
draco dormiens;

chapter two

The four-hour trip from King's Cross in London to Hogwarts had ended, and the train was in havoc.

First years were jumping in excitement for their sorting. "I'm gonna be in Gryffindor," a few said proudly, then—"No! Ravenclaw is the best house to be in." The older students smiled serenely, remembering their own excitement in their first year.

On the train, students were unloading their things from the train. They double-checked to make sure no luggages were forgotten on the caddies located above the seats. Playing cards were placed neatly back into their cases and candy wrappers were picked up from the floors. A particularly loud group of sixth and seventh year boys were laughing about some lion joke.

"Oh shoot, I forgot something," exclaimed a rather tall brown-haired boy, sporting a blue and bronze tie.

"Go ahead, Chanyeol," said his shorter friend, turning back to the group.

Chanyeol turned back towards the compartment they had occupied, remembering he had forgotten his messenger bag, mostly filled with old chocolate frog cards and slips of paper. Chanyeol reached his previous compartment and retrieved his bag. He slowed his run to a stroll, looking inside his bag to make sure nothing was stolen. Chanyeol passed by a dark compartment, and paused. The rest of the train was brightly illuminated. This compartment must have been charmed with a nox.

Curious, Chanyeol quietly slid the door of the compartment open. He peeked his head inside, eyes landing on a sleeping figure in the corner of the compartment, head leaning on the window and legs pulled up on the seat next to them. Chanyeol crept closer, cocking his head at the student.

"Excuse me," he whispered, though he didn't know why he was whispering. "We're at Hogwarts now."

The figure continued to sleep, shown by the slow rise and fall of their chest.

Chanyeol took his wand from his left pocket and lit a lumos. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the figure was a girl. He stared at her for a few seconds, but blinked and shook his head. Chanyeol moved his wand to the trunk on the ground next to him. He mouthed the name on the nameplate, then moved his wand back to the girl.

"Excuse me," he said again, louder. "Hello?" When there was no response again, he shook her shoulder. "Yah. Hera Moon. You'll—no, wait. We'll be late!"

The girl, Hera, opened her eyes slowly. She was disoriented for a moment, but focused her eyes on him soon enough. They were cold, and also sort of apalled. Wordlessly she grabbed her wand and trunk, then exited the compartment, leaving Chanyeol alone and dazed.


The students gathered in the Great Hall and the large cafeteria became remarkably louder. Most of them made their way to their designated tables, but there were less restrictions on where to sit. A few Ravenclaws sat at the Slytherin or Gryffindor tables; a few Gryffindors sat at the Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff tables. The large cluster of first years was at the front of the hall, looking at the room. The already sorted students were eyeing the food hungrily, but weren't allowed to eat until everyone was sorted.

The teachers were also looking at the food made by the house-elves in the kitchen, though not as longingly, just curious about this year's selection. There were turkeys and chickens, as well as soups and stews. There were plates of roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, chips, yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and peppermint humbugs. Foods from all over the world, not just limited to Europe, were displayed on the table.

Headmistress Hermione Granger stood and raised her hands. The room fell silent, and she smiled. "Welcome, first years," she greeted, gesturing to the group of youngsters. "And welcome back, returning students. I trust that you will guide the new students in their journey into the wizarding world. Now, a few things to address before the sorting. As always, the Forbidden Forest is off-limits to all students," Hermione said, though she herself hadn't exactly followed that rule in her years. "The village of Hogsmeade is off-limits to those below third year, and those without permission from a guardian. Now, let's begin the sorting."

A tattered, black witch's hat was levitated in, as well as a stool. When the hat was placed onto the stool, it opened its mouth and began singing.

Professor Luna Lovegood, Astronomy teacher and head of Ravenclaw House, held up a list of first years when the song was finished. "When I call your name, please, step up to the stool and I will place the hat on your head. Stay still, please, and wait until she sorts you." Luna held up the list. "Asgard, Jane!" Hufflepuff! called the Sorting Hat in response.

"Ash, April!" Gryffindor!

"Bang, Youngmi!"

A little girl with long black hair and oversized robes approached the hat. In the Gryffindor table, Dasom straightened up a little and looked on curiously. The hat was placed on Youngmi's head, and immediately began babbling. "Ah, this one has siblings. Minsoo and Dasom, am I correct? Your brother is in Slytherin, correct? And your sister, a Gryffindor. I see a future for you in Slytherin, but Gryffindor is drawn to you. So, I must declare…


The Gryffindor house cheered, especially Dasom. She embraced her little sister and offered the seat next. At the Slytherin table, their brother rolled his eyes and shook his head.

The other first years named B through J were sorted, as well as some K's. Eventually Luna called out, "Kwon, Calliope!"

Another girl with black hair, though it was shoulder-length, embraced her twin brother. Callie, approached the hat and it plopped onto her head. Lucia and Alistair, at the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables respectively, crossed their fingers at the silence before Callie's sorting. "Another one with siblings! Both in Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but there is no potential for you in either. I must say, most definitely SLYTHERIN!"

Lucia's eyes widened and, though she smiled, glanced at Kris at the Slytherin table. Their eyes met and she narrowed hers at him, imposing a silent threat. He shrugged and crossed his arms, looking back to the Sorting hat.

"Kwon, Charles!"

Charlie took a last look at his twin, who was already happily conversing with some other Slytherin first years. The hat barely touched the crown of his head before it shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!" Their house cheered again, and Charlie went running to Alistair. Charlie plopped onto the bench next to his brother, staring at the food.

At last, the rest of the first years were sorted and the students began devouring the dishes laid out on the long tables. The chatter commenced once again, and a certain Slytherin girl bounded up to her friends at the Hufflepuff table.

"Woohyunnie! Eunji-ah!" Yeonhee exclaimed, taking a seat between them and immediately digging into her friends' plates. "Gimme your mashed potatoes, if you're not going to eat any." A plate appeared in the space in front of her, as well as a set of utensils. Taking her chopsticks and piling some kimbab onto her plate, Yeonhee looked around the room. Most people seemed to be excited to be back. Her gaze landed on Luhan, whispering to his friend Sehun.

Their eyes met, and he raised his eyebrows for a moment before winking. Yeonhee gasped and looked down at her plate, his loud laughter ringing in her ears.

Near the doors, sitting alone on the benches was a sixth year with wavy brown hair tied in a messy ponytail. Her brows were furrowed in concentration as her eyes scanned over the page. This year's potions were in fact very interesting, not to mention useful.

Suddenly a boy from farther along the table took the vacant seat next to her. He had a cat-like chagrin and rather angular features, as well as cropped black hair. "Hey, Mei," he said, and she looked up from her sheet of paper. He leaned over to look at the cover of the book. "Already reading? It's only the first day."

"Oh, it's you," Mei replied curtly, noticing his lack of glasses, and turned back to the textbook.

He dropped a sky blue taffy into the middle of the page. Mei made no move  it and examined it, putting down her fork. "Do you really think I'm going to fall for that?"


She sighed. "Do you really not remember, Chen? That's how we met."

Chen looked taken aback, but he shook his head. "Enlighten me."

"Five years ago, you offered the same puking pastille to all of the first year girls. We all ended up vomiting. Even back then you were a trickster."

Chen blinked. "Oh."

"Just go prank some other kid," Mei said, sighing once again. "I advise strongly against it, though."

Chen chuckled and turned away, looking for another victim. It was a first year by the name of Joshua Brass, not Mei, who ended up vomiting into a bowl and ruining the rest of the students' appetite.


Lucia had been ecstatic to learn that she was head girl. Her younger siblings were no doubt congratulatory towards her, and her parents would be bursting with pride. There was, however, one con in the situation—the head boy.

As she waited in front of the Great Hall, for both Kris and the Headmistress, Lucia sighed. She knew that being head put a lot of pressure on your shoulders. She'd have to collaborate with Kris for school events (she looked most forward to the Halloween Ball), organize prefect duties and shifts, and make sure the student body was generally satisfied. She waited for a few minutes until Kris and Headmistress Granger arrived.

"Ms. Kwon! You're here already. Now that the both of you are present, please follow me to your dorms," Headmistress Granger began, turning to the right and walking down the hallway. Lucia and Kris trailed behind her silently.

Hermione Granger was, without a doubt, an excellent headmaster. Initially the Ministry of Magic had opposed such a young war hero becoming headmaster, and a woman, at that. After all, it was only 2008—ten years after Lord Voldemort (Lucia shuddered to think of him) had been defeated by Harry Potter, the so-called "Boy Who Lived."

Hermione, when she first became headmistress, saw that many changes were made at Hogwarts, along with the help of Draco Malfoy, who had become a rather close friend of hers. She was all for house unity. Slytherin had suffered a huge blow, in terms of numbers, pride, and reputation, after the war. Restrictions on the segregation of houses were dropped. Students could sit at any table they wanted in the Great Hall and also visit each others' common rooms, though the dormitories were still off-limits. Peeves the Poltergeist was fired and exiled to Ireland, as well as Myrtle, though she chose to visit the Netherlands. Her reign at Hogwarts influenced the Ministry, too. Hermione's beliefs for the Care of Magical Creatures and Human Rights were brought to attention, and werewolves, house-elves, centaurs, and other half-breeds were less judged and more cared for. In all honesty, Hermione Granger had brought more good to the Wizarding World than her best friends Harry Potter or Ronald Weasley.

Headmistress Granger brought them to a portrait that Lucia immediately recognized. "I-Is that—"

"'The Girl with a Pearl Earring'? Yes, the one and only," Headmistress Granger finished, smiling. "You know this?"

"Of course! It's my favorite painting of Vermeer! I thought that was at the Hague!" Lucia exclaimed, eyes twinkling.

"I apologize if I sound ignorant, Headmistress, but what exactly is the significance of this painting?" Kris joined the conversation, quite confused.

"This is a famous work by a Dutch painter named Johannes Vermeer. He was a muggle-born, but definitely not a muggle. Vermeer was a Ravenclaw, no doubt about it. Before his death he duplicated this painting and donated the original it to Hogwarts, then kept the duplicate in his workshop. It's been the Head dorms portrait ever since," the Headmistress informed him.

"Excuse me, I'd prefer if you don't talk about me as if I'm not here," said a quiet voice, coming from the portrait. "I have ears, you know."

Headmistress Granger clapped her hands. "Anyway, for now the password to your dorms is 'root beer float.' I suggest you change it now and periodically, though, because someone may overhear." She turned to the portrait and recited, "Root beer float."

The girl with a pearl earring bowed her head to the Headmistress and swung open, allowing a full view of the dormitories.

It was magnificent. In the immediate center, a coffee table and a sofa was arranged in front of a television. Behind the sofa and coffee table were two staircases leading up to two doors. To the left of the stairs, an embossed cherry wood dining table sat, along with the accompanying chairs. A door was adjoined to the dining room, most likely leading to a kitchen. On the right were several bookcases, as well as comfortable recliners and a small side table.

Headmistress Granger stepped into the dorms, gesturing for the two to follow her in. She led them to the coffee table, where two white envelopes sat. One was addressed to Lucia, and the other was addressed to Kris. "Open those in your rooms, please," the Headmistress stated, handing each of them their envelopes. "Within are basic instructions and duties for the heads, as well as personal instructions for each of you. I trust that you two will put aside personal squeamishes or grudges, because you'll have to work closely together this year. Remember that if you ever need any assistance or need advice, just come to me." She approached the bookcase and, scanning through the titles, picked out a book. "May I?"

Lucia nodded. "By all means, of course!"

Headmistress Granger nodded and smiled. "You remind me of when I was head girl."

Kris's eyes widened. "You were head girl?"

She nodded again. "They didn't reveal it to the public? After the war I went back to finish my seventh year."

"Who was the head boy?" Lucia asked.

"Head boy? Oh, it was Professor Malfoy, of course," Headmistress Granger answered, and walked to the portrait to exit the dorm. "Good luck, you two," she told them, a coy smile plastered on her face. The headmistress walked out of the portrait opening and it closed shut behind her.

Kris raised his hand suddenly. "I vote the password be Kris!"

Lucia furrowed her eyebrows. "No! That's so... fatuous! If someone would say your name near the dorms then they would have access! I vote it be 'handbag.'"

He rolled his eyes. "How typical of a girl. Anyway, if it's so 'fatuous,' I cast my vote to 'clocks.'"





Lucia groaned. "Okay, how about 'clockbag'?"

"That's stupid." Kris sighed. "Fine." He dashed up the staircase on the left, muttering clockbag to himself.

"Kris!" Lucia called. He paused and turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow.

Lucia hesitated. "Take…take care of my sister, Callie. Make sure she's not picked on or anything."

Kris's expression was unreadable as he swiftly turned and went back up the stairs.


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[dd] a year ago i began this fic! thank you all for your love and patience :)


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Chapter 11: crying at all the perf tbh!!
ugh ugh ugh all of the ships
are starting to sail in the chapters. ;;;; njmdksd.
them ships will end up being the death of me.
and i'm not sure whether i ship sunhwa/zelo or sunhwa/sehun.
can i just ship both ( /slapped )

the newest chapter gave me the chills omf.
jonghyun and myungsoo didn't fail to make me laugh lmao
they're both such narcissistic idiots, but it's their * ~charm ~*.
sunhwa is so great. yeah, u go girl! teach your bffs who's boss. - u-.

dasom and changjo, man. i can feel the tension.
changjo being the smart he is, tsk, tsk.
i wouldn't blame dasom if she were to whack him on the head or smthin.
whispers they're going to end up loving each other so it's ok.
#changsom sweg, sweg, sweg.

ok, this part freaking scared me.
ugh, i feel horrible for kris and lucia. i legit wanted to reach out and hug them.
esp lucia bby bc she was horrified and stricken with fear.
crying at 4 am omg bby please ;; too many emotions, too many.
and kris ugh that sweet lil .
"i meant it, i wanted her to have sweet dreams." njR COMFORT HER PLS, WUFAN.
sigh. 's gonna go down at hogwarts. i can feel it in my bones.
imagine how the rest of the staff is going to react one headmastah granger
tells them about the tragedy she and her students saw.

time to forget about the tragic event...
poor yeonhee bb though. like, the boy who bullied her needs a kick in the face. B|
he shouldn't even have the right to be named "yuhan" bc it's too close to luhan's name.
our luhannie is the sweetest, cute lil in existence.
so sweet of the two of them to talk things through. ; u;
noW KISS ( /slapped once more )

odg, this comment is super long i'm sorry.
pls do enjoy reading this lmao. and welcome back bby!
ily!! can't wait for the next update ~ <3
screams soo baby!!!
you're back omg i'm crying ;;
i've missed you and this story loads!! <333 jnksdnjsd.
no, stahp, you don't . you're wonderful, alright?
i'll reread everything rn and then comment once more. ;; <3
imveryloser #3
Chapter 11: omg soo i missed this so much shskakhsld.
thanks so much for updating. this was like a christmas present ; u ;
it was so beautiful ok. i see all the ships sailing rn i cant even???¿?

so sorry i can't write a longer comment ahh. i'm so busy but if i find
time i'll definitely come back okay? okay. i'mma anticipate the next
update qurl. just ilysm ahh. don't be sorry! i undertsnad about they
delay. i'm sure we're all grateful for it coming regardless hehehe cx
Chapter 11: uhm, we could never hate you. like ever.
just needed to get that one out there. <3
btw i really missed this story. like a lot.
thank you for updating. i'm more grateful for
the update, rather than mad for it being late.
/jumps in front of you to stop the rock pelting/

this isn't a long comment, i do realize that.
i won't bother you with my life story, but i
am just not in the mood to type a bigass comment.
sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry </3
Chapter 11: I am happy you are back, and I love the update :D Nooo...why would I hate you? ;_;
short comment bc i'm on mobile
but qurl the trailer is pAAARFECT
like how the f do you do that
the replay button is dead omfg

& yay for quidditch. c;
lol i can totally imagine the fans
back off girls

all hail soo yaaaay
plus you're back after like 3 months?!?!
imveryloser #7
Chapter 17: OK
ok srsly im back to comment a longer comment

< honestly i dont get why ppl say that but anyway >
IT WAS SO ~*~*~*~WOW*~*~*~*~~~
YOU SHALL BE HIRED!!!11!!!111!1
srsly tho i itchy to know who what those other charas are

quidditch tryouts man
i like quidditch yep~
alexander is a douchy little toushy uhm
or he's just got anger management probs
i saw that hunhan that was mentioned there hehehe
and wow luhan captain now thats attractive /creepface/
actually ew um look at all those fanhoars u have #no

#ha jokes
#i still sarang that deer's @$$ yep

why do you make it so hard tho
there's sunhun but then sunlo
sunhwa dont die omfg junhong save hER!!!!!
um excuse you you bludger go die how dare u!!1!11

now i don't make much sense rn i know
too much awshemness for me too handle sCREAMS
hUuUuUuSH i forgive u my lovely sENPAI < sobs >
gomen if this wasn't as long as should've been
k im out
thanks for the lovely update soo bb~ c':

[psst more updates tho okie i bEG U]
[yesseu i sarang u and ur face kbye]
Chapter 17: osm update man
just osm
i'm speechless