First Shot

Hijacking Her Heart

First Shot-



Screeches and screams filled the air, the cluster of students were out of control. Teachers were roaring orders, but none could be heard. It was pitch black and more gunshots were heard, so loud they almost bursted her eardrums. 


"Oh my god!" 

"That was a gunshot wasn't it?!"

"We're all dead!"

"Stop it, everyone calm down-"

"Lay down! That way the bullets won't hit you-" 


Her elite school, her rich classmates ran around like headless chickens, bumping into each other and scrambling over one another, completely throwing away their status, crawling resembling low peasants. Caught in the midst of panic, Jessica found herself becoming more fearful by the second. This was what it meant to follow blindly like sheep. 


Taecyeon's strong hand grabbed hold of her wrist, Jessica, shocked by all the commotion felt a wave of relief wash over her as she recognised her Kingka boyfriend. He easily dragged her out of the crowd of hysterical, uncontrolled students. 


"Are you okay?" His usual indifferent tone now was struck with fear. She nodded in response, Taecyeon flashed another one of his brilliant smiles, this time, brimmed with a tinge of panic, before leading her out of the pitch black dining cabin, which seconds earlier, was bathed in a warm yellow light. 


"We got to get out of here," He murmured frantically, his eyes returning back to Jessica. Pandemonium erupted from the terrified students, screeching orders of the teachers could barely be heard, combined with the sudden jerkiness of the train only made matters worse. Without a second to waste, Taecyeon dug out his phone and speedily configured his screen brightness to max. Using his phone as a torch, they easily made their way to the halls. 


The halls were empty and dark, literally a ghost-town. She was glad that Taecyeon was with her, as much as she didn't want to admit it- if she was alone, she would be extremely frightened. Running hastily down the halls and skidding around the corner, Taecyeon pushed open the student cabin's door and shut it briskly behind them. They stopped to catch their breath. He was heaving heavily, as he reached for the light switch Jessica stopped him.


She didn't really know why but it was more of an instinct that it would be best to not tell the pirates, robbers, thieves- whatever the attackers were, where they were hiding. Taecyeon opened his mouth to complain but stopped when he saw Jessica's serious expression. She felt him relax his tense muscles, "What are we going to do now?" His deep, throaty voice resonated in her ears. 


"We should stay here," Jessica suggested, after a few heartbeats of silence she rose and locked the door before taking a seat next to Taecyeon. Outside, havoc was breaking loose. Frantic footsteps pounded outside of the train cabin. He sighed and sunk into the door. 


Jessica's heart was leaping out her chest, she could barely contain herself. It wasn't all fear. Part of it was excitement- or the anticipation of something, or someone to appear. A shiver ran up Jessica's spine, she quivered. His eyes fell upon her, "What's wrong?" 


"Nothing." She lied with a small smile. It was enough to reassure him. Silence fell again.


"Who do you think they are?" His voice broke the hush, 


She turned to him and threw his question back.

 "Who do you think they are?" 


Taecyeon rolled his eyes at her sharp response. "Thieves or pirates. Or maybe just hijackers." He looked at her, "What do you think they're hijacking?" 


Jessica knew what they were. She had heard about them in her father's bitter stories. Those that her father constantly told her not to deal with. The bunch that brought out the very worst in her family. Those to blame for her years of solitude. Those charming, smooth-talkers who had shattered her delicately knitted family. 


"Mercenary," she uttered softly. "They are mercenaries." 


The forbidden word escaped . 


"That we are." 


She gasped, her hands fell to the floor to stabilise herself. Almost instantly her eyes darted to the stranger who had soundlessly snuck into the cabin through the unlocked windows. The breeze rocked the pale creamy curtains, making it appear as though they were dancing with the shadowy figure, welcoming her presence. 


Taecyeon shifted, picking himself up rapidly. "What do you want?" He growled dryly, clenching his fists and glaring into the darkness.


As the moon escaped the cloud's embrace, illuminating the dark room in a shimmering light, the mercenary's figure could be made out. It was a woman. The shifting clouds efficiently disguised half of her face but within seconds, she was fully revealed. Jessica stared dumbfounded. She was extremely, extremely handsome. What captivated Jessica the most were her pearl blue eyes that glistened under the moonlight. The girl blinked and she opened ,


"Well, I know I don't want you." The words that escaped were velvety and smooth but beneath the soft wrapping Jessica sensed stinging venom. Her words had put a bullet through Taecyeon's pride and ego, the broad-shouldered male moved towards her. 


 Taecyeon hissed viciously, throwing an uncoordinated punch. Elegantly, the girl stepped aside, resulting in Taecyeon falling forwards dumbly. He didn't give up. If not, it only made him angrier. The strong male got up and threw his whole body weight at her, this time, he succeeded. He gripped onto her neck with his powerful hands and pressed her against the cabin wall.


"Stop it!" Jessica's voice wavered. Her boyfriend threw a nasty look back, silencing her. His eyes focused on the scrawny mercenary. Jessica could hear something breaking under his weight. Her eyes locked with the mercenary, she couldn't look away. The shorter girl had a smirk stirring on her thin lips. 


One…  She signalled with her hands.




Jessica's eyes widened.



"You're just a woman." Snarling he tightened his grip on her thin neck, she knew he wasn't afraid to snap it. "Do you really think you can defeat me?" To prove his strength, he lifted her up higher. The mercenary did not struggle...




Suddenly, the ceiling caved in. Jessica struggled to breathe under all the dust and smoke, her eyes burned from the debris, coughing for air she scanned the clearing. Where's Taecyeon? The mercenary? Her mind throbbed painfully, her heart was stuck in . Strong wind buffeted her, abruptly clearing the cabin of the suffocating smoke and smell. Before her stood two other beautiful women. She glanced up to where the ceiling once was, now remain a messily blasted hole. The cold air swiftly slipped in, replacing the warmth with a chilling cool. 




"TAE- YEO- N!" One of the girls shouted, she was noticeably darker than the other girl and her glossy raven-black hair swayed with the wind. Despite her beautiful face, Jessica sensed murderous waves emitting off her. The slender woman whipped out a metal weapon.


Gun. It registered in Jessica's head. What? She quickly looked toward Taeyeon and Taecyeon's direction. He was still strangling her, taking no notice of the new intruders. 


"Yah, Boy you're in the way!" The tanned girl yelled, Taecyeon did not bother moving. "Tch." She growled as she carelessly aimed for his head. 


Jessica couldn't scream. She had lost her voice. She couldn't run. She was captivated. Then, before her eyes, the bullet fired. The gun smoke reeked. Taecyeon fell to the cabin floor, not struggling any more. Taeyeon, the mercenary felt around her neck and in a few deep breaths of cold night air. 


'Do you want to see some magic, beautiful?' 


Her heart thumped painfully against her ribs, forcing her eyes to meet Taeyeon's, she saw the 'knowing' smirk stirring on her lips. This mercenary was different from the other two. She possessed a haunting aura. The stench of death.


'In three..' 


"Calm down my kitten," the raven-haired girl spoke up, catching Jessica's attention. This was when she realised Taeyeon was only speaking to her, that the other two pretty mercenaries could not hear.  Jessica's eyes nervously flickered to the tan girl. As though reading her mind, she smiled flirtatiously, pleased she had caught her attention. 




"He's only sleeping. That was not a real bullet. We simply put him to sleep."

 Like explaining patiently to a child, the girl emptied the remaining bullets. "But," Her eyes narrowed. "To kill a snake we need to do more than paralyse it."

Jessica held her breath and shut her eyes, preparing for what magic Taeyeon was about to bring to her. 




"Yuri, We should just go before she gets Hyoyeon's help." The other attractive girl murmured to Yuri- the tanned one. 

"Yoona, relax. I'm here." Yuri reassured Yoona, though taking in her partner's suggestion, Yuri grinned. 


"Taeyeon! Thanks for the present."




She felt Yuri's arm roughly grasp around her waist, pulling her to her feet. 

Where's your magic Taeyeon? She wanted to ask the charming mercrenary. She was doubting her. This was what father had said before. That all mercenaries were liars, swindlers and thieves. Yet Jessica believed Taeyeon could be different.If she was fooling around, she had tricked Jessica completely. Yuri took off towards the other-side of the cabin, where the other door was. Just as her hand touched the handle, the ear-piercing sound of shattering glass and blinding light met their eyes and ears. Yuri cringed at the blinding light, temporarily blinded, her companion (Yoona) too.


"You should've trusted me." 


She was suddenly behind her again, Taeyeon's hypnotising mellow voice had Jessica a helpless prisoner,  the not-so-short girl swooped Jessica up into her arms effortlessly and sprinted out the cabin. The hall's lights were on now, but still empty, which made turning corners and finding places to hide easier. 


"Sooyoung, thank Hyomin for me." Taeyeon spoke aloud, this puzzled Jessica until she realised the girl had an earpiece. 


"Yeah, yeah, she had to stop her game of Tetris for that." Sooyoung, muttered from the other end of the line. "She's upset now. Thanks to you, she's stuck in that lonely truck with a giant torch waiting for a signal." 


"I'm not going with you." The fear had faded from Jessica now, "Take me back to where Taecyeon is." She tried to sound forceful, commanding, but it sounded like nothing more than a request.


"You're going to die if you go back." Her tone was humourless, "They won't touch him. He's no use to them." 


The blood went to her head. Her father reminded her to stay away from these crooks for a reason. Because they were selfish and cowardly, they would betray anyone if money was taken into consideration. 


"Put me down." Jessica demanded, the mercenary ignored her command. Jessica reached down to her belt, instinctively the mercenary dodged one cabin door and slipped into a smaller hallway, far from the disturbance. She could feel the cold material of a killing weapon. Jessica had never seen a real gun before, let alone, touch one. But any person who had seen an action movie could figure out how to use one. "Put me down," Jessica ordered again, the authority returning to her tone. 


Taeyeon stopped and laid the girl down, Jessica pointed the weapon at her, "Back off." She commanded. Obediently, Taeyeon carried out her order, slowly backing towards the tiny hall's wall. Jessica's finger was on the trigger, as she aimed the firearm at Taeyeon, the mercenary, she believed the two of them both knew that even one with no experience with guns could not miss at this range. 


"Why are you doing this?" Jessica threw the question at Taeyeon, the girl, even when pressed to a wall with her hands up remained dignified.  

"If you want gems or money, I can give it to you. My father doesn't lack anything. You don't need to go through all this trouble of kidnapping me."


Taeyeon blinked, "We don't want any of that. We want you because you are useful. That's it." her response was curt and straight to the point. 


"So then you can toss me aside when you're done?" Unknown outrage bursted in her stomach, she took a step forward. 


"That's business here, Miss. It's no different from you tossing aside your emotions for the sake of your family." Taeyeon retorted matter-of-factly.


"Why do you know all this?"


"It's written all over your face, Miss." 


"Don't smooth-talk to me."


"I… Feel it." Taeyeon replied after some seconds, "You're wishing to be free." 


"Don't tell me what I want and don't want." Jessica snapped furiously. Does this mercenary think she knows her just from meeting her a few minutes ago? Does she really think she would nod her head and agree with everything she just said? 


"Put that thing down." The girl said coolly, not at all amused by her sudden act of struggling. In her deep, bewitching eyes there was an unexplainable pang of sadness, grief… Whatever the emotion, Jessica could not capture.


"Why should I follow you? You're doing the same thing those other two are." Jessica spat angrily, "You're just another mercenary, when your life is in danger you'll scram like a wild dog." 


"I'm not like them." Sudden anger flared in her eyes, the burning intensity fascinated her. "We work for different purposes." Her eyes revealed a flash of sadness from being misunderstood, before she challenged her.


"Pull the trigger if you dare, miss." Taeyeon remained unmoving, her calmness was infectious. It cleared her clouded mind a bit. 


"Why do you trust me so much?" 


This question caught Taeyeon off guard as she hesitated for a bit before replying honestly:  "You're colourless." 


"Colourless?" Jessica could not hide the surprise in her answer.


"You're not cut out for this sort of thing. That's why." Taeyeon said curtly, "Now can we please go before they blow holes through us?" 



"Sooyoung! Can you hear me?" 


"What TaeTae? I'm playing Scrabble. Some guy's beating me. Wait. BRB."


"One would think a hacker would do their job properly." 


"Okay Sorry wait. Gimme a four letter word that uses all these letters;MUDB. Oh, never mind. Got one. I'll link you to Hyoyeon."




"What interesting teamwork," Jessica jibed, Taeyeon just rolled her eyes. 


"You would think they would be more serious, especially when their most important member is about to get a hole through her head." 


Jessica laughed at her bitter comment. Taeyeon just rolled her eyes again. The short girl's astounding strength surprised her, the fact that she could carry Jessica and still run quickly required some skill. She turned a corner abruptly, a gasp broke out from Jessica. "They're close." Taeyeon murmured. Jessica's heart was hammering hard, Taeyeon released the breath she was holding. Judging by Taeyeon's relaxed expression, Jessica knew they had gone away. For a bit, at least.


Taeyeon bit her lip, frustrated. "Where the hell are you? I've already seized the target." She spoke aloud, the person on the other end of the earpiece responded.


"Taeyeon-ah, I'm busy atm. Can you just get some time? I dunno, run around or hide in the toilets or something." 


"Sooyoung, you're gaming aren't you?" Taeyeon sighed, annoyed.  Sooyoung- the person on the other end of the earpiece laughed aloud. 


"Hahahaha, I am. I just finished a game of scrabble. Illiterate dumb asses. Oh by the way, this dumb, gamer is so desperate. I'm totally PWNing him in Pokemanz LOL. We were having a doubles battle right and I just killed all his tanks and walls. Such a dumb-, why would you teach your Charizard Sunny Day if you have no Solar beam?"


Taeyeon gently placed her down, "Run, okay?" She mouthed, keeping Jessica close to her side. Racing down the halls Taeyeon hurriedly pulled her into one of the disabled bathroom's. Hastily shutting the door and locking it, she bent down and rummaged under the sink. Meanwhile, Sooyoung was still rambling.


That's like teaching Pikachu how to use tackle and teaching Slowbro how to be faster. Plus, he paired them up badly, their natures were ty and their stats were bad. LOLOL. Then he was complaining saying I cheated, I was like bro no, you just mate, don't blame the pro for this. He's probably some sad 18 year old who was rejected by his girlfriend. I told him I don't feed no Pokemon rare candies. I much prefer storing them. Oh god, Taeyeon you gotta hear this, now he's threatening to-"


"Just link me to Hyomin." Taeyeon snapped angrily, causing Jessica to jump slightly. Taeyeon dragged out a fire extinguisher and placed it by the tightly locked door, she inspected the room in greater detail.


"Jeez, Taetae. Don't be so mean to your manager. Mk, I'mma link you to Hyomin nao." Sooyoung whined teasingly.


"Oh, and please speak more like a normal human being."


"Smh. K. ttyl take care."  The earpiece crackled like an old radio switching stations.


"Hyomin, what are you doing? Who's picking us up? We're practically stranded on the train with Yuri and Yoona nipping at our butts. Where the are you?" Taeyeon growled, seemingly frustrated at her companion's lack of organization, a new voice chirped in. This must be Hyomin. Jessica thought. 


"Calm down Charlie brow-"


"Stop it." She cut the Hyomin off. 

"Don't make a sound, kay?" She mouthed to Jessica, the flustered ice-princess just nodded in response. Taeyeon examined the bathroom carefully, shutting the toilet lid she stood on top of it and carefully surveyed the ceiling. 


"OK, OK trust me. I'm sending you the train's data right now. The map should be there too." Hyomin said rather calmly, "You're in the toilets right-"


Thunderous banging caused Taeyeon to flinch. Their attention both fell onto the shaking door that looked like it would burst at any second.


"I know you're in there midget. Get out!" Yuri yelled, hitting the door harder. Taeyeon hissed in annoyance. "Hurry up Hyomin!" 


"OK. Look above you guys. There's a square thing right?" 


"Yeah, no , I figured that out before you even said anything important." She muttered already feeling around it and pressing the gun onto the marked square. Jessica blocked her ears but still heard the ear-splitting gunshot, followed by the smell of burning powder and crumbling plaster.


"Well here's the important part, shoot that thing off," 


"I'm already doing it. ," the girl cursed, "Hyomin it's not coming off, I just made a goddamn hole." 


"Find a way then-"


Yuri and Yoona, outside of the cabin had already begun ramming the door. Jessica threw a fearful look at Taeyeon, the mercenary just smiled faintly. "I got it now, bobby pin." She ordered. Jessica obeyed and quickly pulled out a bobby pin from her hair. She watched as Taeyeon skilfully began bending the pieces into what looked like the tip of a screwdriver.  Like she had always done this, she quickly picked at the screws. 


"Hey, I'm getting impatient midget!" Yuri's booming voice hit them again. This time, the sound of reloading a gun could be heard. Taeyeon bit her lip and worked faster. "Time to stop playing cat'n'mouse. I'm giving you five seconds." 


"One." Yuri shouted. 


"OK. It should be off soon. Flip that over and you'd be on top of the train. Fiona will be on the bikes." Hyomin spoke again, "Gimme my time with Sunny now okay? Before Fiona comes back. " 




"Tch. Damn. Come off dammit." Taeyeon pushed at the square, it didn't budge. "Hyomin, you still there?"





"Yeah. Those mongooses are on your heels. Hurry it up." The girl lashed out, "They're not afraid of our venom." 

With adrenaline in her veins, Taeyeon threw herself up, with the aid of her body weight the square finally moved. 




As Taeyeon flipped on top of the train, the chilly wind hit her in the face, almost knocking the breath out of her. Steadying herself she extended one arm. "Hurry," she hissed. Jessica, following her lead grasped onto her hand. Shocked by Taeyeon's strength, she was hurled up on top of the train by the enchanting mercenary.




The door busted open. "Where are you midget?" Yuri yelled, the two girls both had their guns out and were slashing open the drawers, yet to notice the giant gap in the ceiling. Taeyeon hushed Jessica with one look as she shot the extinguisher by the door. Gas streamed out from the extinguisher, filling the small cabin within seconds. ", you cowardly snake!" Yuri growled, leaping up, towards the opening in the ceiling.  Taeyeon hurriedly placed the square back in place. "Fuc-" Another muffled gunshot sounded, followed by another. A bullet had went through the square and brushed Taeyeon's cheek. 


"Damn." She winced as she flinched slightly. The fast-moving train brought wintry winds, rubbing her cheek she slowly stood up. 


"Are you okay?" 


The mercenary turned to face her, their eyes met. They were still a luminous, incomprehensible shade of blue. She smiled gently.  


"Somewhat okay." She responded. She turned away from her again. Jessica sat, clutching onto the smooth exterior of the train, hardly able to stabilise herself- even when sitting.  


"Hyomin, you there?" 


"Argh. Jeez. What now? I was just about to dig into Sunny's yummy curry," an annoyed tone replied, "I'm glad you're alive though."


"Thanks. Tell Sooyoung we'll be back soon. And leave some dinner for us. I'm starving."


"That's it? Aish. OK OK." The line cut off again, leaving the sound of a broken television in Taeyeon's ear. 


"Where's Fiona?" Jessica asked quietly, Taeyeon turned to her. 

"She's coming."

Jessica tilted her head curiously and looked in the direction of Taeyeon's gaze. Empty. Nothing. Nope. Nada. How could she see anything? Let alone know Fiona was there? 


"I can sense her." Taeyeon answered, reading her mind again.


"What?" She could not hide the disbelief in her tone. 


"I can sense Hyoyeon's warmth." She explained seriously.


"Warmth?" She could not believe her ears, yet alone believe in such things as supernatural powers. 


"Hyoyeon is a warm yellow. It symbolises her determination, happiness and enthusiasm." 


"Then what am I?" Jessica asked, the wind battering them head-on, repeatedly. 


"You're being sarcastic again." Taeyeon commented, faking a hurt expression. 


"Well, it's hard to believe." She defended herself. 


Taeyeon let out a dismissive laugh before contemplating how to word what she was about to say. After a few moments of silence, she finally said: 

"I don't get you. You're colourless."


"What does that mean?" Jessica had heard her say this before but she still did not know what she meant. Colourless? 




An unfamiliar voice drifted towards them, Hyoyeon was on a motorbike that was slowly catching up to the train. Even with little light, Jessica could tell Hyoyeon was good-looking, like the rest of the mercenaries she's met tonight.


Mercenaries these days. All good looking. She sighed to herself. 


"You can see me in the dark but I can't see you!" Hyoyeon yelled above the racket of the train, "Are those mongooses still there?" 


Taeyeon took a second to survey the interior of the train, "They're still there. But they're further away from us now."


"Yeah okay, jump right?" Hyoyeon called, speeding up again. Soon, the train and bike were aligned. Swerving dangerously close to the train, so that one mistake could bring the shapely blonde crashing to her death, Hyoyeon focused on balancing the motorbike for the weight of two more people. 


Taeyeon offered to help Jessica onto the bike. At first, she shook her head but after discovering she could only just sit up on the fast-moving train, she took up on that offer. Once again, like several times already this evening, Taeyeon picked the light-weight girl up with ease, bridal style, as she jumped. Jessica braced herself for one mishap, but nothing happened. They were on the bike behind Hyoyeon.


"Your jumping skills have improved." The blonde girl remarked,


"Thanks." Taeyeon murmured unemotionally.


"Eh, you're hurt?" The girl noticed her partner's bullet-brush wound. 


"This? This is hardly anything." Taeyeon muttered closing her eyes for a few seconds. 


"This victim is surprisingly obedient." Hyoyeon observed, smiling, "All the better. Less work for us." 


"Not obedient. She's more intelligent." The pearl-eyed mercenary responded, yawning and stretching her stiff limbs. "I'm exhausted." 


"No wonder in such a bad mood." Hyoyeon laughed, her tone turned serious for a second. "Did you only see Yuri and Yoona?" The tired mercenary nodded tiredly, "What now?"


"Nah. Apparently Tiff was also there."


"Oh." Taeyeon darkened, a grimace surfacing. 


Jessica sensed the uneasy atmosphere. Hyoyeon quickly covered it up with another laugh,

"Anyway, welcome aboard. Well, you're of use to us right now. So I should say welcome right? Before you get to our base you should know some things about everyone…"


The bike speeded away into the darkness. The train became further and further away, the moving giant soon disappeared. That night, Jessica could only imagine what the new people she was meeting were going to be like. She was also curious about Taeyeon (shockingly) and Tiffany. The girl Hyoyeon mentioned, which brought out such an emotion from the calm mercenary. Somewhere in the depths of her heart, she knew she wished for this to happen. They were taking her on an adventure, somewhere further, beyond the school gates and house door, a place where she could be free from those she knew, free from her parent's expectations and free from herself.


However, then she did not know, by following these people and leaving the train- she was leaving behind all she'd ever known, to take step into a world she'd only heard of in her father's stories. A world of mercenaries. 





Author's Note:

I feel so accomplished. I finished this lengthly chapter in a day's work. (Which is VERY fast for me). Toward the end I got a bit lazy... But the first chapter's done. -Sigh-. Now I must go and sleep and replenish my imagination. Hope you enjoyed it! ^  -  ^  Feedback/Comments are highly appreciated~ Kay, I'm out now.

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luvsoshi #1
Chapter 5: ah finally.... tiffaaannyyyyy... hehehe
JeTi.... JeTi... :p

really love the update, thanks :)
jeti please lol
Chapter 4: omgomgomgomggomg - this is so good! I am literally so on edge, please update soon - so many unanswered questions that need answers! On the side note, I am so happy I stumbled upon this Fic, it has everything I wanted! Action, bad SNSD, and my ever so precious TaeNySic!
Chapter 4: The whole time i was reading this i was going "oh oh oh " in my head lol
amandaa1 #5
Nor taeny, nor taengsic, make it TaeNySic in the end... keke
I originally read this before your Between You & Me Fic (since I prefer action WAYYYY more) but I got to say, I love both equally! Please keep going~ We need more action fics in the SNSD tag xD
BigRedd #7
Chapter 2: This is an awesome fic so far. BUT PLEASE. LET IT BE TAENGSIC IN THE END. TOO MUCH TAENY (even though i love Taeny) LETS HAVE SOME TAENGSIC.
Chapter 1: aweseome man !! hope you could update this :D
its very cool and exciting to see the fights and the running parts \o/ please keep writing ^^
taegsic #9
Wowwowow amazing story ;) I will wait for taengsic !!