Do you believe in love at first sight?

Beautiful Stranger

You looked at the clock on the wall, it was only five minutes more than you last time watched it. You were at a party that you assumed to be a birthday party, you weren’t really sure what was it for. You didn’t really even know why you were there anyway; you didn’t know the guy whose house the party was held in.

So the clock was only 10 pm, and people were already going crazy, mainly because of the alcohol. You drank only juice; you didn’t care about getting drunk. It would only end up throwing up and doing things you’d regret in the morning. At least that’s how you’ve been told, you never really tried, and you were a good girl. You only attended to this party because your friends nearly dragged you in. Now they didn’t even care if you were there or not, barely even remembered your presence.

So there you were, sitting on the sofa further away from others, looking at people getting drunk and played with your phone. The music was slightly too loud for your ears and you felt really lonely. Nearly no one had talked to you all night, except some drunken guy who smelled really bad and wanted to do…who knows what. Eww, really.

“Is this seat free?” someone suddenly said beside you, making you wince a bit since you didn’t notice anyone coming, you were focused on your phone. You looked up and saw a guy with blonde hair looking at you and pointing at the seat next to you. Of course it was, it had been free all night. You nodded at the boy, and he answered with a smile and a nod.

“Not having that much fun, huh?” the guy asked. You looked at him; was he really talking to you? There were a lot of pretty girls here, and they were ten times funnier than you are. Why would a good looking guy like him be interested about you? “Not really,” you said and looked at your phone again.  He nodded again a couple of times. You noticed the boy was dressed really nicely; a dress shirt with leopard spots, a blue tie, a suit jacket, and jeans. Altogether it looked really good.

The blonde guy stood up and looked at you again. “I’ll go get something to drink, do you want something too?” You didn’t really know was he seriously being nice to you, or was this just some stupid joke. A dare, maybe? You shook your head and smiled. “No thanks, I’m fine like this.” It looked like he didn’t hear it or just didn’t believe you. “Punch or something nonalcoholic?” You sighed, he was only being nice and you rejected it without a reason. Just to be nice you told him to bring something nonalcoholic and he went to get the drinks.

You sat there thinking about what just happened. After all, you’ve never been in such a situation. You were the quietest girl on your class, and you didn’t have many friends. And your closest friend was somewhere here at the crowd, probably as tight as a tick. She wasn’t your best friend, just someone you were closer with than others. Boys didn’t really talk to you much, if they didn’t have to, so why would he?

Some time passed by, and you started to think if the boy with blonde hair had forgotten about you. That wouldn’t be hard though, you were pretty invisible for others. You waited from fine minutes to ten, from ten to fifteen minutes. Okay, he probably wouldn’t come back.

You felt a slight constriction, and you were probably the only sober one in the house. You had to get outside, and why bother coming back? You grabbed your coat and scarf, and then made your way through the crowd, looking for the front door. Finally you found it, and felt relief when you got some fresh air. It was raining a bit and of course you didn’t bring your umbrella, but luckily you didn’t have a long way home. You put your hands on your head for some cover and started walking. The way home went by the Han River. It was beautiful as always. You just had to stop and look at the view, since it wasn’t even raining that much anymore.


“Here you are,” you heard a voice saying right behind. You turned around and saw the Blondie boy standing in front of you and looking in your eyes. You were slightly shocked, what’s with this guy creeping around! “I was looking for you. I don’t know why, but you were gone when I came back with the drinks. I had to wait because the alcohol-free drink was out, and someone told me she would make some more.”

“Well, I’m sorry..?” you looked away, not being sure about what you should say. “I had to go look up for you when I couldn’t see you there,” he said and took few steps at you, as you took few backwards. The situation was new and weird for you. What did he want form you? Hopefully he’s not just another sick ert who innocent girls.

“I think I never introduced myself. My name is Jung Daehyun,” he bowed and looked at you, waiting for you to tell your name. “Choi Soyun,” you shortly said and bowed back. He tilted his head never taking his eyes off you. “Choi Soyun, I see..” he repeated. You felt a bit uncomfortable and looked away while touching your ear lightly. They were probably totally red from the embarrassment. This sure was an awkward situation.

“I should probably get goin-“ you started but got cut off with a SHH. “Do you believe in love at first sight?” this Daehyun guy asked you. Really, what’s up with this guy? Why is he asking such things? “I’m not very sure, why?” you shyly said. Now you must’ve become red like a tomato. He shook his head and chuckled.

Then he took few steps forward, grabbed your wrist with this other hand and cupped your cheek with another. He looked at your eyes with a smile for a second, then closed his eyes and placed his lips on yours. You were shocked to death, but couldn’t react in any way, you stood there with wide eyes and trying to realize what was going on. The boy moved his lips expertly, and you felt incongruously butterflies in your stomach, and like you would faint any second now.

He pulled back, still keeping you close and slowly opened his eyes, curiously looking at you. You confusingly gazed back at him. For about five seconds you two stared at each others, not saying a word. Then he spoke up. “I think I just realized what they mean with love at first sight. This was my first kiss, and I don’t regret it one bit,” he smiled and rubbed the back of his head. You could see a light blush on his face.

You still couldn’t say a word. It was your first kiss too. But were you sorry? You weren’t sure. You two just met, and this guy is already talking about love. Whatever the case was, that was one of the best moments of your life, no doubt.

“J-Jung Daehyun-sshi,” you finally stuttered. He laughed lightly and pulled you into hug, knowing he didn’t make a mistake just a moment ago. “Thank you,” you whispered into his ear and smiled while hugging him back. “Anytime, Soyun-ah” he whispered back and pecked the tip of your nose lightly.

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Chapter 1: /dies hahah. It's so cute!
Chapter 1: Nice story!!! the storyline was so cute OMG!!!!
ariaxx #3
Chapter 1: i think it was cute :33 a little bit too fast but okay.. omg same situation..i was in a new year party with my best friends...seriously they didnt give a ____ about me..but its not importnant now...hwaiting :))