Final Chapter - Please Don't...

Please Don't...(One Shot)

A/N: Hello! Sorry it took so long to write this! I had a hard time figuring out the way I wanted the chapter. I hope you all enjoy it!



Chanyeol....just no...just stop...just-I can't...*sigh*


Chapter 1Please don’t…

Please don’t, please don’t leave
Don’t know why, Don’t know why
It’s not even raining but outside the window
You grow white and farther apart

"Kris...we are getting married."

Kris blinked in surprise and stared at the couple in front of him. “Excuse me?” The couple giggles at Kris’ response and Chanyeol says, “Baekhyun and I are getting married.” Kris could feel his heart break and tears fill his eyes but he tried to hide his pain with a smile. “I’m happy for you guys.” But Kris was feeling the complete opposite. He wanted to be the one in Chanyeol’s arms, he wanted to be the one with the ring, and he wanted to be Chanyeol’s husband. Kris knew he should have told Chanyeol his feelings sooner. Now Chanyeol is getting married and he can’t do anything about it.

After the announcement, Kris has been trying to avoid the couple. He sulked on the stairs like he usually did until an annoying bacon sizzled by. A pair of hands squeezed his cheeks tight and pulled on them. “Yah~ someone is grumpy.” Kris groaned in annoyance and shoved the hands away. “Stop it Baekhyun. Don’t you have a wedding to plan?” Baekhyun giggled and said, “Don’t be mean. You know you love me.” Kris scoffed and said, “In your dreams.”

"I know you love him." Kris looks at Baekhyun who was staring at him with a smirk on his face. Kris tries to act cool but he knows he's nervous. "What are you talking about?" Baekhyun steps closer and closes in on Kris. "You know exactly what I mean. Too bad it will never work. He proposed to me, not you." Kris laughed at Baekhyun and said, "You're full of ." He walked away from Baekhyun but ran into Chanyeol along the way. Chanyeol greets him with a smile and says, "Ayo wassup Krease?” Baekhyun gasps in surprise and runs over to Chanyeol and hugs him. Kris instantly puts on his best smile and says, “Just dealt with a little pest problem. Nothing too big.” Chanyeol stared at him with a confused look and leaned his head to the side. “Pest problem?” Kris was directing the ‘pest problem’ part to Baekhyun who was sticking his tongue out at Kris.

Chanyeol forgets his confusion when he remembers why he came home. He smiles at Kris and says, “Best man! I am having a suit fitting today and I want you to be the judge.” Before Kris could answer, Chanyeol grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the car. “We’ll be back soon Baekhyunnie~~~” The car ride to the fitting was quiet. Kris didn’t want to speak; his heart was too broken up to speak. The fact his best friend (who he has feelings for) is now getting married is too much for Kris.

His hands fiddled with a loose string on his shirt until Chanyeol coughed to get his attention. “So…have you considered dating yet?” Kris stared out the window; trying to avoid Chanyeol’s gaze as he spoke. “There was this guy named Tao but he wasn’t my type. He was good in bed but he just wasn’t my type.” Chanyeol answered, “You need to open up your eyes. I don’t want my best friend to end up all alone for the rest of his life. Ever since high school, you’ve always rejected every girl and guy whoever asked you out. Why can’t you at least try?” Kris could feel anger build up in his heart and he couldn’t control himself as he yelled, “Because there’s always been one person in my heart!” The outburst surprised Chanyeol and he stared at Kris with wide-eyes. “Who is it?” Kris took a deep breath and stared at Chanyeol intensely. “It’s you.”

Chanyeol stared at Kris with surprise and Kris stared back with tears in his eyes. The younger of the two spoke first. “I never knew. I’m …so sorry.” Kris laughed but there was no humor in his voice. “It’s okay. I’m an idiot for not telling you sooner. Let’s just get this thing over and done with.” Kris turned back to the window and refused to look at Chanyeol anymore.  Chanyeol sighed and turned to the front as he drove.

Letting you go is not as easy as it sounds
I turn away, not being able to see you leave me

Chanyeol stood in front of the mirror as he put on his fifth suit. Kris was picky when it came to fashion so he wasn’t surprised when Kris rejected the first few. You could never be “perfect” with Kris. Chanyeol sighed and walked out onto the platform and walked towards Kris. Kris stared at Chanyeol; speculating the suit and he sighed in annoyance. “You didn’t tie correctly.” He walked towards Chanyeol and stood close as he loosened the tie. “What did you do? It’s a total mess.” His hands began to work on the tie and Chanyeol could feel Kris’ warm breath on his neck. Chanyeol’s heart began to race but he doesn’t know why. He loves Baekhyun, he knows that he loves Baekhyun but having Kris this close made him flustered. Kris pulled away all too soon and smiled. “There you go. It’s fixed.” Chanyeol felt disappointment but tried to stay calm. I cannot like my best friend. I am getting married in a few weeks. I CANNOT like my best friend. Stay calm. Chanyeol snap out of it! Just because Kris confessed to you doesn’t mean you like him!

“I like this one.”

Chanyeol blinked out of his mental battle and turned to his best friend who smiled. “I like this suit. You should get it.” He turned to the mirror and stared at himself. The suit was a plain black and tight; to bring out his slim legs and arms; and a (perfectly tied) black bowtie to finish the suit.

[Link to see Chanyeol’s suit.]

Chanyeol didn’t know when Kris came up behind him until a pair of hands rested on his shoulder. He looked up at the mirror to see Kris staring at him with a smile on his face. “You look very handsome. I’m very jealous of the bride.” Chanyeol could feel his heart race as he stared back at Kris’ gaze.

“You must be the couple!”

The two turned to see the owner of the suit shop smiling at them. “You two look very happy together.” Kris laughed and said, “We’re not-“ The owner interrupted Kris and said, “Oh don’t be so shy. I always see couples like you in my shop. All happy and giddy before the big day. I just have one question, who is the groom and who is the “bride”?” Kris decided to play along and wrapped his arm around Chanyeol’s waist. “I am the groom and he is my “bride”.” The owner squealed and said, “You boys look so cute together. Well don’t mind me; I’m going back to my own business. Let me know if you need any help.” Kris kept his arm wrapped around Chanyeol until the owner spoke with another customer. He laughed in amusement and turned to Chanyeol who was still confused by the situation he was put in.

“Did you…make me the BOTTOM?!”

Kris turned to the angry Chanyeol. Chanyeol was furious by the fact he was made the bottom. (His pride as a top was his only pride.) Kris smirked and said, “What? You think you can top me? I am a few inches taller than you and stronger.” Chanyeol stuck his tongue out before loosening his bowtie and walking back into the dressing room.

We sit next to each other in the car but there is no music
I always held your left hand but now you’re picking at your lips

The ride back to the house was quiet and awkward. No music played in the background; just the sound of the car engine filled the silence. Kris rested his head on his hand as he stared at the night sky. He was still embarrassed by the fact he told Chanyeol about his feelings so boldly. He was trying to hold onto the last of his pride that he had left. Chanyeol turned to Kris who was staring out the window. “Kris…I hope you can get over my feelings for me. I don’t want to get married and have you waiting for me. I don’t want you wasting your life waiting for someone like me.” Kris turned to Chanyeol and said, “Don’t say stuff like that. Don’t make it sound like we will never see each other again. We can still be the trio we’ve always been.”

Chanyeol pulled into the driveway into the house and turned off the car so all the lights were off. He leaned in close and whispered to Kris. “Remember when we watched Sherlock Holmes 2? Holmes wasn’t with Watson and Mary when they went to live together. This is the same thing. Baekhyun and I are going to live our lives; living together and growing old together. We might adopt kids and have a dog or two but…you need to live your own life. I don’t want you waiting for me, for nothing.” Kris couldn’t take it anymore and pressed his lips to Chanyeol. Chanyeol jumped in surprise and brought his hands to Kris’ chest and tried to push him away. Kris grabbed onto his arms roughly and pulled him closer. He tried to deepen the kiss but knew Chanyeol wouldn’t respond. He let go roughly and got out of the car.

Kris didn’t go inside the house; he ran away. For the next few weeks, Chanyeol and Baekhyun never saw Kris again until the day of the wedding. Chanyeol was at the front door greeting people as they walked in and saw Kris smiling brightly at him. Chanyeol sighed and said, “I thought I would never you see again.” Chanyeol grabbed a hold of Kris and hugged him tight. “I’m so sorry.” Kris patted his back and pulled away. “We wouldn’t want your bride to get jealous. Speaking of the devil, where is he?” A sudden yell broke out through the house, “WUFAN!” Kris turned to see an angry Baekhyun stomping towards him. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU PABO?! I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK!” Kris laughed and said, “I missed you too. What? No dress? I thought brides wore dresses.” The shorter one said, “We figured it would be easier for people to see me in a suit than a dress. People might be too freaked out if they saw me in a dress.” Kris scoffed. “They came to watch two gay guys get married. How much more freaked out can you get?” Baekhyun stuck out his tongue before grabbing both Chanyeol’s and his hand. “You two get in your places at the altar. I’ll greet the rest.”

Kris and Chanyeol walked silently towards the altar. Chanyeol smiled towards Kris and said, “I missed you a lot. I thought you got kidnapped or abducted by aliens or something.” Kris laughed but kept avoiding Chanyeol’s gaze. “I just stayed at a friend’s house for awhile. Since you guys will be gone for your honeymoon, I will probably move back in temporarily until you guys come back.” Chanyeol frowned at Kris. “Why don’t you just stay with us both? We obviously missed you terribly, what would we do without you? Forget what I said in the car; just live with us.” Kris stopped walking and smiled towards Chanyeol. “I can’t. I can’t be there when you guys adopt a kid and I can’t be there when you guys buy new pets for your home. That’s not my life. That’s your life. I can’t live with you two. I have to live my own life.”

Kris could see the sadness in Chanyeol’s eyes and hugged him tightly. “I’ll be fine. I’ve always been able to manage on my own. Now don’t cry or else your bride will punch me for making you cry.”

Please don’t, please don’t leave
Come back (come back) come back (come back)
I will hold onto the remaining scent
So come back to your place

The wedding began and the melody for “Here Comes the Bride” filled the room and everyone turned their heads to the entrance. Baekhyun walked down the aisle with a smile on his face and pink flowers in his hands. Chanyeol smiled as widely as he could as he stared at the beautiful sight in front of him. His heart raced as he watched Baekhyun come closer and closer to the altar. Soon Baekhyun stood in front of him and had a beautiful smile on his face. Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hands into his and they listened to the pastor begin the ceremony.

Kris didn’t take his spot at the altar as the “best man”; he wanted to watch the couple from afar. He felt tears run down his face as he watched Chanyeol and Baekhyun do their “I do’s.” The pastor said the last words, “You may kiss the bride.” The crowd cheered as Chanyeol and Baekhyun kissed. Claps and cheers filled the air of the room and the newlywed couple smiled happily towards their guests. Chanyeol caught a glimpse of Kris smiling at him before leaving. Chanyeol turned towards Baekhyun and whispered, “I will be right back. I need to grab Kris.” Baekhyun smiled towards him before Chanyeol left to find Kris.

Chanyeol found Kris outside leaning his arms on the balcony and resting his head in between his hands. The boy smiled before tapping Kris’ shoulder. “Found you.” Kris looked at Chanyeol with surprise. “Shouldn’t you be taking wedding photos?” Chanyeol grabbed a hold of Kris’ wrist and started to pull him back inside. “I wanted you to take one with us.” Kris nodded. “It’s alright. I need to get going anyway. I’m a very busy man.” Chanyeol wouldn’t listen; he pulled onto Kris’ arm until they made it back to the altar. Baekhyun waved Chanyeol and Kris over as cameras kept flashing. Baekhyun linked his arms with Kris’ and Chanyeol’s and they smiled at the cameras. Kris only half smiled but you could still see the pain in his eyes.

After the photos were taken, Kris went to his car and went for a long drive. The road became blurry as tears kept falling down his eyes. He couldn’t take it anymore and parked on the side of the road. He pulled out one of the photos taken and stared at it before ripping it in half. He brought it together and hid Baekhyun so it was him and Chanyeol. The tears fell faster and he wished he could turn back time; when he was in high school so he could tell Chanyeol his feelings right there and then. Maybe if he did that, Kris would be the one at the altar; not Baekhyun. He wishes Chanyeol could have loved him back.

Please don’t (please) don’t leave please (please)
Come back (come back) come back (come back)
On top of the empty seat you left
only your cold scent remains

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed!! Please leave comments and subscribe to my other stories!

Chanyeol GIFs!!!





I just...I can't...what is wrong with you?? Are you okay?







Gifs belong to Tumblr users! (Whoever they may be)

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That awkward moment when you lose a subscriber because you didn't give the ending they wanted xD


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Chapter 1: That hurts so much oh my god.
onkeyslove #2
Chapter 1: i ship krisbaek rathrr than baekyeol. i read this bc of krisyeol though. so youve been hurt me
Mr_Koala #3
Chapter 1: No… ;______; my krisyeol feels
Alternate ending?
Chapter 1: Have I ever told you that I loved you? Come on, you write good Myungyeol stories and now you're writing beautiful Krisyeol stories? Ohmygod. Anyways, I really enjoyed reading this. It was sad. Poor Kris. I got teary eyed when Kris repeated what Chanyeol said to him in the car. That was so sad. :c The ending was too, but I smiled like an idiot when Kris said Chanyeol was his 'bride'. This couple is just so asdfghjkl. I look forward to more of your krisyeol stories. (:
Palabra_viva #5
Chapter 1: I cried at the end!!! I knew what was going to happen but I still couldn't help but cry my heart out and then again I can't really watch the mv without crying.......I really want Kris happy!!!! (T_T)
I was the same way when I saw the video. Didn't expect Anything like that. I also have an "obsession" with Chanyeol ans his iness.

His awsomticity! (I made that word up) and cuteness all must love! :3
Mr_Koala #7
Please don't leave Kris to suffer ;_____;
Update soon ~ <3
fuyeahkrisyeol #8
agree with nfam90, please make a different ending ;__; i kennot imagine kris will suffer ;;;;