Break Up

Searching For Mr Right

The next morning, I dragged myself up from the bed as I heard Minho calling me from downstairs. You guys are thinking we live together? Of course not, he lives next door and always come round to my house to eat breakfast because his parent always work overtime and doesn’t have time to make breakfast. I begin to go to the bathroom and prepare myself to go to school.

I walked downstairs and saw Minho was already eating breakfast with my parent; I went over to the table and sat down next to Minho while saying “Good morning!” All of them were sitting down at the table, eating their breakfast and greeted morning to me. My parent doesn’t know what happened last night. It’s not like I don’t want to tell them but I didn’t want to make them worry as they know the boyfriends I had before all cheated and lied to me, they don’t want to see me hurt. I intended to tell them once I settle everything with Taemin and Sulli. I was eating the food on my plates when my mum suddenly asked me “How was yesterday? I didn’t get to hear from you since you were too tired and went straight to your room.” I looked at her and smiles “It was fun.” I carried on eating from my plates. My dad then said “I hope to see that guy Taemin soon!” He then continued after finishing his last sausage on his plate “I better get going! Bye!” He quickly put his shoes on and rushed outside. All of us turned around seeing him left but couldn’t react because of my dad’s fast action and then I said “Wow! That was fast!” Minho got up from the table and responded “You better be fast or we’ll be late!” He was right, I looked at the watch to see the time and it was 8:30 we had to be in school in 10 minutes even though we live quite close to the school but we had to still hurry. I quickly got up as I saw Minho already putting on his shoes, I ran to put my shoes on and went out following Minho who was in front of me saying goodbye while rushing outside.

It was a nice morning, the sun was shining upon me and Minho who were running as we didn’t want to be late since our teacher like to be early. When we arrived at school, surprisingly we had 4 minutes to spare and I said to Minho while walking up the stairs “Is it me or am I getting better at running?” Minho looked at me who was behind him and replied “Not really, I mean you look the same!” In another word, he’s suggesting that I’m fat. I hit his arm as we arrived on the third floor which is where our homeroom was. I was laughing as Minho was saying that he was hurt by the hit I gave him to his arm. This is when I noticed right in front of me at a distant away was Taemin standing there with his friends. Taemin saw me, smiles at me and waves at the same time walking closer to me. “Hey Krys!” he smiles at me and I couldn’t look at him in the eyes so I looked towards the side and awkwardly smiles “Hey!” Then Minho suddenly grabs my hand leading me inside our homeroom. I was thinking what was that for but I thought that he probably didn’t want me to have that awkward feeling so he took me away.

Throughout the lessons, I pretended to sleep as my ex-best friend Sulli who sits next to me would talk to me but I didn’t know how to face her so I put my head down pretending that I was asleep with a book in front of me, this way the teacher wouldn’t suspect me. Minho sits in front of me and on the other hand Taemin sits at the other side of the classroom which was good as I wouldn’t like to face both of them at the same time. I wouldn’t say I hated Sulli, it was more like I felt hurt and painful knowing the truth. I couldn’t stand the fact my best friend would lie to me which is one of the reason why I couldn’t say anything to her, I wasn’t prepare.

The lessons passed by quickly and it was break, Taemin walked over to me and asked “Are you okay?” I looked up at him and replied “Yes…” I paused and thought that it should be the time to tell him, I continued “Taemin, can I speak to you?” Taemin looked at me with a confuse expression and answered “Sure… what’s wrong?” I got up from my desk and responded “Follow me.” Minho was at the front of me and looked at me with his worry face; I smiled at him and begin to lead the way with Taemin following behind me. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Sulli was staring at both of us, me and Taemin.

I led Taemin behind the school so that we could talk privately; I had my back to him and stopped. He then gently said “What’s wrong?” I turned to face him and bravely said “Let’s break up!” He looked at me in the eyes and asked “Why?” I looked at him back and replied “You really don’t know the reason?” He hesitated and didn’t speak back; I carried on “I think you know the reason…” I paused and then said “Listen, it’s me Krystal Jung who wants to break up with you Taemin Lee. You didn’t break up with me. I did.” I was determined that he didn’t break up with me because all my boyfriends I used to have break up with me first so I wanted to at least be the one to let go. I walked away from Taemin, leaving him still standing there and I went back to the classroom since the bell already rang which means end of break.



I actually planned out each chapters~ and realise this will have around 9 chapters~ XD
My bad.. I thought it would be a short one~ ^^
By the way, you might cry~ just keep reading on~

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love this story so much!!
wHAA.~ a cute ending =D
cupid taeminnie is so cute and thanks
"Pali..pali" i want more *^*
chocoxice #5
@ Thanks for reading~ ^^ I'll be writing more~ trust me you'll like it XD
waiting for your update~ cant wait for minstal part ^^ hwaiting!<br />
<br />
krystal you better realized~