Chapter 4

I will wait for you


“Ugh! I hate this!” Yuri said while parking her car at the garage of their house. She touched her lips and can’t stop reminiscing about what had just happened a while ago. “But I like it.” She smiled.
“Uggghhh!!” She groaned to herself again.
“What’s wrong?” Yuri almost jumped into her seat because of the sudden appearance of Jessica.
“H-huh? Nothing.” Yuri got down of the car and kissed Jessica.
“Okay. How’s work?” Jessica wrapped her right arm around Yuri’s waist.
“Work?” Yuri said and smiled. Jessica noticed it.
“You seem to be happy huh? Is it successful?”
“Oh yeah, It’s nice there. I love working there.” 
“That’s good. You should sometimes invite your boss here. I should thank him or her.”
Jessica nodded. “You behave huh? Be a good girl!”
Yuri nodded slightly and felt guilty.
“By the way, dinner’s ready. You know, mom loves to cook for you.” Then they enter the house.
Tiffany and Taeyeon are busy giving invitations to the invited people.
“I never thought this would be so exhausting.”
“We can do this. One more person left.”
*Ding dong*
“Good evening.” Taeyeon and Tiffany bowed as a sign of respect. “Is Jessica there auntie?”
“Yes. Come in.”
While Mrs. Jung is calling Jessica, Tiffany can’t stop herself but roam her eyes around the house. She really misses it. A
few minutes later, Jessica, together with Yuri got down.
“Do you want juice? Coffee? Water?” Mrs. Jung asked.
“No, thanks auntie. We’ll not stay any longer.” Tiffany declined.
“What brought you here? It’s late.” Jessica asked while pointing outside.
“We’ll just give your invitation. Our wedding would be next month.”
Jessica’s eyes widened. “It’s a little bit fast huh?”
“Yeah. I can’t steal Fany to you anymore.” Yuri winked at Tiffany. Jessica glared and Yuri immediately mouthed a sorry to her.
“So, we need to go. We hope to see you guys on the wedding.” Taeyeon said.
“Sure. It’s our pleasure.” 
“Auntie, we need to go. Bye!” Tiffany shouted before she gets out of the house.
“No problem! Take care.” Mrs. Jung, who’s on the kitchen, went out and waved goodbye to Tiffany.
After one month, it’s finally the wedding day of Tiffany and Taeyeon. They’re both excited to see each other and exchange I do’s in front of many people. Taeyeon can’t also hide her happiness and excitement to see Tiffany walking on the nave.
“Tiff, are you ready?” Jessica said while knocking on the door. “Open up.”
Tiffany opened the door.
“Hey, why are you crying?” Jessica asked. “Tears of joy, aren’t it?”
Tiffany nodded. Jessica let out a sigh and hugged the beautiful bride in front of her.
“Congratulations.” Jessica paused for a while. “I’m so happy for you. I’m sorry again for what I’ve done. If our business stayed successful and didn’t came to the point that we’re bankrupt... maybe I am the one who’s---“
“Fany-ah, come on. The car is ready.” The receptionist said.
“Sure.” Tiffany replied. When the receptionist was gone, Tiffany finally spoke up.
“Thanks Jessi. Forget about that. I gotta go bride’s maid.” Tiffany smiled at Jessica before leaving the room.
Jessica just nodded and continued her few words that were interrupted a while ago.
“Waiting for you to walk on the nave, not Taeyeon.” Jessica doesn’t know why she wanted to say that. It just came out from . But she’s a lil bit thankful that the receptionist interrupted her because she knows that she will just ruin Tiffany’s peaceful mind and especially the wedding.
“Taeyeon and Tiffany have chosen each other from the many men and women of the earth, have declared their love and purpose before this gathering, and have made their pledge each to the other symbolized by the holding of hands and the giving and receiving of rings. Therefore, I declare that they are husband and wife. May they find here the good beginning of their married life and the fruitfulness of many years. You may kiss the bride.”
Taeyeon kissed Tiffany passionately. The people were blushing and applauding.
“They’re so cute.” Yuri shrieked while clapping her hands.
Jessica smiled. “Yes they are.”
Yul, I wanna see you. I miss you so bad.
- Yoona
Yuri excused herself to Jessica and dialed the number of Yoona.
“Hello Yul? Let’s meet.”
“Uhh, I’m kinda busy here. I’m on a wedding ceremony. Talk to you later.” Yuri was about to hung up when Yoona
spoke on the other line.
“Please? Let’s meet.” Yuri knows that Yoona is pouting and that is her weakness.
“Yah! Stop pouting! Fine, we will meet.”
“Really? Yehey! At the park huh? Bye.”
Then they hung up. When Yuri got out of the comfort room, she asked permission to Jessica.
“Sica baby, I need to go. My boss said, she needs to talk to us.”
“Huh? It’s Sunday today, so why do you need to go there?” 
“I don’t know either.”
“Okay then. But go home before midnight.”
Yuri nodded and smiled. She left the church excitedly ‘coz of the fact that she’ll see Yoona.
Because of Yoona’s excitement, she went to the park after they hung up. She was waiting there for almost an hour and until now; she doesn’t see even a shadow of Yuri. She checked her watch and sighed.
“I’ve been waiting here for almost an hour.” Yoona sat down on a swing and starts to enjoy herself.
“Yoong, I can’t come. Sorry.” A text message from the person she’s been waiting for almost an hour. She picked up a small stone and threw it as far as she could to ease her anger.
“OUCH!” A sudden voice from afar. Yoona was taken aback. She runs to find where the voice came from.
“Yuri?! I thought you weren’t coming?”
“Babo. I just want to surprise you but unfortunately, you threw a stone on me and hit me on my head!” Yuri complained. Yoona smiled at her cute expression.
“Yah! I’m serious here! I’m hurt!” 
“You’re so cute!” Yoona pinched Yuri’s cheeks. She kissed the part where Yuri was hit by the stone. “Does it still hurt?”
“Yes. Here.” Yuri pointed at the other side of her head.
“I hit that part?” Yoona asked, confused.
“It hurts!”
“Okay. Calm down.” Yoona kissed her again. “Is it okay now?”
“Where else?” 
“Here.” Yuri pointed at her lips. Yoona can’t help but blush at Yuri’s cheesiness. Yoona kissed Yuri’s lips.
“Oh gosh. Is that Yuri?” Tiffany said while tapping the arms of Taeyeon to get the latter’s attention.
“huh? Where?” Taeyeon followed the index finger of Tiffany to where it is pointed. Her jaw dropped. “Oh my God.”
Tiffany and Taeyeon both looked at Jessica who was staring at Yuri and the girl who is lip locking. Jessica was wearing a blank face.
“I saw that face before.” Tiffany thought.
Jessica decided a while ago to have a ride with Tiffany because Yuri wasn’t there to drive for her.
“Jessi.” Tiffany hold the hands of Jessica who is still staring at the couple.
“Stop the car.” Jessica said coldly.
The driver followed the command. He stopped and Jessica got down of it. Tiffany was about to follow her when Taeyeon stopped her. She looked at Taeyeon but she just shook her head.
Meanwhile, the couple was enjoying each other’s company. They’re enjoying the beautiful sunset.
“Hmm?” Yoona said while leaning her head into Yuri’s shoulder.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” The girl behind them spoke. The voice was very familiar to Yuri. Her heart beats fast not because of the girl’s affection to her, but because she’s nervous. This is the moment she doesn’t want Jessica to see.
“S-sica. W-what are you doing here?” Yuri stuttered.
“You know that I don’t love you or even like you a little before. But I learned to open my heart and love you. You are not difficult to be loved Yuri so I fell in love with you.” Jessica said softly between her sobs.
“Let me explain Sica.” Yuri grabbed the hands of Jessica and squeezed it lightly.
“Explain what? You promised me.”
Jessica removed the hands of Yuri from hers.
“I’m sorry Sica.” Yuri looked straightly into Jessica’s eyes. “Forgive me please.” Yuri kneeled down with tears falling from her eyes. Jessica didn’t response to Yuri. Instead, she looked at Yoona and smiled.
“She’s yours.” With that, Jessica left and got back to the car which is waiting for her. Yuri and Yoona was both left frozen at their place.
“Yul, stand up.” Yoona said while helping Yuri to stand up.”I’m sorry.”
Yuri smiled at her. She knew that it was a fake one. “It’s not your fault.”
“But if---“
“Come on. I’ll drive you home.” Yuri cut her off. Yoona has nothing to do but follow Yuri. She doesn’t want to bother Yuri for now. Seeing Yuri like that is not really nice to see. It’s all new to Yoona. That’s her first time seeing Yuri so quiet and hurt.
“This is my fault.” Yoona thought.
-_- Guys, just tell me the mistakes in here. i feel dizzy.
Sorry for the short update. Need to rest now.
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Chapter 11: Love it.. Thanks
Chapter 6: Is Taeyeon sick ? 🥺
Chapter 11: Jetiss
Chapter 11: I like it although it's a little bit rush in the last 3 chapter ...
Thank you for sharing :))
Jeti48 #5
Poor taeyeon....

But happy for my Jeti ....
Chapter 11: oh my Tae Tae T.T wae????
rhaedcliffe #7
Chapter 11: tnx 4 the story! JeTi <3
Chapter 11: TaeTae T__T TaeNy <333

Congrats JeTi thx that they happy ^^
Chapter 11: It ended .. I really like your story Author .. THanks for your hard work ^_^
Chapter 9: let jeti be together.....