
Can't say goodbye(ONE SHOT)


The horn of the buses,cars,trucks, and even motorcycle makes my small eyes to be disturbed from

it’s  short slumber. Another fine regular day had arrived, the cold breeze that tends to passed by my

window and gives me shiver. There were no sun rays, only the sounds of the raindrops through the

balcony of my humble apartment where I’ve been staying for 4 years now. I lazily got up from my

comfy bed where I’ve been wishing to be laid for more than 4 hours every day.


I stripped off my clothes that I’ve been wearing since last night, I can’t even make myself change to

a comfy one before dropping myself to sleep. I step on the bath tub floor and let the warm water

rush down on my body, i close my eyes to feel the warmness and overcome the cold breeze that

covers my body. After a not too long warm shower I dry myself and slide on a long sleeve shirt and

my pants, I brush my hair with my hands and grab my bag pack, I used to have breakfast on my

way to my work since a cup of coffee and bread will do.


As I went out at the building of my apartment the cold wind of the month of December welcome me,

I take a hold on my arms and rub it to endure the coldness I felt, I’m walking alone at the cold

and peaceful street of Madrid where I work in such a long time and leave my own country. I

wear my jacket and put my hood on since a little drop of rain touches my skin, I pass by some

people who are busy on their own works on the streets, tourist that taking candid shots everywhere,

the busy employees of such busy office buildings, cars that passed by.


Everything seems not new to me. I'm walking with my head low since I’m a little bit sleepy,I need

to get a cup of coffee and bread for my breakfast when I pass by a flower shop, well I do pass

here every day but this is the only moment that a familiar flower capture my sight and brings me

back to a sweet memory that I treasure so much, the Lisianthus Stadium Flowers, It brings me back

to the memories at the time when I was seated at the waiting area of a florist and I was engrossed

on finding the right bouquet of flowers but there she was taking her seat beside me and showed me a

bouquet of purple and white flowers which she said the Lisianthus Stadium Flowers.

I can still remember the way she smiled at me that time, her sweet and genuine smile.

I snapped back from my thoughts and continue to walk towards the place where I can grab my

breakfast. I stop in front of a coffee shop and went inside. The sound of the door chain gets the

attention of not more than 5 customer of the shop as I open the door. I greeted the lady cashier and

ask for my order since I’m their regular customer they bound to know my order. I waited for my

order while roaming my eyes around the shop, an old man on his 60’s, reading a newspaper while

comfortably sitting at the bottom of the shop and taking a sip on his coffee, a woman with her

glasses on to hide her sore eyes smelling her cup of hot choco, 2 girl students who bound to passed by

to grab a cappuccino to endure the coldness of the weather and a lady wearing a light blue dress,

taking a  sip on her coffee while reading a book that really reminds me of her.

Seohyin loves to read while having a coffee with me. That time we’re talking about the details of the

wedding, how many invited people, where’s the reception, the church, everything. A smile escaped

from my lips while reminiscing that moment when Anna, the lady cashier gave my breakfast. I paid

for it and walk out at the shop. It’s only 20 mins walk until I arrive on my workplace, on a photo



I’m a photographer, this is what I want. I got paid to take shots in every special event even some

magazines shots will do. I check my schedule which I always do every time I step my feet in here.

A family portrait, a baby’s christening and a wedding shots. As I put down my bag my work started. A

regular day for me since the day I leave korea for Madrid, I left for good. After 5 hours of working

I’m really exhausted but I have one and last work, the wedding shots. I prepare my camera and

change it’s lens,I adjusted the lights just then the groom and the bride went in at the studio. I was

amazed how they look good together then that’s when seohyin features blind me again.

The time she wear her wedding dress, she’s so beautiful and look so perfect, the white clean color of

her dress really fit on her skin. The way I hold her hands and squeeze it lightly that gives shiver

down on me. The way we exchanges smiles to each other, I snap that out and continue on working.

After some candid shots for the couple it’s finally my time to go home. It’s already 10 in the evening

and it’s the start of crowded streets,night markets, bar openings and some random night out place.

The life starts here in Madrid when the sunset occurs and the moon rise up. Again the cold breeze

touches my skin, I rub my hands together to get warm, korea can be cold like this especially at

night where I have seohyin by my side, having some talks, crack up some jokes and share our feelings.


How can I forget the girl that I love since the day I first met her. The one that give light on my life,

that makes me smile and the only one that makes my heart beats so fast. I remember the day that

we used to walk together, she will hold my hand every now and then. How I love every detail about

herself, it feels really good for me. I’m in a deep thought that I didn’t notice that I was already in

front of my apartment door. I unlock the door with my key and went inside, I toss my bag and

slip out my shoes. I went straight to my laptop to check my mails that I use to put in the trash

after I read it. I got lot of message since the last week of November that I suppose to read last

night but I’m too tired to check it.

A message from Baekhyun


-hey kyungso-ah. How are you? It’s been a while huh

I have news for you. I'm getting married!! can you congratulate me?

Come over to greet me personally, I’m looking forward to it bro..


Then from suho


-we’ve been trying to reach you, I hope you got our mails. We really miss you.

Please send us some message. A simple hello will do.


Another from sehun



I really miss you, dare to send me message..please…
by the way I have a good news for you.. you want to know it?..i’ll tell you.. ^^

Me and Kai already have a girlfriend!!


I smile reading the young one’s message and I’m happy for baekhyun. I scroll down to read another

messages that came from the same sender, baekhyun, suho and sehun, my childhood friends. After

reading all my messages I mark them all and put on the trash.

I was about to log out my account when I got  a new message.

I hesitantly open it when I saw the name of the sender but I take a courage to point my cursor and open it. are you? Remember me? You’re silly if you don’t.. ><

I just want to tell you that I really miss you, where did you go?

Even the boys didn’t know where you are, we’re getting worried now.

You’re always with me on preparing my wedding all day but you didn’t come to my wedding and you suddenly disappear without telling where’d you go.

I’m just wishing that you’re ok and please send me some message. 

By the way I just want to tell you that I have a baby girl now, so nice right?

I keep talking about you to my son when he was a toddler until now when he turns 3 and I think I have another one long story to tell for my daughter. I eagerly want to show to you my beautiful babies.

I want them to know that I have a great, loving, nice and the most handsome bestfriend.

I love you kyungso-ah.. ^^

From: seohyin



I bitterly smile after reading it, I click mark and put it on the trash. Poor me right? I’ve been inlove

with my bestfriend since then and that leads me to hide myself here in the peaceful city of Madrid.

I’m kyungso, Do Kyungso, the guy that fell inlove with his bestfriend and can’t bare the pain from the

truth that she already had someone else, someone that she loved and that was not me. That’s why I

can’t say goodbye.




sorry for the typos and wrong grammar..^_^

hope you like my first story for exo's one shot..

another story coming soon...


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Cabinet #1
Chapter 2: please update soon
Park_HyeSun #2
Chapter 1: Mmh, the story's okay. I mean, I predicted that he was in love with this Seohyin girl but I didn't know that they kept in touch until the very end. /nods/

...If you want some constructive criticism, there's some here for you. If you don't want it... I guess you should just skip the rest of my soon-to-be lengthy comment. ^^;

When one writes the word (to) and places an action word after it (push, glare, pass), it is simply written like this. (to push, to glare, to pass). Even if you're writing in past tense - which I think you intended to do, but you kind of mixed present tense in this too... - the words remain like that. For example, (The moment she realized that she was underwater, she began to panic because she could not swim. So you see, it's /to panic/ and not /to panicked/. ^^)

I'm not here to say your story was bad or anything synonymous to that okay? ;A; I was just giving my honest opinion. (: Here, have a cookie. If you decided to read this whole thing and your feelings were hurt by the insensitive me. ;~;