I'm not a Sasaeng

Tangled Gifts


The air is starting to get chilly. Families start decorating their homes with ornaments and lights as they laugh together. Christmas carols blare in the radios and people can’t help but sing along. Shopping malls are packed with people reading their Christmas lists. Kids started being nice to avoid the naughty list. Everyone has a smile on his or her face.  Lovers walk hand in hand burrowed in their winter clothes while trying to warm each other. Christmas is near and the air smells of love. One man bundled up from head to toe walks from shop to shop looking for something….


Since he was young, his grandma had emphasized to him the importance of Christmas. It is not about how expensive or how many gifts you have received but the thought that matters, so he should always say thank you even in the simple greeting he received. It is not about being with your loved ones, but how you spend time with them. It is the season where we say I love you and sorry, it is the season where we remember the birth of Jesus, which signifies God’s love for us.  Christmas is all about loving each other, and Jung Yun ho had always kept these teachings to his heart. To him Christmas is the best time of the year.

Every year he would lovingly make each member of his family and friends a hand-made greeting card. He would go home to his family to spend time with them despite his busy schedule. He remembers sitting down in the kitchen as he watches his mom busily move in the kitchen while exchanging stories with his dad. His siblings would sit beside him and beg him to tell stories of their favorite bands. After they eat dinner, he would sing with everyone and dance merrily before finally dozing off with a big smile on his face. Sometimes he can’t come home because of his work, but he makes sure to call or drop by even if it’s late. He was always a good son, who loves his family dearly, but this Christmas Yun ho is not going home, he planned to spend it with the person he loves. Before Christmas, I’ll definitely confess and spend it with him. He thought with determination.

Yun ho pulled his cap lower and adjusted his scarf to make sure his face is well covered, to avoid being discovered as he plowed through the horde of Christmas shoppers. He wants to buy the perfect gift for his love and he carefully scanned shops looking for a gift. After three hours of roaming around, he’s still at a loss on what to give. He was about to go to another place in search of the perfect gift when he saw Stitches and Things, a craft store. He thought it was too cliché, but then again he remembered the time when he first made his Christmas present.

“Yun ho, what are you hiding behind your back?” His kind Grandma asked him when he was around five and was just starting to learn how to write. “It’s nothing grandma.” He lied, as he looked down, ashamed of his skills. His grandma though knows him too well and saw through his lie. She asked him to go with her to her room. Young Yun ho followed her and when they went inside, his grandmother started to rummage in her closet. After a while, she took out an old box and put it in the bed. “Yun ho, open the box.” The young boy hesitated, but nonetheless he walked up to the bed and sat down. He quickly hid the Christmas cards he had made behind him opening his grandmother’s box. It was old and a puff of dust came from the box as he opened it. Inside he saw cards and drawings neatly placed and arranged by year. The cards were as horrible as his were and he wondered why someone would keep ugly things like them. He looked up to his grandmother, his eyes wide with wonder. His grandmother smiled reading his thoughts, as she sat down beside him. “This Yun ho is my treasure. Since he was a child, your father had made me these lovely cards that I treasure till now.” she started to read them one by one with careful affection, which deeply moved the young boy’s heart. “Grandma, even if my spelling is wrong is it still beautiful?” The old woman nodded and smiled at the young boy. “My boy, it is the heart and effort that are always priceless. I would always choose whatever you made over any gifts that are store bought, so don’t worry and hand out your cards.” Young Yun ho smiled and jumped from the bed. He gave his grandmother the card he made with a big smile and ran outside to give his family their cards too.

Yun ho smiled as he remembered the Christmas where he first gave out presents. He looked at the store again and went in to buy some yarns. The sales clerk snickered as he placed all sorts of yarns in different colors and a knitting manual on the counter, but he doesn’t care. He rushed home and started making the best present ever.


“Yun ho, what are you doing here in the car? We have to go shooting!” His manager startled him and he quickly hid the yarns behind him as he made an awkward excuse. He would knit his present in between shootings while trying to hide it from the nosy Chang min and their manager. He would knit rather than spend his little time sleeping. He felt so tired and sleep deprived but he was so happy when the scarf was finished. He hesitated a bit though before putting it in the box. He raised up the scarf and wondered why he was so bad at anything that is connected to arts. It is the heart and effort that are always priceless; Yun ho nodded to himself and put the gift in the box with his love letter. He went out to send the gift and tried to contain his excitement as he waited for the person’s reply.


Today he would receive it, I wonder if he would like it. Yun ho thought the first thing as he woke up. He smiled and waited the whole day for that person to call him up. As hours went by, his patience thinned out and when he couldn’t take the waiting anymore, he called the courier to ask if they had delivered his gift. The parcel was delivered at the address, he was informed. He was so puzzled and decided to call the recipient of his gift to ask. “Hello? Um, Jaejoong-ah?” He played with a loose yarn with his finger as he waited for the other to answer. “Hello? Oh Yun ho-yah… why did you call?” Yun ho thought it was strange and it seemed that Jaejoong hasn’t received the gift since there was no reaction from him. “Ah, um… I was just curious on how you are doing. Your movie is doing well?” He heard a laughter coming from the line and his heart skipped as he listened to it. He thought he just fell even harder in love with the other man. “Thanks for asking, I am so tired with all the promos going on. Luckily, Ji hyo noona takes good care of me.” Ouch, that really hurt but at least that noona has a boyfriend, Yun ho tried to hide the pain in his voice before he spoke, good thing Jaejoong can’t see his contorted expression. “Oh, that is good to hear I’m sorry I can’t go to your screening.”

“That’s fine, I understand. I miss you… (Yun ho tried not to squeal)… and Changmin (Yun ho frowned).”

“I missed you too… and err also the two of them. Why don’t we meet up?”

“Ah okay, tomorrow I’ll be shooting near your house, if you don’t have anything to do, I’d drop by in the afternoon.” Yun ho thought of his schedule but decided to cancel them all. Changmin can go alone for him, because he was determined to confess the day before Christmas, which is tomorrow. “Ah hello, Jaejoong I’m absolutely free tomorrow, see you!” He smiled as Jaejoong said yes and right after ending the call he jumped in the air and squealed.


“Changmin, please. I really feel so sick.” Changmin looked at Yun ho in disbelief as his mouth hung open. “Yun ho, are you serious? You really want me to go on all those shows alone? So you could be lovey-dovey with that guy whoever he is?” Changmin shook his head no and Yun ho started bawling like a kid. “It’s not like that Chang min, I am really sick. I am lovesick and if you don’t let me stay, I’d probably lose it and go crazy and admit live that I love him in the national Television!” Changmin admitted defeat and bolted out of Yun ho’s room shouting obscenities all over the house. Yun ho just smiled and got out of bed to learn a recipe.


Yu ho woke up early on the twenty-fourth and prepared food for Jaejoong. He hummed carols as he cooked thinking of only Jaejoong. He tasted the food and threw up. “You’ll be rejected Yun ho, I swear! The smell here is so bad that I’m pretty sure that guy won’t even be able to come inside.” Changmin shouted as he prepared to go out but Yun ho ignored him and tried to cook again.

Finally, after five tries he declared the menu edible. He arranged the table, carefully laying out the utensils. He took out candles and played JYJ’s songs then sprayed air freshener to get rid of the burnt smell. He sat on the couch and waited for Jaejoong.

A few hours later, Yun ho fell asleep and a light touch on his shoulder woke him up. When he opened his eyes, Jaejoong’s face was inches from him. He turned bright red and thought he was going to die as Jaejoong smiled to him. “Yun ho, sorry I was late. Where is Changmin?” Jaejoong looked around and Yun ho tried to clear his throat. “Oh Jae, Changmin went out. Have you eaten? I prepared dinner.”

“Wow, you can cook now? I’m so excited to taste it.” I can knit too! I can do anything for you Jaejoong… he thought silently. He wanted to ask Jaejoong so badly about the scarf but he waited. Maybe Jaejoong was just shy. They proceeded to the kitchen and Jaejoong was so surprised that Yun ho really learned how to cook. “Did you really make all of this? And there are candles too! Let’s eat I am really famished.” Yun ho smiled shyly and they started eating.

“Yun ho I never expected something like this from you. Changmin is so lucky to live with you and eat good food.” 

“It’s actually my first time cooking a meal.”

“Really? Wow… maybe you are seeing someone, and you are testing your skills on me right? Well I am sure whoever the girl is she will fall for you.” So that means you can fall for me too Jae?

“Keke, I am not seeing anyone Jae. If I am, surely fans would have seen it or Changmin would have told you guys.”

“That’s right… but speaking of fans. I actually received a gift.” Yun ho’s face lit up at the mention of gifts but wondered why Jaejoong mentioned a fan when he made sure to write his name on the card. Jaejoong swallowed and continued to speak, “whoever that person is needs a life. It’s so obvious that he is just a sasaeng fan because he or she knows our house address.” Yun ho thought his heart just broke into a million pieces and he tried to smile, pretending nothing was wrong.  He told himself that maybe the other was talking about another gift. “Why are you so annoyed by that person? We always receive gifts here in our place.”

“Yun ho, I know, but he is just a sasaeng fan who is so terrible at knitting. How can someone even think that I’d wear a horrible thing like that. But what I’m so annoyed at is that he used your name. He wrote a letter confessing to me and at the end of the letter, he or she signed your name, he pretended to be you, that is why I am so annoyed. I know you well and I am not an idiot to fall for those petty tricks of those shippers.” Yun ho wanted to cry aloud, he regretted making Changmin go to the shows alone, if he went with him, he wouldn’t be sitting here with his broken heart. He tried to speak without his voice cracking even if it was so hard. “Ahaha, don’t mind them Jae. Remember the old times when many people shipped us. It doesn’t really matter so cheer up since it’s Christmas.” Yun ho looked down at his plate not daring to lift up his face. He knows his eyes are all teary and soon his food tasted salty, good thing they were eating with only the candles on so it was a bit dark, thus hiding his tears.

After dinner, Jaejoong sat in the living room and Yun ho composed himself before facing him again. Come on Yun ho, you were a fool. Of course, he won’t believe you. At least this is much better than a straight rejection; you can still be friends with him.

Yun ho followed Jaejoong in the living room, but he wasn’t there. He was sure Jaejoong was not in the kitchen, and the realization that he might be on the second floor made Yun ho’s eyes widen. Crap, he can’t be in my room! Yun ho dashed to his room and sure enough Jaejoong was there staring at the balls of yarn all tangled up in his bed. Jaejoong looked up to him, his eyes full of shock and Yun ho can only bite his lower lip. There was an awkward silence between the two.

“Yun ho, was it really you?” At that point, Yun ho can’t help but cry. His tears fell and he bowed his head, ashamed to face Jaejoong. “I-I am sorry, I really l-liked you Jae even before, a-and I thought I should c-confess to you and a-ask you out on Christmas day. I am s-sorry if I am so b-bad at knitting, its m-my first time doing that, I didn’t really think you’d look bad if you use it. I am sorry f-for the food, I-I know it is bland b-but you pretended to enjoy it. I am r-really sorry.” Yun ho turned around to run to Changmin’s room, when he felt a hug from behind. He felt Jaejoong’s arms around him and stopped in his tracks. His heart beat faster and he can hear Jaejoong’s racing heart too, which he can’t believe.

“I am sorry Yun ho. I didn’t believe it was you because I never thought you would like me back. That was why I was angry, I thought you really like me when I read the letter but then you called and didn’t say anything so I thought it wasn’t you and it hurt.” Yun ho can’t believe what he was hearing from the beautiful boy hugging him. He slowly turned around until he was facing Jaejoong who still clung to him. “Jae, y-you mean you like me too?” The boy clinging to him nodded and hugged him tighter.  “I am really sorry if I said you are terrible at knitting, I said that because I don’t want you to think I like someone else.”

“Don’t say that anymore Jae. I know it’s not that good and beside I am so happy right now it doesn’t matter, this is the best Christmas ever.” Jaejoong looked up to Yun ho and smiled melting the latter’s heart with his beautiful smile. “I love you Yun ho.” Yun ho looked at Jaejoong hugging him and smiled before lowering his head until his lips touched Jaejoong’s soft ones.


A few days after Christmas Yun ho and Changmin were sitting in the living room watching a variety show. The guests were JYJ and Changmin started to laugh as Jaejoong entered. “Yun ho! Look at Jae’s scarf it looks so bad hahaha!” Yun ho threw a pillow at Changmin’s face to shut him up. With a grin forming on his face, his eyes fixed on his boyfriend who’s wearing the scarf he made for him.



Here is some Yunjae fluff, it’s about Christmas so I skipped the angst… hope you like it ^^

*My beta corrected some minor grammatical errors, sorry for the alert..

@Mach2, you said betas are allowed right? Sorry if it took us a long time to fix this one up but the changes are really minor, thanks 

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first yunjae fic yey i hope it's not too bad XD


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angela_psyche #1
Chapter 1: yunho here is so sweet!!! ;) haha.. i love it!! the angst up to the fluffy ending... jj is very appreciative when it comes to yunho.. :)
Chapter 1: awww..... so sweet... i loved it.. ;)
Chapter 1: oh my this story was sooo sweet ...my baby yunho he was so emotional here :D and kniting ? i love to see him do that ;b
redblossom07 #4
Chapter 1: owwwwww ... why you always makes me cry on your stories hehehe!
Chapter 1: The ending!!! *screams of joy* I loved it!! >0< omo~~ <33
AsianLunatic #6
Chapter 1: *reading*
"I-I love you"
~nose bleed~
*Continues reading*
_at the last paragraph_



mar1adyve5sa #7
Chapter 1: omo so cute and fluffy..I can't stop smiling..>.<
Chapter 1: Omg this was soo sweet!
Yunjae is adorable as ever and the bromance between homin is lovable!
justwanttoread #9
n yes..changmin last words..hahahahaa