It's Normal


     A/N: Listen to this :


     We walked frantically down to the church and I sat through the two hour long service, in agony. My grands-parents had to greet every member of the congregation, volunteer, pastors, and teachers. Time just seemed to creep by. Finally, they decided to leave the building and ushered me towards our home. I stomped my feet up the stairs and locked the door of my room. Diving straight into my homework, I had no time to think about having lunch. I have never been a big fan of procrastination, but I have been holding off finishing this art project way too long. Last night I had tried to work on it, but my endeavor had to quickly end because he barged in and forced me to have an awkward meeting with his friends. I certainly did not leave a good impression at the end.
I could feel a sour taste in my mouth. Suddenly, there was a soft knock at my door. I took in a ragged breath and said for whoever it was to come in. The person in turn opened the squeaky door and with heavy steps walked towards my bed.
“Are you okay ?” she asked.
“Yes grands-maman, just really busy with homework and stuff.”
“That’s good. Tomorrow's the big day.”
“The big day for what?”
“We’re going to the airport to pick up your brother.” She stated in a matter-of-fact way.
Shoot! I totally forgot about that. Great, there’s nothing better than spend the day with my grands-maman and grands-papa arguing about which airline he used, and exactly where he was in the airport.
“I’m looking forward to it”, I said sarcastically.
She gave me a smile and stepped out the door. Sigh. I guess it’s time to face the music. My hand searched the bed for my headphones. Plugging them into my ears, I was transferred to another world just for a while. It’s more than music.  It speaks volumes, in ways that I simply cannot.
I am whole again, and my paint fall in rhythm with the beat of the music.

     I ate my sautéed dinner wholeheartedly, and once again my grands-parents are out and about in the resonant city. I exercised, brushed, and showered meticulously. Many thoughts rush through my mind every night. Scenes in my head, endless “What if’s ?”, thoughts of people i like, those I dislike (rare), and plans of the next day keep me restless. At night, sleep is impossible and in the morning waking up is inevitable. Every minute, I sit up and sit back down. A cold sweat has broken on my forehead, maybe it’s time to meet him. I jump off my bed and walk to the elevator. 


“It seemed like you were never ever going to come,” called out Kai.
“Did you miss me?” I asked with a smirk forming on my face.

He smiled.
“So.. Did you think about applying? We’re always short workers and a girl just quit.”
“I’ll think about it,” I said. Neither of us spoke after that. This is what I loved about Kai. Although he did not enjoy and understand the fuss about silence, he was not one of those people who felt the need to fill up the room with noise in fear of awkwardness.
“Why do you like me?” I asked.
“I mean, Why bother with me? I mean I’m boring, depressing, and I’m awkward.”
“Everyone gets depressed, it’s totally normal. All your quirks, all your problems, even your depressions and your failures, that’s what makes you, you. There’s no one you-er than you.”
I laugh. It comes out high-spirited, lofty, and I feel more free than I have ever been.
“I don’t think there’s such thing as you-er but thanks.” He grabs my hands and pulls me.
“What are you doing?”
He glances up at the night sky, and I do so too. The stars are shining all around us in the moonlit sky.





Hey guise!!! I'm sorry for not updating for a while, I've just gotten really busy with schoolwork and such. It's spring and it's getting a bit warmer in Canada :) . Please Comment/Subscribe, especially comment. I feel like no one's been reading this story at all.




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Crayon_ #1
Chapter 13: Thank you, author! ^^ :D
Crayon_ #2
Chapter 11: i was wondering if you could like refresh our memory for this fanfic cause i kinda got lost... ><
Chapter 5: please udpate soon :D
Crayon_ #4
Looking forward to your updates! ^^
inyourtshirt #5
Chapter 2: update soon thanks!