Chapter 2

Another World

Luhan's POV 
I was still in a daze as I continued staring at the guy. 

"Excuse me."
 I jumped at the sudden voice. My senses came back and I found the guy staring back at me even from far away. 

"But I'd appreciate it if you'd stop staring at me like that." He chuckled. I blushed bright red. 

"S-Sorry." I looked away. 

He laughed again. He walked out of the lake and dried his legs with his towel that was on the shore. He walked up towards me, so out of instict I looked up to him, yes UP. I'm short, I know. I couldn't stop myself from blushing more. He was handsome. Coming from a narcassistic like me and...I'm a guy! A guy complimenting another guy isn't normal...unless you're gay IN WHICH I am not. So...I'm still available ladies~
As I was in my little world I didn't realise how close his face was to mine and boy was it close! I could praticulary feel his breathe on my cheeks. 

"You're pretty cute." He smiled.
My eyes widened and I immediately backed away, causing me to trip over something.
I closed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain to come. Which it didn't, instead, I felt arms s around my waist and someones breath on my ear. 
"Cute and clumsy..." 
It occured to me that the angel like guy caught me just as I was aout to fall.He stood me  up and let me go as I stood there, totally embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

"Don't be." The guy smiled. "Oh! And by the way, I'm Sehun, Oh Sehun." 

He stared at me again. I felt intimidated under his stare so I didn't know what else to do but to look around awkwardly. 

"How'd you find this place?" He finally asked.

"Ah...well...I was just hanging around in the park and I guess I saw the passageway..." 

"Seriously?" He pouted. "Damn it I need to cover it up better next time." 
Wait- WHAT!?
I am not gay.

" is this like...your secret hideout?" I asked. 

"Yeah..well...kinda since you found it it's not that secretive." He rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Then should I leave and forget everything I saw here?" I pointed my thumb behind me to the exit.

"No no, you should stay." He stopped me. "Besides, I wouldn't mind if someone like you knew about it." He grinned.

I raised an eyebrow. What was that supposed to mean?
"Anyway~" He turned around. "Let me show you around." He managed to weathe his fingers with mine and dragged me off from the bridge. I blushed again rom the contact. 
"Over here is, of course the lake. While over there is...well...a fail table that I had attempted to's 7 years old." He looked at me seriously. I smiled to show him that I was still listening. In which I was, a slight bit. I was just amazed as to how quickly he got so friendly with me. I mean, I was a stranger who stumbled into his secret hideaway yet he still intends to be so friendly. Amazing. 
"Oh oh! Let me show you the waterfall!" He dragged me faster. I praticulary ran as well. He suddenly stopped, causing me to bump into his back. "Here it is, isn't it beautiful?" 
I walked out from behind his back and looked at the waterfall. 
Holy mother of abs.
The water fall was like something you'd see in paintings! It was just so...this can't be part of the park! I swear to god. 
I unconciously pulled my hand away from Sehun's, dropped my bag and walked closer to the water fall, not caring whether I got wet or not. It was just too stunning, It looked so much like a picture I had to feel it to make sure it was even real. The water was cold but at the same time it was pretty warm.I let the water fall on my hand as I stared at it a bit more. Beautiful. All of a sudden, I felt a cold splash of water hit me. Fully. I was drenched. I opened my eyes slowly. But non other to see Sehun grinning like a child. I glared.
Angel my .
I kicked the water, causing it to splash on him. Once the water splashes were gone, I was attacked. Again.

"Y---AHHHHH!" I shouted.

"Your fault for attacking me" he put his hands up in defense.

"You-" I glared again. This time I decided to run after him. Of course it was hard in the water but the tip to running faster in water is to lift your legs up high. I ran up to him fast and as I did that, water was splashing onto him.

"Ack-" He splashed water as well. This went on for quite awhile. Why was I even doing this? I don't even know this guy as well. I've only met him for what...30 minutes? And we're already this friendly...strange.
Suddenly he stopped and decided to chase me. ...oh dear god. I ran away, not forgeting to also splash water on him.
All of a sudden my feet tripped over itself, causing me to fall. As I fell, Sehun fell as well. I winced at the sudden pain on my back. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to ignore the pain. My eyes immediately widened. His face was close. His lips were close. Closer then before. his eyes were shut, obviously he was trying to fight the pain on his knees as he landed pretty hard on them. I saw him slowly open his eyes as well. I was tomato red already. Our faces were close. Really close. Like I said, closer than before.
I stopped breathing.
Our eyes were connected. I couldn't. I just couldn't move my eyes away. Sehun seemed to have snapped out of it and stood up. He coughed a bit before lending out his hand for me. I swear I was heating up fast. I could create a hot spring!
I looked away before letting him grab a hold of my hand and helping me up.

"S-Sorry...I...tripped." I mumbled.

"Uh huh, no kidding." He laughed. Obviously trying to rid the awkwardness. I s

I smiled. I REALLY can't stand awkward atmospheres.
But then something crossed my mind.
" you have any spare clothes?" I asked.


" you live near here?" I asked again.

"Not's probably...30 minutes away?" He tilted his head. I looked at him with my 'you have got to be kidding me' face. "Waeyo?"

"That's it." I walked to the shore while dragging him. "I don't care if you're a stranger or not, I don't want someone getting sick cause of me." I grabbed my bag and pulled out my spare jacket. i tossed it over to him and without eaiting for him to put it on, I dragged him out of the secret hideaway. We made sure to cover it up a bit. Within 7 minutes we got my house. Close huh?
"Here, my bathroom is other there. You can take a shower and change into them." I passed him my shirt and pants.

"...right. Thanks."

"No problem. Now hurry up, I'm cold."
He laughed.

"Arasso." He walked into the bathroom.
Once the door closed. I sighed. What the hell am I doing right now.

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Yesungturtlechick #1
Chapter 2: Umma.... This why we spazzed at you!
Chapter 1: an angel, huh??
update soon