Old Love Revealed whereas New Love Progressing!

Twisted Fate!

The knocking on the door had snapped Yuri back from her fantasy to reality. 

"Yul, you ok in there?" Leeteuk called in from the outside the door of the bathroom.

Yuri fumbled through her words when she tried to sound calm, "Neh, gwaenchana oppa.  I was just a little startled at something I thought I saw."  

A few moments later, she came out to the kitchen to find Leeteuk doing the dishes.  He was cleaning up where they had a been eating earlier.  AS she walked in, bits and pieces of what she had fantasized earlier had popped in to her mind and she kept shaking her head and blinking a couple of times to try to get it out.  When he turned around he saw her closing her eyes and shaking her head and kept rubbing at them.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh?" her eyes opened as her lifted at the same time. "I'm fine, I'm just a little bit...I don't know."

Leeteuk walked over to her in three big strides and caught her when she was about to fall backwards to the couch.  She had been moving backwards when she noticed he was walking towards her and wanted to not remember what she had thought up in the bathroom.  As she backed up, she tripped over the carpet in the living room and almost fell when a strong hand caught her.

"Yuri-ah...are you sure you're ok?  What is wrong with you?"  Leeteuk said as he help her stand up straight.

"I have no idea."  she said as she was looking at Leeteuk with observing eyes.  'Oh no, please don't do anything that'll make me..."

Before she could even finish the thought, Leeteuk flashed her a simple smile.  A smile not meant to impress girls.  He would never do that to any of Yoona's friends.  He respects his sister too much to even play with her friends' heart.  The smile he gave her was just a friendly smile. But too bad, as soon as he flashed the smile, Yuri got weak in the knees and failed to keep her balance.  As she fell down, Leeteuk was slow on his reflex due from his tiredness from work. 

"Yuri!" He said as he bent down to her. 

'Oh how embarrassing.  Way to go, Yuri. ugh, why did he have to have such a dashing smile?' she thought as she covered her face with both hands, pretending she was having a headache. "heh" she faked a laugh. "I'm not too sure why I'm like this."

'Yes, Yuri..LIE!! Don't tell him you were weak at the knees because of his AMAZING and PERFECT smile..Lie your off.  Tell him you have a headache and don't make any eye contacts with him.'  said a voice screaming in her head.  A conscience, maybe? She didn't know.  All she knew was that she had to listen to this voice to avoid any more breath taking.

"C'mon, let me help you on the couch."  Leeteuk said as he helped her up. "Wait here."  

"Where's Yoona?"  She called out as he walked to the kitchen

"She said she'll be back.  I don't know where she ran off to." and he disappeared.

As soon as he was no longer there, Yuri balled up her small hands in to fists and lightly hit her head repeatedly as she said "BABO! BABO! BABO!!"

Leeteuk walked back in the room with a cup of water in one hand and a bottle of Aleve in the other. "Here, take this and lay down.  You need to take a rest before you get back up and go on and about the rest of the day."  He opened the bottle and shook out 2 capsules and handed them to her with the cup of water.

Yuri took the medicine and gave the cup to Leeteuk before she lay down. "Gomawo.  I've never had any guy do this for me. Besides my dad and brother." She smiled as she closed her eyes.  

"Of course, I couldn't leave you like this.  I'm a doctor and it's my job." He replied back. "Now, rest.  I'm going upstairs to get some rest myself.  Yoona will be back."  He said then he left.

Yuri heard the footsteps and then a door closing, then nothing at all.  Everything was silent.  She slowly drifted in to a deep sleep.



Yoona ran out and closed the gate behind her. She looked back to her phone and re-read the message sent to her from a blocked number. 

"I know about your whereabouts from last night.  Come out to the Arirang in five minutes or I'll leave.  If you're not here in 5, I'm gone!"

Yoona ran down the street as fast she could then turned to the left around the corner. Arirang was a couple blocks away from their house.  She knew could make it but with all the traffic lights, it stopped her while cars coming in.  And at some lights, she's ignored the red-lighted hand and just ran across it after making sure no car were coming her way.  When she wasn't paying attention to the road, she almost got ran over by a car.  

"Hey...WATCH THE ROAD WILL YOU?!!" shouted an angry driver.

"Joseonghae-yo!"  she said repeatedly as she bowed to him and ran off.  

She was panting and out of breath when she reached the main road.  She was stuck there due to the busy road.  Cars, buses, school buses,trucks, motorcycles and other transportation vehicles were moving and passing by her on the main road.  Every one had to be somewhere.  Of course kids had to be at school and most people had to work.  Their school was the only place of education that has been given approval by the South Korea Department of Education to go into break due to the fuming of the school.  

As she was waiting to the walk signal to light up, her mind raced through the past night.  Who could have seen them last night.  Maybe this person was is just pulling her leg.  Maybe he/she has mistakenly texted the wrong person.  But then the text simply stated he knows of her whereabouts last night.  Had this person seen her last night with Donghae?  Does he know he's her teacher?  Was it someone from school?  If it was, it could get really bad.  Donghae could, no, they BOTH could get a bad reputation.  She didn't care about her, she was a nineteen.  She's dealt with a lot of these kinds of problems back in the states.  It was a teen thing to always gets rumored in doing whatever small thing, whether it's good or bad.  The jealous always takes whatever they can and twist it in so many ways possible.  

The light lit up and she ran across the road.  As she made her way to the Arirang, she was still stuck on who the other person was.  If it's a student, she can't be seen with Donghae anymore.  Though she liked him a lot but seeing him at school would be enough.  She can't afford to get him fired for having rumored to have slept over at a students, let alone, 'his' student's house, twice.

As she got to Arirang, her phone rang.  She looked at it and a message apeared. 

'I see you're fast.  I'm in the fifth booth to the left as you enter.'

"Seriously.." Yoona muttered as she followed the directions sent to her.

When she found the fifth booth, she spotted a girl with her back turned to her.  She slowly walked to her and sat across from her.  Her guess was right from when she saw her back.


Soobin took a sip of her tea then looked at her and smiled. "You really are a sneaky little--"

"What do you want?" Yoona interrupted.  She knew Soobin didn't like her.  Of course she was well aware of it.  Soobin liked Min Ho.  Everyone knew that.  And maybe she thought that Yoona was a threat to her.  But it still doesn't add up to her whereabouts from last night.

"Skeptical, are we?" Soobin took a quick glance out the window.  She looked back at Yoona and spoke. "You really think your innocent looks will fool me.  I know about last night.  Who you were with."

"Were you following me?"

"Why would I?  I just happened to see you and outside of your house. "

Yoona felt her heart beating so loud, she thought Sooin was able to hear it thudding from across the table.  "Just get to the point, already.  What? Are you going to use it against me at school?  Do you really think Min Ho would like it if you were to expose me like that?  Min Ho is my best friend and if you were to do that, do you think he'll be able to forgive you?"

'Oh God, please let this strategy work or else Donghae and I are dead.' Yoona prayed.

Soobin slightly leaned in, "What makes you think I would deliver the message myself?"

Yoona's eyes widened and her eyebrows narrowed at these words.

"You'll be getting a text in a few minutes and so will the rest of the school.  And it won't even be from my phone." Soobin smirked and got up and left.

Yoona sat there for quite a long time looking at the empty seat across from her.  A waitress had come over a couple of times to ask for her order and she just sat there not responding.

What is she going to do now?  Donghae might get fired because of her and her friends might hate her.  Not only that, Leeteuk is going to be furious.  She just hoped Leeteuk doesn't kill Donghae.  Her parents will forever be disappointed in her.  Her father in heaven with be sad.  Her mom and stepfather are going to be....no, she couldn't think about that.  She just need to tell her brother first before something happens and he sends her back to America.  And she also need to tell Yuri...NOW.

She got up and made her way back home. But she bumped in to a pretty girl on her way out and she apologized. She had planned to get home and tell Yuri about her meeting with Donghae.  That it was nothing, just that he had to do what he had to do.  He found her-----everything.  She just had to tell someone and Yuri can help her.  She was always pretty good at giving out advices. 

Yoona was so focused on the matter that didn't even hear her name being called by someone. She got to the sidewalk and was waiting to cross the road.  When the light flashed, she put a foot down and was about to cross when took her hand and pulled her back on the sidewalk.

"Yoona, didn't you hear me calling your name?" Said the male voice as he turned her to him.

Yoona was so ready to go all kung fu on him when she saw his face, "Oh, Donghae....you scared me."

"I've been calling your name from the parking lot.  Didn't you hear me? Is something wrong?" He asked, still holding her hands.

She looked at him and examined his face.  He looked so clean and fresh.  Very handsome, like some actor from the tv or a model straight from a magazine. How could someone as handsome as him exist and not be in the entertainment business?  He would be so popular i he were to become an actor.  She hadn't heard him sing or seen him dance so, she wasn't sure whether he'd make it into the singing entertainment.  But with his looks, he can get anywhere.  Looks can get anyone anywhere.  

Too bad, I'm not even half as prety as Seohyun and Yuri.  Otherwise, I would've tried out modeling. Yoona thought.

"Yoon? Are you ok?" Donghae asked again.  

"Huh?" Yoona shook her head and looked up at him. Man, those eyes.  Those features are really not helping her out.  She was supposed to not talk to him anymore.  Soobin could be around there somewhere looking at them.  

And that was when she finally realized that he was still holding her hand. She looked down at their hands.

Donghae looked where she was looking at and saw that he was still holding her hand, tightly.  

"Ahem," he cleared his throat in embarrassment and let her hand go gently.  "Mianhae."

A faint smile appeared on Yoona's face as scanned the place.  "I'm sorry, I was just a little---nevermind."

"You look like you were in a hurry when you left the house." he said sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" 

He smiled at her and nodded at her clothes.  She looked at them and it was what she was wearing last night- Donghae's clothes. Her eyes widened in shock and she blushed. How did she not notice that she was wearing them.  And her coat as on the coat rack along with her brother's and Yuri's.  Why of all coat that were on there did she pick up Donghae's?

"Oh, I just...I received a phone call from a friend and I came out without even changing." She explained.

"Must be one heck of an important meeting fro you to come out like that?"

"You have no idea." Both her eyebrows rose and fell. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I came here for a cup of coffee.  I always pick up a coffee from Starbucks. I kind of got addicted..." he laughed. "Come on, I'll give you a ride.  I mean, I can tell you walked over here.  It's a long way back, so, I'll give you a ride."

She was still worried Soobin might be around and see them together.  "No, I couldn't keep you from--" 

Her phone beeped and her heart stopped.  This is definitely from Soobin and her little posse. She reached in the pockets of the sweater jacket and pulled out her phone. Before viewing the picture message, she took a deep breath.

Donghae couldn't help but notice how nervous she looked.  He was about to take the phone from her and look at the message himself, but he couldn't just invade her privacy. He opened his mouth to talk, but closed his when he saw her release a relieved sigh and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

Yoona looked at the photo and apparently the photos that were sent were of her and Yesung.

Apparently, they were pictures from 2 years ago and from last night's meeting.  She and Yesung have known each other before she left for America and of course, they were all close.  And of course, she had a huge crush on him and he was a player.  Just like her brother. And they both still are. There was a picture where Seohyun was with her.  It was cropped out from a video on her 16th birthday.  

The video was uploaded on a social network by a friend of a friend and it looks like Soobin has used it as something against her.  Made it seem like she was flirting with him and from last night, they got back together and yet she was ating all innocent at school. Soobin and her posse must have went through a lot just to make her look bad.

Though the picture was twisted, she was still relieved that it was Yesung.  She was way over her crush for Yesung.  Now, she was happy that it wasn't Donghae.  And she had forgotten that Donghae was still standin there waiting for an answer.

"Oh. what did you say?" she looked at him with a smile that hung from each ear.

"Nothing.  Just that you should join me for coffee.  I'm a bit curious why that Yesung dude came over so early in the morning. But come on, my car is this way.  I was on my way to Starbucks but I saw you exiting Arirang and then I parked and came after you."

"Oh...it was nothing." Yoona said as she followed him with a smile.  She was still so relieved of the picture sent to her.  

They both got to his car and Yoona stopped.  Donghae looked at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked her.

"You want me to get in your car?" an eyebrow raised.

"I told you, I was on my way to Starbucks when I saw you and stopped.  Now, get in."


Meanwhile, Seohyun and her two dates were both arguing who gets to stand next to her.  Jonghyun and Min Ho were bickering with each other where to go.  Seohyun on the other hand was uncomfortable with the scene.  Girls were looking at her her as the two males linked arms with her-both on each side.

"You know Hyunnie, we should go to that ice cream place you love.  You know, that place where I always got you ice cream every time you cried?" Min Ho said as he pulled her towards the path of the ice cream shop

"Well, I would love some--" 

"Don't you think it's a bit too early for ice cream? Let's go to this great restaurant I know of.  They got this great breakfast special where you can order cheeseburger in the morning." Jonghyun interrupted.

"I don't really-" Seohyun began but was also cut off by Min Ho's loud mocking laugh.

"You see Jonghyun, Hyunnie here doesn't like eating anything that could kill you." Min Ho's mocking had made Jonghyun furious.  

"It's good burger, she'll love it once she tries it." He pulled her arm and led her to the restaurant.

Seohyun couldn't even protest.  Part of it was because she couldn't even get a word in and part of it was because Jonghyun is taking her in. She looked at Min Ho as she was dragged in.  She was definitely looking at Min Ho with eyes calling out to him for help.

When they were seated, Jonghyun ordered a cheeseburger for himself and for Seohyun.  Min Ho looked at Seohyun and she looked at Jonghyun with disgust at the mention of burger.  Sure, she can eat burger but just not early in the morning or not that much.  Min Ho saw her face and just laughed it off. He looked at the menu and gave the waiter his order of Chicken Caesar Salad.

I thought you didn't like eating anything with leaves." Seohyun said.

"Well, I sometimes like to try out new things." He replied with a smile on his lips.


At Arirang, a girl was siting in one booth.  She was looking at a girl who had just left the restaurant.  She knew who it was, and she wanted to go over to her but she didn't have the guts to.  It might be too awkward for both of them considering that she and her brother had dated but had broken up because their parents are now married to each other.  Besides, she was now engaged to another guy and they had no idea where she had been the past few years.  

"Unnie." Jessica called out to her.

"Oh, Sica..you're here." Taeyeon looked up at her.

"Mir Oppa just left for work and I'm here to help out."

Taeyeon stood up and walked to the her office in the back.  "Come on Sica, are you really here to help or you're hoping you'd find him here?"

"Unnie, you know I'm here to help. And of course because of him."

"Sica, don't get your hopes up too high.  Even if he IS back and is living here, it doesn't mean that he's will take you back." Taeyeon said as she sat down behind her desk.

"Unnie, that was kind of harsh, don't you think?" Sica pouted as she sat down across from the other girl.  

"I'm just trying to help you.  This is reality and not some fantasy where the guy you cheated on will just take you back and welcome you with open arms.  Especially since you've cheated on him multiple times and..."

"Ok, I get it.  Sheesh.  I just want to see him and aplogize and maybe, who know? Maybe we'll start anew or something." Jessica said.

She then reached into her purse and took out a picture of her and then mystery guy she has come to look for and to ask for forgiveness. 


Sorry about the late update.  UGH...exams had kept me from updating.  But hopefully I'll be able to update at least one more chapter before I leave for home.  Next month will mark a year since that passing of my father and we will be holding an unveiling for him.  But I promise to update as soon as I get back on island. God Bless.  Hope all your exams went well.  I also can't believe Yesung had gone to the military!! I was like ANDWAEE but hey, Leeteuk joined, and Kangin was released.  Now, Yesung had joined and Heechul is about to be done with his duty.  I think Superjunior is doing it like that.  One member goes in when nearing the release date on one member.

BTW...was never a fan of HAESICA.  I prefer YOONHAE!!  Pyro all the way!!! JJANG!

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amo0onie #1
It's been a long time authornim, when are you going to update this story ?! It's really really really AMAZING!! please don't stop writing this, I've been reading it since you've started. so pleaaaaaaase
Chapter 29: Please next chapter please
amo0onie #3
It's been a long time authornim, when are you going to update this story ?! It's really really really AMAZING!! please don't stop writing this, I've been reading it since you've started. so pleaaaaaaase
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 29: argh!! I need to know what will happen next...please update soon authornim... >.<
Brizuelajoy #5
Chapter 1: Authornim why until now you not update.. I really like ur story pls...pls...,pls.,.update im still yoonhae fan i really love them no matter what...i dont no why but my heart still happy if i read story about them.,pls update hwaiting..
yulyoonhyoseo #6
Chapter 28: update soon.... author-nim i want to know what will happen next to YoonHae^^ Hwaiting!! author-nim and YoonHae Forever~!^^
apink20 #7
Chapter 29: gracias extrañe mucho esta historia
putrilovefishy #8
Chapter 29: welcome back authornim...
u'r story driving me crazy, how can you make a beautiful and amazing story?
everytime i read your story,u make me heart beat fast...
update soon authornim (begging with a puppy eyes *-*)
amo0onie #9
Chapter 29: Yaaaaay ~
Welcome back author nim ;-)
I hope you had fun in island :-D
Please update very soon
Fighting ~♥
Chapter 29: Please update soon!!
I love your story <3
Fight author nim~