
Rainfall of Insecurities

“He’s such an idiot.” Youngjae sighed, running an exasperated hand through his newly dyed platinum blonde hair as he sat swinging his legs on the edge of the work top.

“He’s just jealous.” His companion replied, smiling to himself as the lead singer continued to ruffle up his already unkempt hair, turning it into an adorably fluffy mess.

“But Himchan hyung!” he whined, glaring at the wooden panels that lined the floor and finding a pattern to trace in the gloss for a momentary distraction. “There’s nothing to be jealous of! When I came home yesterday he just gave me this hateful look, and now he’s been ignoring me for…. Twenty hours and thirteen minutes!” he recounted and sighed again, increasing the speed at which his legs were swinging as he remembered the events from the day before. It was true; when Youngjae had arrived at the dorm after his performance at Music Bank he’d headed straight for Daehyun to seek comfort after a long and tiring day, only to have his hug rejected as his boyfriend glared daggers at him and stormed out of the room and straight to bed. Since then, when Youngjae entered a room the elder would abruptly stand up and leave without a second glance, and Youngjae was already having withdrawal symptoms from being deprived of his touch. It was tiresome, to say the least.

It was how the eldest of the maknae line found himself keeping the visual-turned-mother company whilst he cooked, seeking refuge in the homely aroma of the kitchen, and perhaps some much needed advice from the second eldest. The reason he was so upset over Daehyun’s jealousy was because his boyfriend had no right to be! He wasn’t the one who was forced to see other idols attempt to flirt with the other; he wasn’t the one who had to endure reruns of his boyfriend’s erse predebut activities; he wasn’t the one who had to listen as his lover was labelled by fans as the ‘’ of B.A.P. All that Youngjae had done was hold hands and linked arms with their label mate Sunhwa as they sung ‘Everything is Pretty’ at the music show – there was no reason for Daehyun to be jealous.

There was a long pause, the only sound filling the silence in the room was the stew cooking on the stove and Himchan’s cheerful hum as he swished back and forth from the oven to one of the numerous kitchen cupboards. Youngjae was just about to give up on receiving any comfort or ideas from the elder, when all of a sudden Himchan cleared his throat, calling for his attention. The singer stilled his swinging legs and brought his gaze up from the wood (he’d been following the same pattern in the wood for a while now) to rest it upon his second mum as he faced the wall, stirring the sizzling contents of the pan in a somewhat hypnotising fashion.

“The way I see it, you have two choices.” Himchan began, the younger nodding along as he watched the spoon in his hand moving around in a repetitive circular motion. “You can either go right now and pull him aside, apologising to him and hoping that he comes round, or you can try to make him break first-” Youngjae tore his eyes away from the spoon to stare bewilderedly up at the elder. Break him first?

“-and as I know you’re the stubborn type I suggest you try option two.” The singer’s eyes drew together in confusion, waiting for a further explanation, but Himchan seemed to have finished speaking already.

“And…how might I make him break?” Youngjae asked in a tone laced with curiosity, though he thought he might already have an idea.

“Oh I don’t know…” Himchan finally turned away from his cooking so that he was making eye contact with the other “…you’ll have to figure that out yourself.” it was only then that Youngjae noticed the dangerous smile adorning the elder’s features, making him look somewhat more like a demon than the gentle mother figure he’s come to know. He’d only seen that expression a few times before, usually when Himchan had a ‘special night’ planned for him the leader.

“But you’re a smart one, so I expect to see some interesting results.” Himchan’s grin widened to the size of a Cheshire cat’s, his eyes holding a mischievous twinkle.

“Oh and have it done by tonight - Gukkie will be upset if you two are fighting when we go to the restaurant together tomorrow.” The elder added as an afterthought, before he turned away and lost himself in cooking the dinner once more, thus putting an end to their conversation.

Youngjae continued to watch the elder for a minute or two, before he slowly pushed himself off the counter, treading the familiar path to the bedroom. He tried his best to ignore the way Daehyun hopped off of the sofa and into the bathroom when he passed through the lounge area, and made sure to smile in reassurance when Yongguk threw them both a concerned look. It wasn’t often that the singers fought like this, so it was no surprise that their lack of communication had caught the leader’s attention, and Youngjae felt his heart clench painfully when Daehyun refused to look at him, even for just one second. He just hoped that the youngest two hadn’t noticed yet, as they were sensitive to such tension within the group.

When he reached the bedroom the singer flopped down onto his bed, burying his head into his pillow as he tried not to think about what Himchan had said in the kitchen. Of course Youngjae wasn’t stupid; he was the brain for goodness’ sake, and it was more than obvious what the elder had been implying. Youngjae had to make his boyfriend even more jealous, so much so that he snapped and started talking to him first,  perhaps leading onto more than just having a ‘talk’; the thought made him shiver in anticipation.. However, Youngjae had a feeling that it might be more difficult to make the other break than Himchan had made it sound, for Daehyun was just as stubborn as he, if not even more so.

When Himchan called everyone out for dinner just thirty minutes later, the young singer had already created a fool proof plan to get Daehyun to finally crack, and honestly he couldn’t wait to carry it out. The elder was going to have to see just how ridiculous and irrational his jealousy was – because Youngjae knew that he’d done nothing do deserve being treated this way.

It wasn’t a complicated plan. Youngjae knew that by doing even the littlest things he would catch the other’s attention, because they were that close, and it would only take a few simple actions to rile Daehyun up – hopefully forcing him to do something in response (or not). He made his first move during dinner, making a point of slipping into the seat next to Jongup – the seat farthest away from his boyfriend and the spot that he usually sat at. He tried his hardest not to look directly at the elder singer, and from the corner of his eyes he could already see Daehyun sneaking a few glances his way; even though the glances were few in frequency, it was huge progress compared to being completely ignored, and Youngjae had to fake a coughing fit to hide the smile that threatened to form on his face.

Youngjae felt a little bit bad for Jongup, as he intended to use him for a major part of his plan, but he assured himself that he could protect the dancer from Daehyun’s wrath and calm his boyfriend by himself. Jongup most likely wouldn’t even notice any change in the platinum blonde’s behaviour anyway.

When dinner finished Youngjae immediately volunteered to help the dancer wash the plates, earning a bright smile from the younger and a warning glare from Daehyun – the latter of which he chose not to acknowledge. He smirked into the sink as Himchan ushered the rest of the members out of the room, Yongguk and Junhong following somewhat obediently whilst the singer tried to stay behind under the pretence that he wanted more food. But the visual can be more commanding than he looks and soon Daehyun too had left with the others to watch some television.

Youngjae found himself laughing a little louder than necessary when Jongup blew a cloud of bubbles at his face, deciding to humour the younger teen with his own spirited water attacks. By the time they’d finished washing all of the plates and returned to the lounge area, they were both drenched in soapy water – much to the leader and Daehyun’s chagrin. Youngjae waved his hand off to Jongup as a sign to let him use the bathroom first, before waltzing across the wooden floor and plopping himself down on top of Junhong. The maknae tried to push his hyung away to avoid getting wet, but Youngjae only smirked and started a tickle fight in retaliation; Junhong giggling and squirming with a breathless ‘Hy-hyung…gerroff me!!’

The singer only stopped his attack when Yongguk gave them a warning, just a single word echoing in his deep voice enough to tame even the wildest of teenagers. Youngjae sat down on Junhong’s legs, beckoning the lead dancer (now shirtless and clad in just some sweatpants) over to join them when he returned from the bathroom. He didn’t see any point in going to dry himself since most of the water on his body had already dried, leaving only his shirt a little damp and his hair slightly darker than before.

Since he had his hair dyed, just a few days ago, it felt weird to be the only member of the dorm without that blinding golden halo in his hair. Even having his just a shade or two different felt strange; they’d been six almost identical pieces of rice for such a long time that he just wasn’t used to the change. But then they’d all be having their hair dyed again in a few weeks for their comeback, so it wouldn’t be for long.

For the rest of the evening they watch a film – some action film chosen by none other than Himchan – the maknae line bundled together on one sofa with their limbs entangled, whilst the eldest three sat in a more sophisticated manner on the remaining seats. The film is quite interesting, Youngjae thought, and if the eldest singer hadn’t been glaring heatedly into the back of his head he would probably have been getting into the flow of action along with the two dancers, who were currently speaking about the lead actor animatedly. The sound was rhythmic and soothing, and soon Youngjae found his eyes slowly drifting shut.

He was fast asleep when Yongguk shook him seemingly only moments later to tell him that it was his turn to use the shower. He inwardly cursed himself because if it was already his turn, it could only mean that most of the members had already showered, and somehow he’d missed his only chance to confront his boyfriend. He’d never be able to talk to him in the bedroom, especially not with the other members around, and they had a full schedule again the next day. He glanced around the room quickly in hopes of finding the other there, but it appeared as if he’d already retreated to his bed in the top bunk – probably sulking still, but if he were there then Youngjae couldn’t get to him without risking disturbing the others. His plan had failed all because he’d not been vigilant enough!

Disheartened, he slowly drifted towards the shower and took his time washing, muffling the tears that cascaded down through his barriers and mingled with the water from the shower. He really hated it when Daehyun wouldn’t speak to him like this, it was pure torture.

When he got out of the shower, he quickly wrapped a towel around his waist, reaching up to wipe the mist from the mirror so that he could brush his teeth quickly before bed. When his hand moved past the clear glass he could only gasp in shock, as an all too familiar face reflecting in the surface, stood by the doorway of the bathroom in his pyjamas, his striking blonde hair wet still.

“D-dae!” he stuttered, whipping around to meet his boyfriend head on. “Wha-” he was stopped in the middle of his question as hands secured around his waist and pressed him up against the cabinets below the mirror.

“Mine.” The elder murmured as his lips pressed against the skin of Youngjae’s neck, inhaling the other’s scent as he repeated the word like a mantra.

The platinum blonde was overwhelmed with emotion, finding himself slowly melting under his lover’s touch and possessiveness. But then he was reminded of how Daehyun had acted before, and it sparked the anger buried inside, a flame rising to his tongue and sharpening his words.

“Yours? I am no one’s!” he hissed, grabbing the elder’s hands and roughly pushing him off of him.

To say that Daehyun shocked would be an understatement; he obviously hadn’t been expecting the pure venom in the other’s tone. “Jae, don’t be like this.” He shook his head at the younger, confused and anxious that he had done the wrong thing.

Me? Be like this?!” Youngjae growled. “I’m not the one who’s been ignoring my boyfriend when he’s done nothing to deserve it!”

It was the elder’s turn to retaliate, his hands balling into fists as he remembered the morning’s performance “You were touching her! You allowed her to get way too close to you!”

“This is about that? Sunhwa noona and I were just doing that for the song! It’s business!” Youngjae cried, disbelief evident in his voice as tears began to pool in the corners of his eyes. “Jung Daehyun I thought you trusted me!”

Daehyun flinched when the younger literally screamed his full name, wanting nothing more than to wipe those tears away, but the younger wouldn’t let him close enough. “Of course I-I trust you, its just-”

“It’s just what?!” the other was yelling now, his worries about how the others hearing them forgotten when Daehyun started accusing him irrationally.

“I-I..” the elder singer couldn’t respond; it wasn’t that he didn’t have an answer, it was just that his answer was too embarrassing. But keeping it to himself was a bigger mistake.

“So you don’t even have a reason behind your jealousy?” Youngjae glared at the other incredulously, and just like the heavens had opened he felt, all of those insecurities rain down on him like the hail of a storm.

“Might I remind you that I love you, and only you?!” he shouted, his words drifting into silence momentarily before he let all of his emotions out, leaving the elder without a chance to react. “Didn’t I make that clear to you before? Didn’t I tell you then that I was also gay, and that it would be completely ridiculous of you to get angry over me hanging out with anyone of the female species?!” Daehyun simply spluttered in response, unable to come up with a reasonable explanation.

“Every time I catch an MC flirting with you, every time I see the fans comment on a video saying that you’d look good with another, I tell myself that I have no right to be jealous; every time I see those predebut videos of you feeling someone up I tell myself that it was a long time ago, that you’re different now. That you’re solely mine.” he cried, sitting on the edge of the bathtub to stop himself from falling.

He bowed his head down and hid it from the elder as he continued “I know I’m not pretty, or toned or handsome, or even that talented, and I know that you had someone before me that was as close to you as I am – perhaps even closer, but still I trust you!”

“What about Jaebum?” Daehyun interjected, instantly regretting it when he saw the sour look the younger wore.

“He’s just a friend!” Youngjae shouted instantly, almost screaming the last word. “Didn’t I tell you that there was no one before you?! Or are you just so blinded by your jealousy that you can’t think rationally anymore?”

He glanced up at the elder, scoffing when he saw his mouth gaping open and closed like that of a puckering fish.

He might have originally been hoping for this to lead on to some amazing make up , but now he just felt too angry to even think about that. Standing up abruptly, he headed straight for the door, sparing one last tearful glance at the elder before he left.

“I’m tired of this.” He sighed as he turned the door handle, his voice raspy from all of the shouting, but before he could open the door a warm hand latched onto his wrist.

He was ready to swirl around, tell Daehyun that whatever he had to say couldn’t change his mind and that he just wanted to be alone, that they probably shouldn’t see each other for a while, but the elder didn’t say anything.

Instead, a melody reached his ears, familiar and beautiful and flooding him with emotions. He cursed the elder for singing it, for reminding him of the good times and making the song ten times more sensational with his voice alone.

“I’ve drawn you so many times in my mind,

my heart feels like it was reborn;

You can feel it, can’t you?”

It was their song, the one they first sang together; the one they sang the day that Daehyun confessed to him. It had been a windy day, and the elder had told him that such high winds meant that anything could happen, anything at all. They’d gone into the studio and obliged as their vocal trainer told them to pick a song to duet together; Youngjae put his ipod on shuffle and the love song by Soulman was the first to come up. The singer had shook his head, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment as he went to press the ‘next’ button and skip the song, but Daehyun smiled and said that he liked it. So they sang to it, the harmonies winding together perfectly to form an entrancing piece of music. Youngjae was distracted by the elder’s face as he sang, not even listening properly when their instructor congratulated them on their work. She left, said her thanks, and then Daehyun had kissed him. He’d never been happier than at the moment.

“Why does this day feel so short?

It must be because there are so many things I want to do together with you;

Being happy just like that.”

Daehyun continued to sing with his beautiful voice, and the younger felt tears running down his cheeks as the feelings continued to rain on him, washing away his insecurities that he’d poured out moments earlier. They had sung a couple of lines of the song at a fanmeeting once, but they had become so lost in their own little world that Yongguk had to nudge them to stop – it was as if they’d forgotten anyone else was there.

When the other began singing the chorus, Youngjae automatically joined in, his voice (still raspy from the earlier shouting) whispering out the melody whilst Daehyun harmonised with practised ease. He still had his back to the elder, but he could hear Daehyun’s voice getting louder as he closed the distance between them, until his back was pressed flush against the elder’s chest. He could feel his lover’s rapid heartbeat against his bare skin as they sang, Daehyun moving to wrap an arm securely around his waist as his other trailed up Youngjae’s arm. The anger he felt before was gradually being subdued, as even against his will he melted into the familiar touch; the elder’s voice combining with his touch to make an infallible pacifier.

“I will make you smile, you’re my everything;

it won’t be easy but promise me that you’ll always stay beside me.

I belong to you,

for you, I could give everything without regret,

because from the start, I was only yours.”

They continued singing the entire song together, embracing the heartfelt emotions that their voices and lyrics conveyed and basking in each other’s warmth. When the last note sounded, both of them hitting it perfectly, Daehyun spun the younger around in his arms so that they were finally facing each other. He reached out the pad of his thumb to wipe away the tears that had spilt from Youngjae’s eyes, kissing each of his eyelids to sooth them as an apology for making him cry. The younger singer just clung onto the front of Daehyun’s shirt, as if the other might disappear at any moment if he held him too loosely.

“I’m sorry Jae.” The elder murmured, pulling Youngjae ever closer so that he could rest his chin on the younger’s shoulder. “I let it get the best of me.” There was no response from the other, so he continued “I guess…I want you only to sing with me and no one else. It’s our thing.” Youngjae was silent still, but then a hum resounded in the room to show that he had heard him.

“Honestly, I don’t want you to sing with anyone else either.” The younger replied, his cheeks burning at the cheesiness of what they were saying. He leaned back, only to peck Daehyun on the lips and return to his embrace, the other smiling a little as he nuzzled into Youngjae’s soothing warmth.

Fifteen minutes later the couple finally emerged from the bathroom, Daehyun carrying the sleeping angel in his arms past a concerned leader and smiling visual, before placing Youngjae down on his bed. He pulled the covers up over the younger, before moving away to sneak up to his own bed on the top bunk, only to be stopped by a hand tugging shyly on his shirt.

“Please stay.” Youngjae whispered, refusing to look the elder’s blinding grin as he made his request, instead focusing on an interesting pattern on the wallpaper. He did allow himself to smile though, when he felt Daehyun slip in next to him and curve into his body. Though this was just one hurdle they’d overcome in their relationship, Youngjae felt they could climb any, together.


Hehehe I hope you like! I originally had planned but felt that it didn't fit in....

So now it kind of has a plot twist 'Hints of future ' - 'angsty angst' - 'SO FLUFFEH'

My beta and I almost died reading it through....please don't die on me readers!

If you want to listen to the song that Daejae sang, go here (it's really good!).

To listen to Daejae's flawless vocals singing it at a fan meeting, go here.

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I have finished the oneshot - it's quite long!! Just waiting on my beta ~


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Chapter 1: This was sooooo perfect!!! I already loved daejae but damn, I fell in love with this otp all over again !!!
Thanks for your amazing work ^^
xgetyourswagx #2
Chapter 1: sighs happily. this fic made my day.
Chapter 1: Woah, loved this.
jangdino #4
Chapter 1: This is just ____in beautiful agslkajxouyebka possessive dae is the bessssttt<3
NoKpopNoLife #5
Chapter 1: Holy mother of pearl how do you people write such beautiful pieces of art
I bow down to you author-nim
UsedToBeMyself #6
Chapter 1: perfect! made me cry *^*
Chapter 1: this was so flawless T^T
Chapter 1: Holy i n g neko!!!!
How did I missed this fic..
OMGOMGOMG.. You used soulman`s only yours.. That song is Daejae`s wedding song.. XD
Soo fluffy and cute.. I love when Daehyun get all jelly and insecure about himself.. And Youngjae *sobs* so adorable ;A;..
Thank you for the daejae feels :D
blueberry_muffin #9
I-That was-The-asdfghjkl!!!

Soooooooo cute!! Made up through a song!! EEEEE *squeal*

Thank you for writing this! I can't stop smiling it was just that awesome! XD
Chapter 1: Wow that was cute and I liked how they made up through a song. Never read that before, hehehe.
I understand how Dae feels though. And it hurts even more when the other doesn't know what he did wrong or simply shrugged it off as in didn't matter.
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