Amitié: A Story of MyungYeol


Friendship is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.

-Muhammad Ali



Amitié (n) / French word: the state of being friends.

Having one best friend is enough for him. He doesn’t need more than that. He knows that he has a loyal friend. They can’t be separated except for one thing, death. He treats his best friend likes his own brother. He will teach him every subjects that his best friend doesn’t understand, play with him, talk with him, comfort him if he is not in the mood and study with him.

Creating fond memories will be a great for him. But he doesn’t know that his best friend has a secret, a secret that he doesn’t know. His best friend sacrifices all his hopes for him just to see his happy face.



Theme song:
Infinite - A Person like Me



Hello, I posted this story for Oh-Tee-P Writing Contest.

Prompt used:
I’m so grateful that I know you that I got to meet you - Infinite's In the Summer


Click on the icon and join now!


Thanks to BlackPearl97 and Hanbyul07 (Hippopotamus Advertisement Shop) for advertising my story.

Thanks to saicoskull ( Young and Stupid Trailer Shop ) for making this trailer.







How was it? :D


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Chapter 1: omg! I thought it was real xD I thought Myungsoo died....I'm happy that is just a drama *-*

I like this! ^^ Great story :D
-natsukim #2
Chapter 1: I've finished reading this.
I'll announce the winner later.
Good luck!
strafield #3
Chapter 2: yah!
i need a sequel ~
hehe.. :)
deliciousyou #4
Chapter 1: What? Are you trying to say that Sungyeol is the one who will left myungsoo alone in real life???
Anyway, great story, please write more myungyeol^^
Chapter 1: The second letter made me cry and I had to stop half way into the story to explain to my mom why I was crying and than the "CUT!" got me all confused and then I realized it was a drama! Haha! I loved this story! Thank you for writing it~
Chapter 1: I was really worried back there. It's really cute. And I'm glad it ended in a happy tone.
Chapter 1: I was really worried back there. It's really cute. And I'm glad it ended in a happy tone.
You really write many story author-nim..... Hehehehehehe
clairdeluna #9
Chapter 1: this is awesome. i was about to cry when sungyeol is reading those notes but then i didn't because they are just filming...

but at the end i still did cry like a baby. T^T