Going back to the Moon family's house and a misunderstanding.

Why did i end up with YOU?! [HIATUS]

Hyomun's POV

" GOT CHAAAAA! " I yelled while trying to catch my breath.

He looked back at me " AWW! " . He started giggling and grabbed my head " HYOMUN! I had lots of fun today! " He noogied me! ( When you grab someones head and start ruffling their hair with your fist (?) :D )

I struggled going out of Dongjae oppa's arm " Oppa! Let go already! It hurts! T_T " but he was too strong!

Don't wanna be lonely~ I wanna just fall in love~ Nanan saraghae~ I want you come into my heart~~~

Suddenly my phone rang  so when oppa heard it, he let my head go.

" Hello? '' I answered.

" Hello.. umm.. Hyomun? It's your teacher Kang. "

" Oh, hi teacher Kang! Why'd you called? You need something? "

" Not really.. I wanted you to come back now. So, we can all have diner together with the Moon family. Tell Dongjae too! "

" Okay teacher Kang! We'll go back now. "

" Okay. Sorry for disturbing you guys if you we're in a middle of a conversation. "

" Ahah, you didn't disturb us. You saved me teacher Kang! Thank you! T_T "

" Uh..Eh.. Your welcome..? Just come now okay? Your classmates are getting hungry. "

" Omo! We'll leave now! Byebye teacher Kang! "

" Bye! "

I hanged up and told Dongjae we have to go home now. So, we started walking and exited out the gate of the park. Since the park is kinda close to his house, we made it in no time. ^^

A guard open the gate for us and we went in. We doorbelled and a maid opened the door " Welcome back Young master and Miss Hyomun. Please head to the dining room and have diner. Everyone is waiting. "

OMOOMOMOMOMOM! Soo formal! It's so akward!

Dongjae oppa bowed and said thanks to her. I was to shy to say anything so i just bowed.

As soon as we entered the dining room, the first thing that caught my attention was the huge gold chandelier on the ceiling. 

Theres so much chandeliers in this house! Wait.. they're rich anyways.. Why not?

When we entered no one really noticed us since they we're amazed of their surrondings. I quickly saw Hyera and Aby and told Dongjae oppa that i'll be sitting with them. He nooded so i ran and sit quietly on the sit between them.

When they saw me they kinda jumped up on their chair since they got shock.


I giggled " Your welcome..? "

Byunghun's POV

( This happend before Teacher Kang called Hyomun )

Me and Niel was walking around the town. 

We saw this game shop that caught both our interest and attention. We started walking to the store but suddeny my cellphone rang.

Sigh.. Ruined our good atmosphere.

" Hello? Who's this? "

" Byunghun? It's your teacher. "

" Oh teacher Kang. What's up? "

" You and niel has to come home now because we're having diner together with the owners of the house. "

" Sure teacher Kang. We'll come now. Bye. "

" Bye. "

We both hanged up and i turned to Niel " Yo Niel! We have to come home now. We' have to eat diner with the owners family. "

Niel jumped for joy  " Yay! Let's go! I'm starving! I wanna try the super high quality food that they have there! I'm drooling by just thinking of it! Byunghun hyung hurry! "

I laughed at how Niel is so childish and started going to the direction of the house.

When we arrived the guards knew who we we're and opened the gate. We went in and still shock how we're actually living in this house for a few days. So we doorbelled, the maid opened the door and welcomed us.

It feels like i'm from a royal family now. Ahaha.

ANYWAYS, we went to the dining room and OMG it's huge!

Niel started whinning for food instead of looking at the dining room.

" I want fooooooooooooooooood~~~~ I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~ "

I glared at Niel " Yah! Stop complaining! I bet your gonna complain again later on how full you are! "

" AM NOT! "


" NOO! "



Someone cut me off. So we looked around the dining room and spotted teacher Kang. We got scared so we both bowed and said sorry.

" Apology accepted now sit down while i call the others. " Teacher Kang said while exiting the room.

Meanwhile me and Niel started picking a chair to sit. After a few minutes of choosing, since there's alot of chair, we picked the chairs near the edge of the table.

One by one, our classmates started going inside the dining room. We saw CAP, Chunji, Ricky and Changjo. So, we signaled them to sit beside us.

After everyone picked a sit, teacher Kang said that we have to wait for the family and Hyomun. Everybody nooded and said " Yes. " and started chatting with their friends.

I didn't notice that Hyomun wasn't here. I wanted to make sure so i looked for Hyera and Aby on the table and saw that there's a empty sit between them. 

Hmm, she really isn't here. Where'd she go..?

I stood up and tapped teacher Kang's shoulder. I whispered " Teacher Kang, where did Hyomun go? "  

He paused and whispered back " Oh sorry, i was trying to remember where she went. Anyways, she went to the park with the owner's son. "

My eyes widened when he said " Owner's son " Is Hyomun hitting on their son even though they only saw each other today? Shocking.


New chapter! I'm on my cousin's netbook since i had to repair my computer. It randomly got a virus. o_o

LOL. Anyways, i'll be using her netbook until i get back my computer so i can still update, yay! XD

OH AND SORRY IF I KINDA REPEATED HYOMUN'S POV TO BYUNGHUN'S POV! I only noticed it after and i was too lazy to edit it! Plus, i ran out of ideas.

Hope you enjoyed it anyways!

Thank you for the lovely comments and for the ones who subcribed this story! It means alot! <3


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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 43: I just read this fanfic in one go since it was so good I couldn't put it down!! Please update soon!! >.<
Chapter 43: Yay you finally updated!! But now I'm lost @_@ I think I'll have to re-read the chapters again~
Chapter 43: Yay it up i'll re read the chapters over again cuz im pretty-pretty lost ^^
@shine_star ASHFJKGSJL, I'M SO SORRY THAT I TOOK FOREVER! & you guys probably thought I abandoned this or something. ;-;
LOL, don't worry, I hate her too! >:c
-ruffles my hair with you-
I miss you guys! D:
finally an update I lOVE IT ^^
____ that micha or mocha I hate her
AIIIISH *Ruffling my hear*
@sweetsoph111; Oh, it's because the person who took it dosen't like her. Her name is Micha. In the earlier chapters, it explains why she dosen't like her. ^^
Ihihi, I can't tell you that yet~ Stay tune for the other chapters ahead to find out if she gets it back. (;
I promise, i'll try!
sweetsoph111 #7
No why did someone take it?
will she get it back??
update soon please
@eunhaelf13 Oh, she left it by accident because when the little girl pulled her up, she accidentally let go of her ds, leaving it there.

Aww, thank you so much for your patience! ;A;
why did she left her DS?

will be waiting for your update :D
@Kirayi, shine_star; You're welcome! ^^ Also, thank you and i'll try to update soon! ;A;