Falling Towards You Part 2

Letters of Love
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Wow, just got back from Guangzhou~~ That was an awesome concert!! Khuntorians were totally awesome, and Khun was extremely excited!~


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icecubexx #1
Chapter 72: This story is really beautiful T__T
mickey0817 #2
Chapter 72: one of the best fanfic i've read beautifully and meaningfully written,thanks for this wonderful story. khuntoria forever!
Rica_24 #3
Chapter 72: Ohh goodness..what a great story..you will learned a lot...
Kpopcornluvr #4
i don't remember if i've commented on this story before...but thank you so much for translating this! i recently reread it and i felt the same as the first time i read it. it's so beautifully and hauntingly written (and translated). although i'm SO happy they got back together, those years that they were separated felt so real and painful. thank you again for finding and sharing this with us! would love to read more khuntoria stories! ^^ thanks again for all of your hard work!
AoA_Seoljeong #5
Chapter 72: I cried omg
guadalupe082194 #6
empiezo a leerlo :) gracias por tu trabajo :)
Chapter 40: dunno if i missed the part or what.. but who's bella? .-.
snccrockz #8
Chapter 72: OMG. This story, whether you read as a fan of WGM or not, was AWESOME!!!!!! I read thru it, skim and reading, all in one night. It had depth and angst and I was YELLING at my screen for these 2 to communicate at times....but this is SOOO real life, assumptions and putting things off til later....until you realize time as passed and too little too late....but there are 2nd chances if you are lucky enough to get them....overall this is now one of my ALL time fav stories!

Thanks so much for all the effort you put into translating this for an English reading audience. As someone in the USA and non-Chinese I would have NEVER had access to this beautiful journey of a story without you. I love you and the author!