
Switching Sides


Stockholm Syndrome -  a physcological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy, sympathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them


Today, at least twenty stores around the city were found wrecked and pillaged. The police expect more empty stores to be found. Kim Kyuwung, the city’s most accomplished lawyer was found dead in his house this afternoon as well as his family. The police are desperately trying to locate Sehun’s whereabouts. Help is on the way. Please do not worry. As a reminder, please stay inside after dark and always travel with another companion. As the danger rises in our city, there could be anyone waiting around the corner. Now onto the news as the president-

Luhan turned off the TV and rolled onto this back, staring at the ceiling. It’s been only two weeks since the mayor was found dead in his office, along with two congressmen. There was a terrorist running around the streets and the police couldn’t even find him.

It drove Luhan mad.

Luhan had worked with the police force for about two years. It was hard work, but Luhan loved every moment of it. He gave the chief ideas and planned strategies to help people get the food they needed. Everyday more and more stores were being ransacked and the city was slowly falling into chaos.

All because of a man named Oh Sehun.

He had made his appearance about two months ago at the local mall. He and his men managed to kill at least an eighth of the mall before disappearing right away. No one knew what he was doing here and why he was doing this. They thought maybe it was one of those killing sprees, where many people are killed and nothing else happens for a long time.

Two days later the bank in downtown was bombed.

A week followed with no disturbances.

Then the vents at the city hall had begun to release carbon monoxide, killing the workers there.

And the police couldn’t find Sehun. After his first appearance no one saw him again. It was his workers who bombed the bank, who tampered with the city hall’s system.

Luhan had to admit; this Sehun guy was smart. Luhan had created new plans to stop Sehun’s workers from breaking into people’s homes and stores and for a short time, it worked. But each time the enemy managed to find a way around the new policies and enforcements.

And Luhan kept creating more and more plans, along with strategies.

The watch on his wrist beeped twice and Luhan sighed, getting up. It was dark and defying the warnings that the news anchor had just given, Luhan took his keys and left his apartment building. The cold wind bit into his skin as Luhan made his way to his car, parked across the street. Luhan paused, looking both ways in search of a crazy driver, found none and proceeded to cross the wide street.

He got into the car quickly and started the vehicle, praying that the heater was working.

It was.

Luhan smiled to himself and rubbed his palms together. He reached for the car keys but something, or someone caught his eyes.

A group of men was walking across the street, quickly and was heading… to his apartment complex. Worried that someone was going to get hurt, Luhan got back out of his car and back into the freezing wind before following them. The men were huge, years of training and fighting evident in their bodies. Luhan tried not to look down at his scrawny arms and legs and forced himself to continue after their trail. The men didn’t say anything at all as they ascended the stairs and onto Luhan’s hallway. The young man reached down and felt for his gun. At feeling the shaft of the weapon, Luhan relaxed and took it out. Luhan stopped at the corner and hear one of the men muttering under his breath. Then the sound of wood breaking filled the hallway and Luhan jumped out from his hiding spot, shooting.

Guns had always been his weak spot while training to become a police. This only proved that even more. Bullets ricocheted off the walls and punctured the doors.  The men ducked into the room and with a start Luhan realized it was his room. They began to fight back, using their own guns. They had much better aim than Luhan did and one bullet almost wedged itself into Luhan’s arm.

The police officer was so intent on the men that were invading his room; he didn’t see the others coming for him from behind.

That’s when they fell upon him.


Luhan woke up from a deep, painful throb in his temple. He tried to reach up and massage the area, but his arms were occupied. Luhan looked around and saw walls of rock passing by quickly. Realization dawned on Luhan- he was being dragged down in the tunnels. A deep feeling of dread filled his stomach and he began to struggle. One of the people dragging him gave him a sound kick in the back and Luhan yelped.

“Shut up, or we’ll have to cut your tongue out.” Luhan wisely remained silent. He cringed as his bottom was dragged along rocks and pebbles. After a few more minutes of walking, Luhan began to see people peeking curiously at him. They were ragged and dirty, dried blood staining their skin. Luhan looked away and bit his lip. This was where the homeless must live. Suddenly he stopped and someone pulled him up at the scruff of his neck, like a kitten.

“Stand up straight.” The man barked and Luhan shoved his hand away. “I can do that on my own.” He said, sounding brave. Quite the contrary to what he was feeling inside.

“You can do many things on your own, can’t you Luhan?” A voice asked and Luhan felt his skin tingle. He knew that voice.

From the shadows a man stepped out, dressed in a long black trench coat. Luhan recognized the bullet proof vest he wore underneath.  The man’s legs were covered with cargoes and combat books finished off the look.

“Who are you?” Luhan demanded, but he had a feeling. He knew who this man was.

“I thought you would recognize me, Officer Luhan. You do watch the news, don’t you?” Luhan was pushed roughly into the dim light. He stood, standing his ground.

“I’m quite sure you and your comrades have been following my trail, trying to find my whereabouts.”

Luhan’s suspicions were confirmed and his mouth felt dry.

“Sehun.” He murmured and felt his heart beat double as the man laughed.

“Good! Very good. A great policeman in the making.” Sehun said, genuinely sounding impressed. He turned to the guards that took him.

“Why have you brought him here?”

“He’s the police chief’s pet. He does anything for him.” One of the men said.

“Besides, he causes trouble for us on the streets.” Another complained. “The new reforms this kid is making, works, and it slows us down.”

“You know I have no use for Officer Luhan. He is merely there to amuse me.” Sehun held up a hand to give an order but Luhan cut through.

“Amuse you? I don’t see anything funny in what I’m trying to do, you freak.” Sehun raised an eyebrow.

“Your weak attempts in trying to stop me from purging this city from its fiflth amuse me.”

Luhan felt his blood boil and let out a short and brief, “ you.”

No one moved until suddenly Sehun was in front of him and gave the police officer a sound backhand. Luhan’s head snapped to the side and he remained that way, breathing hard until the stinging sensation left his cheek. A bruise was probably going to form there, but Luhan couldn’t care less. He needed to find a way to escape.

“You must learn to show some respect to your superiors, not matter how pretty you may be.” Sehun murmured.

“You think I’m pretty?” Luhan asked brazenly, watching as amusement flickered across Sehun’s face. He turned to his guards.

“Put him in my quarters. I will keep him.”

Luhan struggled to escape as five pairs of hands grabbed him and dragged him down a different tunnel.

“Let me go you s!” Luhan shouted and kicked at a guard’s groin. The man hissed in pain but did nothing to harm Luhan. After a few more moments of struggling, Luhan realized it was useless and fell limp as the guards threw him into a room. One of the men, who seemed to be the leader knelt down beside him and locked his hands with a pair of handcuffs before chaining it to a bed.

They left him in the room; cold, dark and alone. 


Sorry if it seemed a bit rushed. It's been over a year since I've posted a story c: 

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leeraeah #1
Chapter 1: Heyyyy a long time no update, :'(. Awesome fic, u should continue writing
Palabra_viva #2
Chapter 1: (030)~ I like~!!! You go Luhan show them who's boss, kick them again!!! hehe
ExodusOfLove #3
Chapter 1: OMG A COP FIC!!! I'm definitely subscribing! I was writing one myself too 'cause I don't see many but it's not as exciting as this one, LOL! AWESOME!!!