
Onew Sangtae Caught Me

Was I daydreaming? Was this really happening? I had no idea what to think, or say, or do for that matter. This was Onew. My insides were giggling with happiness. This couldn't be real. This is the man I would always admire from a computer screen, and now he's crouching in front of me, telling me he's sorry. All these feelings of joy and astonishment quickly faded as I realized I was about to faint. My eyes became weary and I fell backwards onto a pair of arms.

I woke up to the feeling of water dripping along my temples. Someone was patting a cold wet towel onto my head. I opened my eyes to find Onew hovering over me. His hand was shifting from my forehead to the bucket of water beside him. I was on a counter inside the grocery store. The older lady, who looked like she worked there, just stood there looking at the scene unfold. 

"Oh you're awake," said Onew. He placed the towel back into the bucket. He looked at me, smiling. He had this kind, innocent smile that made me melt. 

"Uh...y...yea, yea," I stupidly said. I slowly sat up. Onew's hands were hovering behind me, to make sure i didn't fall backwards again, I guessed. I had no idea what to say. I couldn't even look directly in his eyes. I just felt so intimidated and awkward to even look his way. I wondered why he was still here with me. I thought he would have left as soon as I fainted. Oh I'm such a idiot.

"Hello! I wanted to say I'm sorry about your head. I bent down to help and we bumped heads. I'm really sorry," Onew said. I raised my head ever so slightly and looked up at him through my lashes. He was staring at me as if he didn't know what my reaction would be.

After a while he continued to speak. "My name is Onew," he said and then bowed his head lightly. I mimicked his action and bowed lower as much as i could. The counter I was sitting on made me much taller than him. I think he noticed my struggle and I could hear him laugh to himself. I grabbed on to whatever courage I had and looked up at him.

"My name is ______," I said.
"Thanks for hitting--i mean helping me," I continued. I had to stop myself from babbling more idiotic things. Of course I'm happy he hit me but I can't just say that. He was smirking to himself. Why me? 

He looked at me again and smiled. Still looking at me, he grabbed the bucket of water to give it back to the lady from the store. He slipped holding the bucket of water and it went everwhere. I got splashed just a bit while Onew was drenched. I quickly got off the counter and went to go help him out. Turns out, wet floors and I do not mix. I ended up slipping as well. We both layed there, backs soaked in water. The lady from the store was screaming and ran to go get towels from the back. She returned with a mop and loads of towels. She was angry yelling something in Korean but I could tell she was trying not to laugh at all this excitement. 

I turned my head to look at him. He stared at me a smirk on his face. I started to smirk back and then I couldn't hold it anymore and neither could he. We both layed there and laughed till we couldn't laugh anymore. My stomach hurt so much but it didn't matter because I was happy just being there with him and sharing this "inside" joke. 

He got up first and offered me his hand. "Let me help you up," he said. I sat there looking at his palm and fingers extended towards me. I had touched them before but that was back when I didn't realized who he was. I apathetically reached out for him, even though in my heart I knew it wasn't how I really felt. Even after I got up, he didn't let go. 

"Did you still want the apples," he asked.

I had completely forgotten about those damn apples. But i'm happy I decided to grab them first. "Yes, i do,"  I replied. He asked the lady, who had mopped most of the wet floors up, for something in Korean and she went behind the counter and grabbed a bag. She handed Onew the bag and he gave it to me.

"A present," he said. It was the apples. 
"Why," I asked. 
"It was the least I could do after you fell down," he replied, "twice."
"Oh well it's alright. I always fall down every since I got here and..." I paused and looked at my watch. It was almost 2 hours since all this happened. I had to go and get everything ready for tomorrow. "I'm sorry," I said, "I have to go but thank you so much for everything."

I turned around and headed down the street. Before I could go, I felt a something pull me back on my wrist. It was Onew. I turned my face to look up at him. He had that same kind smile as before. 

"Can I see you again," he asked. My heart stopped.

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Tawudz #1
Chapter 7: Author please update soon! I love your story
Yay! I wonder what will happen next!!!
Chapter 5: :D You updated!!
Omg i love this its soo cute you should def keep writing^^
Omg i love this its soo cute you should def keep writing^^
fresita123 #6
Chapter 2: Wow. Love your writing! Onew oppa <3