up from under the water to looking for Abby. I didn’t mean to overhear 2PM’s conversation, but it just happen I come at the perfect time.

“Well would you look at that.” said Junsu.
“Your little girl is flirting with her ex again.” Wooyoung smirks.
“Shut up.” Jay mutters.

I look over at Abby and Mir. They are actually talking and getting along. Amazing she’s actually laughing with him.

“You’re plan isn’t working.” said Taceyeon.
“Guys. I already lay my first move on her. She knows I want her back.” Jay says with pride.
“You just kiss her goodnight after walking her home.”  Junho reminds him.
“Next move is soon. I’m sure I will claim her mine by the end of this trip.” Jay smirks.

 I was back underwater swimming fast to Seung Ho Hyung.

“Dad I got news.” I said taking off my mask.
“What is it?” he asks doing the same thing.
“Jay is trying to get back with Abby.” I whisper to him.
“Okay? So?”
“Hyung! Mir still loves Abby and Abby loves him!”
“So how do you know for sure?”
“Heard Mir in the office the night we had our meeting. Look at them anyway!”

Seung Ho turns over to them. They were splashing water at each other with GO and Cheon Dong.
“Well this is a problem.” Seung Ho murmrs.
“Yah think?” I glare at him.
“Well what do we do?”
“I was hoping you know what to do.”
“Heh always going to me for ideas. I love you guys.” Seung Ho grins to himself.
“Just think of something. He says he is gonna make his next move soon.” I explain.

Seung Ho nods.

In a forest in Donneko- Abby’s POV >>>

“That was fun!” I smile plopping next to Joon.
“I’m glad you’re having fun! Now lets eat! I’m hungry!” Joon stares hungrily at the picnic basket.

GO opens the basket and pass out the food. I munch happily on my BBQ and kimbap. I feel someone staring at me as I eat. I look up, it was Mir grinning. I blush remembering what happen.


“So do you get it?” ask Mir.
“I think I do.” I said.

We go underwater and swim around looking at the colorful fishes. Since this is my first time I breathe slowly in and out through my mouth. Mir was holding my hand still as he guides me around. We went back up to the surface.

“Mir the fishes are so cute!” I exclaim.

Mir chuckles. I giggle along with him. We are actually getting along pretty well. I feel bad for yelling I hate him. I better clear up things up now.

“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“What I said about…hating you.”
“It’s fine.”
“I'm really sorry! I was just-....wait what?”
“I said its fine.”
“Wait how can it be fine? I just yelled at you like that in front of everybody.”
“Look I wasn’t making things easy when we had that argument.”
“Me either..”
“Just give me my hug and forget about it.”

I nod and hug him as tight as I can. He hugs me tight not wanting to let go.

“I miss this.” He whispers in my ear.
“I do too.” I whisper back.

He looks at me and kisses my forehead. I froze. Mir lets go and grins at me.
End of Flashback

I touch my forehead and remember his warm lips on it. I slightly blush and notice everyone staring at me. (Everyone meaning MBLAQ. 2PM said bye bye :)

“What?” I ask.

They shook their head and went back eating.

Destination: Villa

“So you have fun today?” ask Kim.
“Yeah! Me and Mir are friends again.” I smile.
“Well that’s good. Abby we need to talk about some stuff.”
“What is it Unni?”

She grabs my hand and took deep breathes. I just stare intently at her.

“Remember the elderly couple right?”

I nod.

“They are your grandparents.”
“They’re not lying?”

I nod slowly. That explains a lot from earlier.

“And Abby.”
“Your dad…is still alive...”

Abby’s face -> O_O
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Dinka485 #1
cool! wonderful fanfic *.*
awww what a cute and happy ending, congrats to both married couple ^^
@butterfly555: hmmm i might write a long chapter about that :) i'm glad yah liked it ^^
butterfly555 #4
ya mir ask her to marry him omo what about kidssssssssssss but still love the ending
@cupidzangel: thank you!!! :D i finished the story last night xD and i'll be posting up a new story as soon as i can ^^v
congratulations on finishing this story.i'll be looking forward to more stories by you.
@kimk3yboom: hahahah i'm glad you love it! :) and i am writing a big bang story and gonna start up my mir, hong ki, and joon story ^^<br />
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@SUJU4LIFE: i'll try my best to write an awesome story like this one ^^ and yaaaay!!! 100/5 stars xD
awwwwww, I loved the ending! So sweet and romantic! Keep writing awesome stories like this one! Don't worry, everyone gets lazy sometimes, it's what makes us human lol. Anyways, AWESOME STORY! 100/5 STARS!
*jumping up and down* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY~! <br />
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Love your ending, actually. XD <br />
Are you gonna write another fic soon? Inform me, 'kays? lol<br />
at least they're both okay but Mir's lost his memory,oh no:(