Did it hurt?

Trying something new




”!....” he breathed out, his head hanging low from the shock he had just gone through.


”I never realized it would feel this way…”

Hyukjae and Donghae were currently seated in Donghaes bed. Both men were topless and out of breath from holding it in too long, lost in the anticipation and excitement. Donghae watched as a drop of sweat made its way down his friends neck, gliding over his soft skin down his chest. 


“Did it hurt a lot?” he asked with concern in his voice. He never wanted for his friend to feel pain. He had just been curious is all. It had sounded really fun when he read about it and he knew Hyukjae liked challenges.

Hyukjae was thinking about it for a while before he answered.
“Well, it didn’t really hurt, but it was a bit uncomfortable”… He looked at the man by his side. “My body is tingling.”


Donghae smiled at him.

“Wanna try again?”

They regarded each other for a moment, both thinking the same thing.

“Ok!” Hyukjae said, getting into position once more. He reached his hand out to grab the long slim object before him.

Both men leant forward, gazed locked, they had decided not to look down but only at each other. It was more exiting that way. Hyukjae could see Donghae his lips, eager about what was about to happen.

“Are you ready?” he asked his friend. Donghae simply nodded in response.

With a slight tremble of his free hand, Hyukjae reached out.


It had started!

All of the sudden Donghae let out a squeak, followed by a low moan. He flinched and fell backwards on the bed.

“Ya, Hae. Don’t be such a wimp” Hyukjae was doubled over in laughter, adrenalin coursing through his veins making it impossible to stop.

“You said it didn’t hurt. You lied to me!” his friend whimpered from the pile of pillows he had landed in.

Hyukjae crawled over to his friend, still laughing whilst lying down beside him and wrapping his arms around Haes toned body in an attempt to comfort the whining man.


Trying out Kyuhyuns new electric shocks game had been a great fun way to spend the afternoon on what was the warmest day of the year.





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Chapter 1: A-ha hahaha ! Mdr, j'adore merci♥️
Chapter 1: This fic is not even rated M and yet, we all thought it was something else~ I guess our boys are right~ We are all erted as hell~ OTL
Chapter 1: i'm pretty sure that the two of them have done this in their dorms at least once,, XD
Chapter 1: OMG typical EunHae ..these two are something else hahahahaha!
Aftan6 #5
Chapter 1: Waaahhhhaaa ! Tis is why we love Eunhae !!! Lol
Chapter 1: EunHae had obviously corrupted my mind completely! hahahaha!!!
ismary666 #7
Chapter 1: I ajajjajajajaa, this reminds me SNLK, when SM thinks that RW, KH and DH are talking about something isn´t which that he thinks, ajajjajajjajja
Chapter 1: Trolled!! this fic is a clear example of how _______ed we all are when it comes to eunhae. loved it!!
Chapter 1: LOL -__- i have a _______ed minddd -____________-
*slap myself*
dinocheeese #10
Chapter 1: Hahahah! All the dirty minds(;