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Fall for You
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Minchan can sense there is something different with his brother on their way back home. Jaejoong just drive quietly, Minchan wondering why Jaejoong not ask him about his day like he always do.  Ask him what he have for lunch and dinner, did he having fun with Suei, are he be a good boy for Suei and not give him some trouble, did he take his medicine on time? But Jaejonng just remain in silent.

“Joongie… tomorrow is Saturday, are you going to work again tomorrow?” Minchan break the ice

“no baby, I don’t have schedule tomorrow” Minchan smile from the back seat, he miss his Joongie so much

“so, will you come with us? To the circus? He ask  hopefully

Jaejoong shaking his head slowly and smile apologetic trough the mirror “I’m sorry baby… but I planned to stay at home and rest I’m feeling unwell and maybe I will do some house chores if I’m not too tired”

Minchan disappointed, but he don’t want to burden his brother “s’kay” he said lowly

“ I’m sorry I can’t join you baby… I’m sure you will have so much fun with Suie and Chunnie hyung”

“hmm…”Minchan mumbles, looking outside window

After they get home, Minchan sure that his Joongie is in the bad mood whether is sad or upset, or even both. Because after Jaejoong wash his face, change him to his favorite pajamas and tucked him in the bed, Jaejoong leave him alone without giving his good night kiss , and Minchan didn’t happy at all with it.




Yunho barely sleep this night, the hurt and sad expression of Jaejoong keep haunting him. He close his eyes in hope to ease his guilty toward the beauty man, he growl and drag himself to the kitchen he need a cold water to calm his heart.

And who is the little boy who looks so clingy and spoiled with Jaejoong?  They have the same big brown eyes. What is the Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu guy for Jaejoong? Did Jaejoong really dating them? In the same time? Don’t they know bout this?

More and more question about Kim Jaejoong filing his mind, and he have none clue about it. He gulps more cold water in frustration and depression. 

No matter what happened, he will look out the answer tomorrow. Yunho know for sure that he will not be able to sleep if he still not knowing the answer. I will back to the coffee shop tomorrow, Yunho determined.



 Yunho is busy man, even in the weekend like this he always have a bunch thing to do, but not today. Yunho enters Junsu coffee shop in the next day after lunch hour, try his best to dress as modest as he can be to not attract people’s attentions, look for the best table for him watch closely the little boy that Yunho very sure is the same little boy he saw with Jaejoong last night.

Minchan swing his little leg back and front cutely when Junsu sit him in the high chair before the table bar.

“Suie.. when Chunnie hyung come?” he ask

“Maybe a little past three” Junsu answer without remove his eyes from his laptop, checking his increase selling report.

“EH?!? but we might late for the circus”

Junsu chukle “ but the circus start on 4pm baby… we won’t lose any performance Chunnie already bought our ticket”

“and what time is it now? How long we have to wait for Chunnie Hyung? Can Chunnie Hyung come sooner? ”

“its almost 2pm now, we have to wait another hour , nope. Chunnie Hyung still have patient who need him.”

“oh, patient? A kid like me?” Minchan tilting his head. Junsu smile tenderly and nod. Minchan now understand that he have to be more patience cause Yoochun still have to take care of other kids like him.

“I wish Joongie can come too…” Minchan said lowly

“Right, he look so pale today” Junsu look up to Minchan, they both worried about Jaejoong who prefer to stay at home today than with them which is barely happened.

“Joongie said he feel unwell… Joongie act differently too”

“different how?

“Joongie didn’t ask me what dinner that I have, not give me good night kiss…” Minchan pout adorably

“ and Joongie look sad too” he add

“maybe he just tired baby… “

“I miss him..” Minchan head hanging low

Junsu rufling his hairs lovingly “we go to circus again next time with him”

“Minchan smile widely “eung!” he nod “Joongie will like it! He will love the elephant show. Joongie like elephant so much”

Yunho hears every words of their conversation carefully, make an mental note that the boy he adore so much like elephant. Guilty and regret dominating his heart, he assume that he is the real reason why Jaejoong look so sad last night, why jaejoong didn’t fee

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being lazy bum author again


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Chapter 1: Reread it again.. im sad.. 🤧 everyone already left.. i miss the old times when i get dozen notti for story update.. 😞😞
meechan35 #2
I miss this story so much.
yo_yunjae #3
Chapter 39: Reread this again.. their love story is so beautiful.. with minchan is so cute...
Hope there will be more update fir this ^^ ♡
meechan35 #4
Plz comeback. Plz do not abandon this awesome story.
aenkr28 #5
Chapter 39: Come back soon please... I know this is not the ending.
yunboojj #6
Plz just give us a happy ending!
Chapter 39: helloo.. are you still there???
forgot the whole story.. so i re read again xD