He Bought Me

Chapter 27: Family Part One

"thanks for dinner Eun Byul ah!"
"yeah yeah whatever. next time your going to lose and buy me dinner."
"you wish pal"

We walked around the streets and looked around.

"5 dollars! 5 dollars! hurry hurry before they are all sold out!"
A man was shouting and trying to bring attention to himself.

"Wonder what he is selling."
"Lets find out." Eunbyul grabbed my arm and we walked over to the man's stand.

"Oh look! How cute!" I said as i pointed to a teddy bear.
"5 dollars! 5 dollars! Hurry Hurry! 5 dollars!" The man shouted

"Oh oppa! Look how cute these are!" A couple came up to the stand next to us looking at the stuffed animals.
"You want one?" he asked

She nodded.

"Hey ah juh shi. how much is that big chick over there?"
"5 dollars! 5 dollars!"
"5? wow. I'll take it sir."
"thank you sonny!"

The guy took the big chick stuffed animal and gave it to his girl friend.
He payed the man 5 dollars and walked off with his girlfriend thanking him and interlocking her hands with his.

I smiled to myself.
Those two...i hope they last. They look so happy together....

"You want one?"
"You want one? Im buying one for Byul."
"Hey mister. Can i get that big bear and that big samsoon pig."
"10 dollars sonny."

Eun Byul handed over the 10 dollars and he recieved two very big stuffed animals.

The bear had a star in its hand. It was really cute.

"here." He gave me the sam soon pig.

"Just like you ^^" He said.
"-__-:: yah."
"Your welcome Sam Soon."
"Im not Sam Soon. Im Han Byul."
"now your Sam Soon."

He started walking off with the other stuffed animal.
I looked at the Sam Soon pig.

I shurgged. It was cute. Oh well. He is still a bahb tong.

"Come on slow poke! We got to get home to Byul!" EUn Byul said as he ran back to me.
"You go home first. I have to be somewhere."
"oh no you dont. Your not going nowhere missy. Come on."
"no Eun Byul....this is serious."

He looked at me for a while.
He wasnt sure to trust me or not.

"The reason..?"
"I....its personal."
"how personal?"
"personal to the point of tears."
" me...i dont want you wondering around at this time."
I nodded.

"Thanks for the Sam Soon pig."
"well it is your twin."

I glared at him
He did a peace sign and left.

I started walking down to the nursing home that mom was in.

Mom couldnt stand the hospital and its smell. She rathered be in a nursing home.
So we moved her to a nursing home. She said its alot better and she calls it home now.
it brings tear to my eyes when she says its home.

Mom was doing alot better now. She didnt need anymore surgery till further notice.
Eun Byul's money that he gave me payed for all the medical bills from the past 6 years.
It was alot and without Eun Byul I wouldnt be able to pay for it....too bad I cant thank him...

I walked into the nursing home and went to the front desk. I signed in.
"Hello Han Byul. Hows the weather outside?" Mr. Yoon asked me.
"Its a little chilly."
"Ah Yes. winter has come hasnt it?"
"christmas in a few weeks. Aren’t you excited?"
"I guess..."
"aww come on now Han Byul! Christmas spirit!"

I gave a little laugh. Mr. Yoon was a great man. He would always make people laugh when they werent in the slight great mood.

I walked to my mothers room and went in.

"han byul?"
"mommy. Im here."
"my lost weight."
"mommy...i confronted Kyung Rok today.."

My mom looked at me.
"My poor Princess. Are you ok?" she asked me.
I nodded

"Do you think he will forgive me?" I asked
My mom smiled.

"Of course. You know Kyung Rok. He wants the best for you. That sweet boy will always forgive you."
"I miss him mom.."
"I miss him too sweety. But he is in a good place now. Next to god."
"hm...your right."

"Where have you been?"
"Didnt i tell you to call me?"
"what are you? my parent?"
"Han Byul ah..."
"its nothing...."

"Byul ah!"
"dweh jee!" Byul said as she took the Sam Soon pig out of my hands

-___-:: no wonder she called my umma.

Eun Byul started laughing as Byul took my stuffed animal and played with it.

I plopped down on the couch and joined Eun Byul as we watched Byul play with the Sam Soon pig.

" got that personal thing taken care of?"
" want to talk about it?"
"k..but will you ever tell me?"
"when the time is right."
"i dont like the sound of that."
"you will know when im ready to tell...its hard for me."
"you know that you can tell me anything right?"

i looked at Eun Byul. He had his worry face on.
I just smiled at him

"Dont worry you bahb tong. Im fine."
"you gave me attitude b4 sleep.gif:"
"no i didnt."
"trust me you did."
"well....sorry...." I said quietly.

he took my hand in his.

"Hey...i may not know whats going on...but know that im always there for you....always"

Flash back
"its good to have you back.”
“Have me back? More like having you back.”
“what are you talking about? I was always there.”
“There where?”
”yeah there.”
“Kyung Rok...”
“There there there there~ always there~”
End of flash back.

Kyung Rok.....

" ok?"
"Han Byul? Are...are you crying?"

Tears started streaming down my face as i bowed my head.
I didnt want to cry infront of Eun Byul...he hates it when girls cry...

"Han Byul...look at me."
I didnt obey.
"Look at me....please..."
I continued to look down

I felt his arms wrap around me.
I leaned on his chest as he ran his hands through my hair.
I held on and cried.

"dont cry...please...dont cry..."

"umma....umma" Byul climbed into my lap and squeezed between me and Eun Byul.
Eun Byul and I parted and he sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder.

Byul put her hands on my cheek and looked at me sadly.
I brought Byul into my arms and held onto her.
Eun Byul rested his head on my shoulder as he played with Byul's pig tail.

Byul fell asleep and we layed her on the couch.
Eun Byul and I sat there in silence looking at Byul sleeping.

"Do you think that her parents will ever come?"
"I dont know...but...if they do...its not going to be easy to let her go."
He nodded in agreement.
"I dont want to give her back..."
"maybe...we should just keep her..."
I looked at Eun Byul.
He was serious....he loves Byul as a daughter.

I didnt want to give her back either if her parents ever came.
She was the reason why me and Eun Byul are close now.
She is the reason I like going home.
She is the sweetest child and with a bundle of love to share.
...without Byul....its empty.

*Ding Dong*

Eun Byul and I looked at each other.
"I wonder who could that be." Eun Byul said as he got up.

I followed him to the door.
Eun Byul opened it and there stood a girl...about my age.
She looked like a mess...but behind that mess she was pretty.

"Mijoo! I came for my Mijoo!" She exclaimed.
"...Mi..Mijoo miss?" Eun Byul asked.
I held onto Eun Byuls arm.

The girl started shuffling through her bag and got out a piece of folded up paper.
She unfolded it and handed it to us.
Eun Byul and I looked at it.

It was our fliar...for Byul.

"Thats Mijoo. Please. I tell me that my daughter is with you."

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_TaeRee_ #1
Chapter 39: Oh my god !! Who ever created this story SHOULD receive an award . He/She deserves it ! And thanks for reposting it ^^
Chapter 39: Awwww!!! I never get tired reading this story. Lost track how many times I read it on soompi and now here lol. ^_^
hellokittyluvr143 #3
i absolute love your reposts...there THE BEST