You Are More Than Just Nobody



Title: You Are More Than Just Nobody
Pairing: Himjae
Rating: Fluff
Summary: When Youngjae has a little crush on the president of the student council
A/N: I suddenly got this idea of ‘Youngjae being the shy adorable nobody in school’ when I was studying for my maths paper so yeah : ) 


The way he speaks during the assembly, the way he walks along the hallway, the way he looks so focus on finishing his task, the way he laughs at his friends’ stupid lame jokes, everything about him looks so perfect. I worship him with all my heart and this turns into an admiration and finally turns into a little crush. Every single being in the school knows him, Kim Himchan the president of the student council, the one that most of the students look up to, the one that the teachers adore. And I am Yoo Youngjae, the one who holds the title of nobody in school. Not a single being in school knows me (well expect for Jongup, he’s my bestfriend).


So here is the awkward introduction to this fic lol so I'll post up the first chapter probably this weekend after my asdfghjk exam ^^ Btw, I ship Himjae so hard that it hurts my kokoro to know that very little of you who ship them ;;;; Well before I start to say unrelated stuff I better go, bye : )


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Chapter 3: Aaaaaw jongup, I want to be your friends too ! :3
Youngjae is so lucky to have people like them as his friends !! ^^
Chapter 2: Oh my god they have mutual feelings !! ;D
Chapter 1: Hey new subbie here !!
Trololol nice first chapter ! Poor youngjae !! XD
Biancer #4
Chapter 3: This story is so cute (:
Aww i love this story! Please updAte soon!~
Chapter 3: Subbed and followed :) Loving this. Himjae is the most magical thing on earth, can't get enough of it!
Chapter 3:`s.face!!!
Damn you dude, don't bully baby Jae...
I love the relationship between Youngjae and Jongup.. Jongup is a patient puppy, he can handle Jae`s mood swings XD... And Himdae, amuse me to no end with their bickering! OTL
Chapter 3: Poor Youngjae... damn Zico.. ugh I'm glad Jongup was there =]
Chapter 3: omg what will himchan do? :O