You're Oblivious, Yeollie

But L, you're straight!



Sungyeol is in love and contrary to popular belief of being blind when in love, he believes himself to be quite observant. And he knows better than to believe that Myungsoo likes him even if Myungsoo replied with a ‘yes’ to his very lame and very girly ‘I really really like you Myungsoo so please go out with me!’. He has a lot of reasons to support and verify his claim and yes, doing that is like inflicting self-torture, but he figures he’s already fortunate enough to be going out with Myungsoo at all and he shouldn’t really delude himself too much. It’ll hurt that much more when he crashes back to reality. Anyway, let’s look at the facts first:

Myungsoo does not like guys (especially their manly bits…except his, of course). Sungyeol is a guy. Myungsoo also likes girls with long hair and big s, small s, heck just as long as she has s, and Sungyeol has a messy ‘thing’ on his head that he’s trying to pass off as hair and is void of any squishy weight on his chest. Myungsoo’s type is one that can cook and is sweet and Sungyeol…well…he likes to just drink coffee and always act like a choding.

Okay, so Myungsoo never really told him or anyone really about what his ideal type is or what he likes but it was so obvious! As if all the girlfriends weren’t enough hints…but Sungyeol’s totally not counting how many!

And even when girls flock to his boyfriend during lunch, dinner, breaks, generally any time of the day, he does not shout at them to back away from his boyfriend, he it up and smiles like his usual carefree self. Myungsoo’s not his and he didn’t want to bother him with his clinginess.

Afterward when Myungsoo says that he can’t join him for dinner later, he smiles again and says ‘it’s fine. Go have fun’ even though it’s not and he does not mean a single word he says.

Sometimes he wonders why he’s doing this, he doesn’t remember having any masochistic tendencies before. But with a simple smile from Myungsoo, he remembers that oh, he’s head-over-heels in love with Myungsoo and having just this is already enough because Myungsoo doesn’t really return his feelings. Just loves him enough as a friend to go out with him for a while.

Life sometimes really stinks.

Today is a hot day, and having them have to practice nonstop is cruel and inhumane punishment. They still practice though, because they don’t want to disappoint their fans. When break time arrives, Sungyeol almost falls down on the ground and cries ‘feeeeed meee!!!’, next to where Woohyun and Dongwoo are doing almost the same thing as him, which is lying lazily on the floor and catching their breath. It feels oddly comfortable even with their sweaty shirts sticking to them.

Myungsoo is sitting somewhere to the right and had already discarded his shirt. ‘Is he trying to attract every person here?’ But the sight of his abs had him drooling. As well as any hot-blooded female within viewing distance.

Sungyeol watches some more as Myungsoo chats happily with some of their backup curvaceous dancers. Myungsoo just smiles and talks casually and Sungyeol watches, amazed, at how Myungsoo could so effortlessly charm women.

Sungyeol really, really likes his friend, and even though Myungsoo clearly doesn’t like him the same way Sungyeol still likes him and would never be the one to let go of their relationship no matter how fake.

But it’s okay because really, all that matters is that his Myungsoo’s free time is usually spent with him and he still isn’t sick enough of this charade to break it off.

His thoughts are broken when Woohyun pinches his cheeks.

Sungyeol splutters and tries to push Woohyun off.

Woohyun grins and lets go.

Dongwoo tells them to stop because it’s too hot to play around.

Sungyeol grins and pushes Woohyun down to be his personal pillow. The heat is not that bad anymore, but he can still feel the tendrils of sleep calling to him so he closes his eyes for a second. He snaps them open again when he feels something soft and hot and wet on his neck.

He knows what it is and blushes at what Woohyun is doing, and is too flustered to push him away when Woohyun starts to . He gapes at him and feels like fainting from too much blood rushing to his face when Woohyun pulls away and smirks at his handiwork.

Dongwoo sighs at their antics and tries to pretend that he doesn’t know them.

Sungyeol gapes.

More beads of sweat fall down the side of his face to his neck.

Woohyun the ones that are on his collarbones and bites. Hard.

Sungyeol yelps and tries to crawl away, panicking because of erted older men who disguise themselves with innocent-looking smiles. “Myungsoo hasn’t even given me a hickey yet” he complains.

Woohyun wonders if he should feel bad, but one look at his Sungyeol’s blushing face convinces him otherwise. “That’s his loss, Yeol,” he says, and winks. He stands up and walks away, whistling innocently.

Sungyeol feels more drained of energy than even before their break.

Somewhere in the distance but probably not that far really, it’s just that he felt really distant right what with the recent events, Sunggyu announces that practice is canceled because no one’s really in the mood to do so in this godforsaken heat. Sungyeol dazedly stands up, grumbling about erted men and their . Sungjong who was also a witness to all just pats him on the back sympathetically and heads off first.

In his shared apartment with Myungsoo, Sungyeol welcomes the cold water with open arms. He has a red mark on his neck and his collarbone and it doesn’t come off even if he scrubs it with soap so he gives up and promises that he will sic Sunggyu on him tomorrow. ‘Take that, Woohyun!’ When he gets out of the shower, he feels satisfied that he will be avenged soon.

He was so content that he didn’t notice the figure behind him until large hands were pushing him to the wall.

But then he sees that it’s just Myungsoo so he calms down and closes asks, “What’s the matter, Myung-myung?”

Myungsoo’s response is a kiss.

Sungyeol’s eyes and mouth open wide at that. Which was taken by Myungsoo as an invitation which he happily accepted to plunder his mouth with his tongue. He moans because damn, that boy was one hell of a kiss and tries to ask just what the bloody hell is going on but Myungsoo determinedly just kisses him some more.

And more.

And more.

And heck, Sungyeol’s just know wondering if he can die by suffocation through this. Myungsoo must be secretly Aquaman or something. Thankfully, Myungsoo did stop. Only to continue downwards to his neck area.

Sungyeol remembers the lovebites Woohyun left and his whole face turns red.. Myungsoo is turning red too, but not for the same reasons. He is currently scowling at the red marks, trying to glare them to oblivion.

I’m gonna murder Woohyun,” Myungsoo mutters, teeth biting at the skin on Sungyeol’s collarbone.

Sungyeol winces. “That hurts.”

Myungsoo just at the spot to sooth it.

Sungyeol then stops, it finally registers in him that Myungsoo is kissing (more like molesting)him and he feels like he’d have fallen down if it wasn’t for Myungsoo holding him up. Though he remembers something that makes him push Myungsoo away.

Myungsoo pouts at that.

Sungyeol blinks. He tilts his head and asks confusedly, “You’re attracted to me, Myungsoo?” He never expected to ever ask this question and his voice is filled with disbelief as he waits for the answer.

Myungsoo rolls his eyes and pecks him on the lips.

Of course I do,” Myungsoo says when he pulls away. He looks exasperated. “What would make you think otherwise?”

Sungyeol frowns and answers a bit sadly. “‘Cause Myungsoo likes girls who are sweet and I’m a guy who is a big choding.”

Myungsoo looks more annoyed now. “Of course you’re not a girl,” he says dryly, his lips as he looks downwards at Sungyeol’s jeans. Sungyeol squeaks. “But you're still cute and totally y in bed,” Myungsoo continues, waving it off matter-of-factly. “Which is why you’re not supposed to get near Woohyun or probably any other male when I’m not around.”

Sungyeol turns pink. He swallows. “But you’re straight,” he blurts out.

Myungsoo raises an eyebrow at him and scowls. “Then why am I going out with you? Besides, I don’t have to like guys to like you. I could be Sungyeolual”

Sungyeol’s comprehension is too weak to understand that, but he thinks that it’s a good thing so he grins anyway.

Myungsoo, you want me,” he says, because he finds that he likes the sound of it.

Of course, silly. I’ve been dreaming of taking this for a very very long time,” groping Sungyeol’s for emphasis.

So you’ve always liked me?”

Myungsoo starts to feel a bit embarrassed now. “Sunggyu was right. You really are oblivious.”

Sungyeol whines. “Well, you never really said anything”

Myungsoo flicks his forehead

I may not say anything, but I really have no self-control. The looks I give you more than says what I feel for you ,” he says, shrugging.

Sungyeol feels his face burn at that. It also makes him inexplicably happy to know how much of a secret sap his Myungsoo really was. He turns Myungsoo’s face to his and says, “You don’t have to control yourself. I can handle it.” As an afterthought he adds “if you’re too slow, someone else might sweep me off my feet.”

It’s hitting below the belt, but he’s got the reaction he wanted so he happily submits when Myungsoo captures his lips again fervently. So he got the man. And he got his heart, too. And oh, ‘mmm…is it possible for Myungsoo to smell y, too?’ And…and…ooh, his tongue…let’s end this story before it leaves PG level.



Author's note:

And that was...I have no idea what that was. But I hope you still enjoyed reading it :)

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha sungyeolual me too myungsoo me too
Chapter 1: Sungyeolual X'D
Chapter 1: omg i loved it!!! it was really cool~~ kya kya yeollie!!!!! i think im sungyeol ual too lolololol.
Chapter 1: Why do i didn't find this fic a looooong time ago?
Nadjell #5
Chapter 1: This was really nice
And y
Well done
Chapter 1: Haha Sungyeolual is just too cute. And why couldn't it leave PG Level? Anyway, really loved this!
Milkboy_sehun #7

Loved it<3~ sungyeolual XD
Chapter 1: naughty woohyun! and phaha sungyeolual!
Chapter 1: i know myungsoo is straight...but he likes sungyeol alot.he likes sungyeol xp
deliciousyou #10
Chapter 1: Ahahahahha its too cute!! And the last sentence is funny!!! <333